Chapter 1178 Darkness Chen Cang]

“Are you sure? To be honest, I think this thing is really bad.”

If you continue to stick to it in this place, it will definitely bring them a lot of pressure.

“Forget it, I don’t think we should think so much in this place now.”

“Unexpectedly, such a child’s eunuch would have dumped us around, but we must not let him have any good fruits now, we must let him know how good we are now.”

Some ministers did not know that Zhao Gao was still doing such things behind their backs before, and they were particularly angry.

“Don’t be angry. We don’t think it’s time to be angry at all. You should be prepared now. When doing business, you must pay attention to the word efficiency and don’t delay time.”

The most angry thing about Yingzheng is that these ministers don’t know how to cherish these opportunities. If they really missed these opportunities, then it would be harder for 960 to catch them than to get to the sky.

“You have to watch them in this place for me now, don’t let them go out from this backyard, and don’t go out from this front door, no matter which door it is, take more pictures of people and horses guarding that place.”

If you don’t drive in this place, you won’t be able to win politics in your heart.

Outside of Yingzheng, he didn’t expect this person to be so dishonest, but he felt that he could figure out a way now to let him know that he would not just give up so easily.

“I think we should still ask them if they have any insights on this matter. If they can say a word now, we can also let them go.”

Yingzheng knows very well that he is in such a time of turmoil and must let them know what he thinks.

“Don’t fail to believe in my strength. I was enthroned when I was a teenager. If you can’t save you from the fire and water in such a crisis-ridden environment, then what do I call the lord of a country? .”

Yingzheng was very calm when he said such things.

“Don’t do this, I think we are completely wrong in doing this, especially since some of them are actually inconspicuous at all.”

Yingzheng carefully observed the observation, and felt that he still had some restlessness.

“Don’t think about it this way. They will really cause us some trouble now. We have to go straight from this place now. Maybe they will actually turn away from the ground now.”

Although these horses have been completely stolen by those who had been sent by the winning government, people do not know what will happen next.

“Don’t say these messy things, can you?”

They seem to be serious on the surface, but in fact everyone feels very uncomfortable.

“I think it’s better not to be like this. I (aibd) has already told you that we have a very good attitude now. They have to come over and ask us for help now.”

“Don’t say so much, you don’t know, this actually has nothing to do with us beforehand.”

Even if everyone feels that this place is a threat to private service, winning the government still feels that they are relying on their own abilities now and they must be able to solve this problem.

“Don’t lie to me in this place. I know the tricks of some of you. You definitely want it now, because of such a small thing, just dismiss them directly.”

Yingzheng arrested this minister directly. It should be known that this man might have been sent by this Huns and was a spy put in between them.

“You’d better not think like this. You don’t know that they are already in a mess in this place now. You must not be such an obsession.

Yingzheng now wants to ask them what they think about this matter. He wants to go straight to it now, and he even wants to ask them if they really think about this matter.

“Don’t think so much in this place. I think we have to give them a warning now. Some of them never listen to us seriously.

These people have done a lot of evil, and they might actually use some monsters and ghosts to come up with wishful thinking, and they feel that it is not worth it.

“Don’t make such random guesses. They will definitely make trouble in this place now. I will leave them alone for now.”

“How can it be possible if you don’t care about them, they may not be scattered all over the place now, I think it is really very inappropriate for all of us.”

“Some of them are wearing some fancy clothes. It is really easy for us to recognize that you don’t need to think too much about this place now.”.

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