Chapter 1208 Missing the Huns in my hometown]

“You may not know, if we ask Zhao Gao to wait in this place now, he will definitely have some problems halfway now. There are some things that they can’t understand at all.”

“I just saw that when they raised the torch in that place, they seemed to have made a killing action. He said that it is not a plan that has been arranged in this place now.

On the surface, it was calm and calm in this place, but in fact they didn’t understand how to deal with this matter.

“Have you ever thought, if we now say that once they are made to be abolished in this place, then no one knows this matter, what will happen next?”

“If we are dealing with these things in this place now, they will think in their hearts that we are deliberately provoking them, and we better not say so much now.”

“Don’t say these useless words now. I want you 980 to stay away from this place. You understand what I mean. Of course I want to protect you very much. Stay away from this place now. Can’t you please?”

“Okay, if that’s the case, then you can talk about it. Why are they so rampant at this point? They still light a lot of lanterns. They definitely want to declare war with us.

“No, I just think they miss their hometown. The place where they Huns is is a large stretch of grassland. If I remember correctly, that place is really vast.”

“General Meng Tian has been fighting south and north. He knows a lot about this world, so I believe what he says. Let’s not think too much about him now. Let’s do our own thing now. Whatever is at hand will do.”

“When we actually meet, we must talk to them. If they say that they violate our territory in this place, one day we will level their hometown.”

As long as they can talk about this matter for such a reason, they will definitely be particularly scared in their hearts.

“You should know what I mean. We must now let him know what we mean by these words. They will definitely be waiting in this place.”

“I think we should let this Bo’er investigate the situation now. He is a child. In such a lively environment, no one will notice him.

“Actually, I think so in my heart, but I don’t think we should be so impulsive now, because you don’t know. Although he said he is a child, no one knows whether other people remember it. His face.”

“If you remember Bo’er’s face, then they will know that it is ours. Maybe they will catch him as soon as possible and lock him in a small black room.

Bo’er, although he said he was the son of General Meng Tianda (aibd), he was only a child anyway, and he was really special now.

“I know he is a child. Don’t say that. We have to test a little bit now. He is my son. I have the final say on this matter. Bo’er, go now.

“In the afternoon, he had already slept in this carriage, so he is now in a state of vigor. We must now use his identity as a child to inquire about the situation. This is more foolproof.

“It’s best not to say such nasty things now. I have been talking to you for a long time, so I must wait more in this place.”

“I know what you mean, but I still think it’s best for us to stay away from this place directly.

“Are you sure? If we stay away from this place now, I’m afraid this matter will not be so easy to handle.

“I know what you mean, but I think we should let this person see where we are now, so they will be scared.”

“They are not afraid of these talents. You really look down on them now. They have been in this place for such a long time, and their psychological quality is very strong.”

“I know what you mean. Besides, Bao’er and Gu Changying are both his sons now. We must protect the safety of both of them now so that General Meng Tian can do things with peace of mind.”

“I think we’d better be calm and calm now, otherwise this little child will definitely feel unbalanced in his heart. After he completes this task, he must be rewarded.”

Yingzheng knows that children are very playful, and it is their nature to love to play, so he will be rewarded with a lot of toys in the future and let him play well.

“Have you found that this thing is not so good at all? Are we too sloppy when we are doing things now?”.

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