Chapter 1177 Slip from the tunnel]

“Don’t say so much now. We are all ready to set up a celebration banquet in this place. They will definitely send some spies in the end. Don’t worry, as long as we can catch these people at that time, It must be able to interrogate something.”

For such a matter, winning the government has its own considerations. He feels that he should first ask Meng Yi and Meng Tian what their opinions are.

“If these two generals say that they have no other doubts about this matter, then they can quickly implement the one thing they planned. Nothing else matters. Now they have to give them an explanation.”

At this time, winning politics seriously considered it, and felt that he still had to think of a way slowly now.

“If we say we don’t handle this problem well, I am afraid this situation is really difficult.”

Yingzheng has what he wants to say. He feels that he should ask what their opinions are now, and there will always be a solution.

“Are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?”

They are now beginning to question. Yingzheng didn’t say anything. He felt that he had to teach them a lesson now.

“Don’t talk about it now. I think you are deliberately torturing us now. I think you’d better stay awake in this place and don’t make these useless in this place, 々.”

Ying Zheng has always had his own words in his heart, he feels that he still has to start from the most fundamental, let these people know that he is not easy to mess with.

“When they were on the battlefield, they didn’t know what we should do, so we must be sober now.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? I think we can find some gaps now, so we can definitely use some methods, and then let him spit out the truth, don’t worry.”

For such a situation, Ying Zheng felt that his consideration was always redundant, so he said that he must face them upright now.

“Don’t be afraid. As long as we can let them understand the process, then we are now considered as benevolent.”

“If they really start slipping from this tunnel now, it would be amazing. I think they are taking advantage of us now.”

“No, they must know that we are on the opposite side, so they are now preparing to use such a method to attract us step by step.”

I don’t know what their reason for doing this is. Besides, if this thing really goes to the point it is today, it will definitely be bad.

“We must stick to the end now. If we don’t stick to the end now, then this matter will definitely bring some pressure to them.

Faced with such a layer of pressure, Yingzheng has some ideas of his own, and he feels that he should be prepared now.

“Don’t think too much, they are all staring at us in this place.

If they continue to say something like this, they will definitely feel very uncomfortable in their hearts.

“I know, I will never talk nonsense in this place, but you have to know that Zhao Gao and others might send people over, and then we must watch them now and don’t let them succeed.”

Zhao Gao and others have no intentions at all. Facing such a thing, winning politics has its own considerations.

*” I think let it go, because this matter will eventually make people feel worse and worse. If we ask them now, it doesn’t really matter. ”

Zhao Gao and the others are all small eunuchs. They will not make any big storms at all now, but no one knows what will happen in the future.

“Don’t look down on them, so on the surface they are all small eunuchs in the cold palace, but in fact they are in charge of some very useful information, such as which minister in this palace contributes They must have known what kind of remarks they made.

If after they ruled, they exchanged certain items (Nuo Li Zhao) with these Huns, then this thing is really unthinkable.

“They must not be allowed to go out alive in this place. When I think of such a thing, he feels terrible. We must now guide them so that they must not talk nonsense.”

If they say something indiscriminately, they will definitely hesitate in their hearts. Winning politics now knows that their current thinking is very important.

“Don’t continue to say anything, you don’t understand, Bao’er and Gu Changying, in fact, the two of them are also very cooperative and tacit, so the age difference between the two of them is so much.” So,

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