Chapter 1179 Being in the blessing and not knowing the blessing]

“What kind of fancy clothes, some of their Huns will not change clothes at all. They will definitely wear them now. Their very distinctive clothes are in this. We will know when we go in and take a look.”

Some people start to become impulsive, so let them not do this now.

“They look arrogant on the surface, but I think we shouldn’t let them be so arrogant now. We have to hit them directly now.”

Everyone knows what this principle is. If you let them continue to descend in this place now, they will be endless.

“You know what I mean, some of them don’t care about what is good or bad. Now they will just rush upwards.”

“I know, don’t worry, I think we still have to see who their true identities are, especially if they are from the Huns, we will immediately kill them in the cradle.”

The Huns are a very ambitious race, and they will definitely publicize how good they are to the people in this place now. These statements and practices of them are really unhappy.

“You must not be trained by some of them. I think we should now let this General Meng Tian lead soldiers in this place to fight. We must give them a little color to see, otherwise they don’t know what it is. Really awesome.”

Other things are indifferent, and now they must be made aware of how to deal with this matter.

“Don’t do too much. We don’t know. When doing these things, we can deal with these problems well.”

They have to be calm, otherwise they don’t know how to deal with this situation, especially this place is full of dangers, and they don’t know what will happen next.

“They will definitely feel that this matter is very rigorous now. We must now get them to cheer up again. This is what we are going to do.”

“I know, don’t worry, they, the Huns, will surely plant some hidden seeds in this place. Now we must continue to cultivate this seed, and then let it take root and sprout.

As long as they can find some trouble for them, then this matter can go on smoothly. Every time Yingzheng thinks of such a thing, he feels that he is definitely capable of such a task now.

“Don’t think about it too much, just take care of it in this place slowly.”

They must now think that there will be some other people in this inn, such as those who wander the rivers and lakes of the same way or some heroes.

“We Daqin will definitely get better and better. Some people, these people, simply don’t understand how good it is to live in such a country where the country is rich and talented, because they don’t know the blessing in the blessing.”

Yingzheng smiled and didn’t mean to say more to them. She felt that she had to seize this opportunity now.

On such a matter, as long as you have a good talk with them, then all this will be very smooth to win politics, and it is extremely clear in my heart.

0……Look for flowers…

“Have you noticed that we are standing in this place right now? They don’t dare to move at all now. Should we be trying to move the tiger away from the mountain? I heard that they seem to be holding a meeting in this place today. .”

The content of their discussion is estimated to be how they should act next. If they say that once they are allowed to act directly like this, then they will lose money in winning the government.

“We must stay in this place for a while now, and we must not go to nonsense.”


Although some of them seem to be very submissive on the surface, in fact they have no idea how to deal with this problem.

“From the root cause, aren’t they particularly afraid of us now? Then we will make them even more afraid. Anyway, we are very powerful in this place, and they don’t dare to compete with us now.”

Yingzheng feels that as the person in the highest position in the world, he must lead these people to break through some limits.

“We only need to take down this Huns, then our next life will definitely be very rich. Do you want to live such a rich life now?”

If they were brought over and these materials were directly intercepted halfway, then their supply could be cut off directly in this place.

“Now take a group of people and carefully observe the marching route of the people they came out. If there are people who are responding to them, you should go and check it immediately. You should understand what I mean. .”factory,

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