Chapter 1180 Secret Operation]

As long as these people can be found, then the next plan will be perfect. As long as their supplies are cut off, then they won’t be able to stay in this place for long.

“Sing, I think we are really getting better and better. Now we have to wait a little bit with them in this place to see what we can agree on.

“Yes, you can just follow our original plan now, don’t be the other people.”

If this matter has shocked other people, then they will definitely have some flustered wins, but they don’t want to be like this at all.

“Nine-Sixty Zero” don’t let too many people know about this. We have to act secretly, especially those who look calm on the surface of the shoes, but are actually doing other things behind their backs.”

Meng Tian immediately understood the meaning of winning the government. The meaning of winning the government was very clear. There seemed to be some internal traitors in their team.

“How can there be such people in our team? So when I said this, I think I underestimated them. They are now extending this claw into our interior.”

After the people around them inquired about such an intention to win the government, they were very surprised in their hearts.They never thought that winning the government would make this thing so perfect. I didn’t expect you to be able to catch the leader of the Huns.

“These leaders of the Huns, they will definitely commit suicide in this place in the end, because I think they will commit death in this place after they can’t complete the task of recession now.

Ying Zheng knew very well in his heart that if they were really allowed to die in this place, then such a crime would be imposed on Da Qin’s head, and such a black nest would never be reckoned by himself.

“We will definitely not take the blame for them. They can do whatever they want now. We must not care about them now. Besides, we also have our own plans now. What they want to do now is actually for us. It has little effect.

“Are you sure you want to be like this? To be honest, I think we still have to take it slowly now, and don’t mess up this one thing.”

“Don’t think about it this way. Now that we have made a decision, you must go smoothly.

As long as you can help them, no matter how far this thing is done, it is worth it. Recall those things that happened when you just became the heir to the throne.

“When I just ascended to the throne, some very unbelievable things happened, but it also made me settled one by one. Do you remember how I settled it in the first place?

General Meng Tian was very impressed by this matter. He watched the victory gradually become stronger, so he was very clear about these ideas of winning the government.

“Of course I remember that when you were the leader of a country, you were really very sharp, but I think it is too light. Forgive them.”

Meng Tian is still a talking person, and people now know that only he can really understand himself.

“Some people around them are not worthy of sympathy at all. Some of them are all abusers, and they don’t even know how to truly govern a country.”

In Yingzheng’s eyes, some big kings around are small fish, small shrimps, and he would never put them in his eyes, especially those who can’t fight.

“That’s why we say that it is very cruel in the eyes of other countries, but I have to take such a phenomenon into the hearts of the people now, so that they will not come to disturb us.”

If the ordinary people were willing to stay in this place for a while, they would definitely not refuse.

“I think we’d better wait and see in this place now, who knows what will happen next.”

Yingzheng thought for a long time in his heart, and felt that he still should make some of their ideas better now.

“Have you ever considered such a question, why did they directly give up the position of the leader of a country? It must be because of what they have experienced now, then I must have no fighting spirit now.”

Such a secret, the action must not let some other people know, especially some of their mouths do not shut the door.

“1.3 Now it feels like you have to make it clear to them, let them stay away from us in this place, and stop talking about it. They will definitely fall out of this matter now.”

“I actually think so in my heart, but I think they must be particularly innocent now, and they want to continue in this place to complete this task.

Winning the government would not give him this opportunity at all, because he knew that he had to achieve his goal now. If such a small task could not be accomplished, then his own future great achievements would be based on his own future. There is no more shadow. .

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