Chapter 117 King Zhaoxiang in a comfortable mood! [Second more, please customize]

In the fief of the winning government, the important officials of the Qin State patted their chests and promised that they would make every effort to promote sweet potatoes.

King Zhaoxiang personally ordered the promotion, who would dare not cooperate?

In addition, there is no reason why sweet potatoes, such a good thing, should not be promoted, which benefits the country and the people!

At this time, the sweet potato and cereal porridge also began to close to rotten.

The porridge in a large pot must be stirred frequently. Whenever the servant lifts the lid of the pot, a scent of fragrance will come out of the iron pot, and it will enter everyone’s breath.

The appearance of the sweet potato and cereal porridge is extremely good, not only is the consistency very high, but the color of the sweet potato after being cooked is also very attractive.

The roasted sweet potato chips are golden. Now when they are cooked in a large pot, the original pale yellowish white becomes red and bright, which complements the color of the grain perfectly, which makes people appetite.

“In fact, the color of baked sweet potato chips cannot be regarded as the true color of sweet potatoes. The main reason is that the cooking on the stove must be stained with some black air of pig iron. The color in the porridge is normal.” Ying Zheng explained with a smile.

“Not bad. The color is better now. It is the same color as the dried sweet potato. It can arouse appetite.” King Zhaoxiang nodded and said affirmatively.

“Steamed 260, boiled, will be in this state, they are all the same delicious and sweet, but the most delicious way to eat, in fact, is the whole roast!” Ying Zheng said another way to eat

The time requirement for roasting sweet potatoes is the longest, and not all sweet potatoes are suitable for roasting.

It must be long and not too big, otherwise the middle part will not be easy to cook, and the taste will not be as good as the outer layer, which is closer to cooking.

At this moment, time has passed for so long, and the whole pan that was roasted in the charcoal fire earlier is also fully cooked.

Ying Zheng personally took out a small sweet potato, peeled off the black coat, revealing the seductive body that was red and greasy inside, and everyone swallowed again.

The trip to the happy farm was over. A whole pot of sweet potato and cereal porridge was drunk. Everyone ate a lot of roasted sweet potatoes and sweet potato chips.

Even if they are still unfinished, they must all leave.

The affairs of the state are complicated, none of the ministers here are idlers, and they have inexhaustible official affairs in their hands.

Xiao Cheng Jiao unwillingly returned to the Prince’s Mansion and came to Mrs. Huayang’s room.

Along the way, he was the only one who came back hungry, but this hunger also made him more alert and more focused, thinking about everything clearly.

In terms of force, although the news of winning the political breakthrough to the innate has not been spread, it is at least half-step innate! And long ago it was able to kill the same half-step innate Winner Xi.

With such strength, coupled with such an age, that aptitude is absolutely astounding.

Xiao Cheng Jiao’s third-rate pinnacle is really nothing compared to winning politics. Even Qin’s elites are also third-rate pinnacles. The reason why he looks outstanding is only because of his age. In fact, based on his cultivation level, whether it is placed in the army or in the rivers and lakes, it is a small shrimp that does not enter the stream~

Cheng Jiao himself also realized this very clearly. Compared to Xiu base, he couldn’t keep up with winning politics no matter how quick he was.

If you want to achieve a major event, you have to rely on Mrs. Huayang’s help!

“Grandma, am I never better than winning politics?” Xiao Chengjiao pretended to be frustrated, aggrieved on his small face, and his will was extremely depressed.

“Huh? What happened to Xiao Cheng Jiao today? Did something happen again?” Madam Hua Yang asked Cheng Jiao softly when she saw Cheng Jiao’s expression.

When I left, I was still full of confidence, and I waited until the court to report to the court to win the government. After more than a long time, how did it become like this when I came back?

“Grandma, Ying Zheng brought out a new kind of food in his fief. Not only did he not be punished by his grandfather, but he praised him a lot! Even the ministers in the court mostly supported aibd. ”

Cheng Jiao explained what happened in the court and in the fief, and told them all over again, without any exaggeration.

There is no need to exaggerate at all!

Does the sixty-fold annual output still need to be exaggerated?

Do you still need to exaggerate the appearance of civil and military officials who sing praises?

Mrs. Hua Yang is not a simple character, she can naturally distinguish between true and false, and Xiao Cheng Jiao doesn’t have the guts to lie to her.

“Sweet potato” whispered among Hua Yangfu’s population.

She hasn’t thought of the great significance of increasing grain production for the time being, but she can see the great value of it; moreover, the various reactions of the civil and military officials described by Xiao Cheng Jiao are enough to explain the weight of sweet potatoes.

Winning politics is indeed another super showy thing!

“Grandma, grandson is incompetent! It is impossible for grandson to compete with him for the position of King Qin in the future. Winning politics is really too strong.” Cheng Jiao lowered his head, pitifully.

“Know the shame and then be brave!” Madam Hua Yang reached out and held Cheng Jiao’s small head and encouraged: “Good grandson, since we know that winning politics is very strong, then we must make more efforts!”

In Mrs. Huayang’s eyes, no matter how powerful and strong winning politics is, even if winning politics is the hope and future of the entire Qin State, what is it for her? What is it for the Chu family?

Once Yingzheng inherited the throne, even if the Qin State became stronger, it would only be the Qin State of “others”, and it had nothing to do with the Chu family.

Instead of becoming like that, it is better to let Cheng Jiao or some other Chu family member inherit the throne, because at that time the Qin State, even if it could not be stronger, was still the Chu State Qin State!

“Haha, Xiaocheng Jiao, do you know the early spring competition in four months?” Mrs. Hua Yang asked with a smile.

“Early Spring Competition?” Cheng Jiao rolled his eyes, “Wenbi of the royal family and the sons of powerful generals?”

“Yes! All the younger generations will be divided according to age groups, and a literary comparison will be conducted! This is also the tradition of the Qin State. It is also the tradition of the Qin State to encourage all the younger generations to study martial arts while not neglecting their knowledge. You must have both civil and military skills.”

“The significance of Wenbi is extremely significant! It is even equivalent to an assessment of the ability to govern the country!” Mrs. Hua Yang briefly explained-the early spring competition.

“Since the strength of force is not comparable to that of winning politics, shouldn’t we have to overpower him in the early spring text comparison?”

“There are still four months. As long as you work hard, Xiao Cheng Jiao will definitely be able to do it!” Mrs. Hua Yang said in a persuasive way.

Xiao Cheng Jiao was immediately bright!

“Grandma, rest assured, the adult mosquitoes will definitely work hard, and I will work hard! The early spring competition must overwhelm and win politics!

Wu’s can’t, can literary’s still work?

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