Chapter 116 The artifact of the country! [First update, please customize]

China is a big agricultural country, and it has been like this since ancient times, because the various changes and disputes caused by the land are countless.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, agricultural technology was far from being as developed as it is today, and there was no old man Yuan to develop a variety of hybrid rice. The food problem has always been the biggest problem.

In addition to the endless wars, young and strong men are all captured and expanded to the army. Most of the farming is carried out by the old and weak women. How can the grain output be increased?

Ever since, a large number of ordinary people, the things that they often eat in their homes are,


“Grandpa, sweet potato and grain porridge is a good thing! Zheng’er has eaten it several times, it is very delicious!” Yingzheng showed an aftertaste look on his face.

In the homes of ordinary people, gruel is usually eaten.

Qin is better. Ordinary people can get some land, and the food can be guaranteed. The people of other vassal states, if they have gruel all year round, it would be pretty good.

“To be honest, the taste of sweet potatoes is a bit too strong, occasionally eating directly is no problem, but long-term consumption will affect the taste. The sweet potato cereal porridge is not the case, the effect of filling the hunger is better, the taste is extremely refreshing, refreshing and appetizing.”

“It’s also very simple to make. Just cut the sweet potato into small pieces, put it in the gruel and cook it for a while, you can eat it directly. It’s not difficult at all.

Another way to eat sweet potatoes.

After hearing the introduction of Yingzheng, King Zhaoxiang immediately became interested again.

“You can make porridge and drink, it is simply great! People have more food in their homes! And this method is simple and easy to learn, and it is not difficult at all. It is very beneficial to the spread of sweet potatoes!” Wang Zhaoxiang has already thought of the promotion of sweet potatoes. Problem.

“Ding Tianjun, since I mentioned the sweet potato and grain porridge, can you give it a live demonstration? I might as well cook more. In the eyes of the old man, everyone except the king seems to be eager to try! Um, 々!”

Meng Yu thought for a while, and replaced the three words “not full” with “eager to try.”

The relationship between him and King Zhaoxiang is excellent. According to King Zhaoxiang, he is now in the court, and he speaks casually, without so much scruples.

“Hahaha! Meng Qing, why bother?” King Zhaoxiang was indeed happy today and began to joke.

“Hehe! The general’s words are also reasonable! In this case, Grandpa!” Yingzheng turned to King Zhaoxiang, “Zheng’er ordered people to get some things, get a big pot of sweet potato and grain porridge, and taste it together. !”

“Okay, let’s get a big pot! But, don’t stop the roasted sweet potatoes over there, continue roasting, look at those greedy ghosts? They are all rooted on the side of the stove!” Wang Zhaoxiang pointed to the roasted sweet potatoes. While making fun of.

It is just a few military commanders who are still surrounding the stove and are reluctant, and there is no need to win the government here to bake sweet potatoes.They all take the initiative to get started!

“Ha ha, ha” Meng Yu smiled awkwardly, a little awkward on the veteran.

Isn’t it all his subordinates?

At the sign of the win, the farm staff quickly set up the cauldron and set up a wooden fire.

Millet rice, chestnut rice, plus a little rice, and finally cut into small pieces of sweet potatoes, the whole big pot of sweet potato and grain porridge began to boil.

The foodies are waiting to drink the porridge, but porridge is much slower than baking sweet potato chips.

Winning politics will certainly not let go of this opportunity!

In order to strengthen the national power of the Qin State and to promote the sweet potato faster, it is necessary to deeply and thoroughly let the people in power of the Qin State present to realize the value of sweet potato.

Taking advantage of this period of waiting time, Yingzheng began to popularize various ways of eating sweet potatoes.

“Sweet potatoes are a little more troublesome to store than grains. If they need to be dry, it’s best to store them among the locals.”

“In order to prevent the sweet potato from spoiling, you can also process the sweet potato in advance to make a variety of foods. In this way, a lot of unnecessary losses are reduced.”

“Various kinds of food? Tell me, how else can this sweet potato be made? There are more ways to eat it?” Wang Zhaoxiang asked curiously.

Only Yingzheng was the first person who discovered and studied sweet potatoes in depth.His experience is extremely valuable!

“Grandpa, do you know the bacon in the land of Bashu?” Ying Zheng asked rhetorically.

King Zhaoxiang nodded.

“Bacon is a way to extend the storage time of meat. Zhenger also tried it when he was studying sweet potatoes. One of the simplest methods is to steam the sweet potatoes, cut them into slices, and then expose them to the sun. Can!!

“After removing the moisture, the sweet potatoes are dried, and the taste is extremely strong. Compared with the baked sweet potato chips, it is very different! And it is more conducive to preservation!” Ying Zheng said proudly.

“Xiao Gao!” Ying Zheng shouted to Zhao Gao, “Take some dried sweet potatoes and let the king and all the adults have a taste!”

As early as a few days ago, Yingzheng had already produced some dried sweet potatoes in advance, but the amount was not too large.

Not long after, Zhao Gao took a small cloth bag, first handed it to Yingzheng, and passed it to King Zhaoxiang, and then respectfully handed out a piece of dried sweet potatoes to each courtier.

The amount is not too much, the emphasis is on tasting.

The ministers weren’t the kind of people who didn’t know the depth. Everyone consciously took one and chewed it one after another.

Then there was another burst of surprises, and the praise was raveous!


“Um !!”


“This is dried sweet potatoes? It’s really good!”

“Sweet potatoes are simply a treasure! Another way is to make a different taste!”

“Ding Tianjun is really talented! Even a single food can make so many different tricks!


King Zhaoxiang was also chewing dried sweet potatoes, his brows stretched more and more, the expression on (the king’s) face became more and more enjoyable, and suddenly, his face became extremely solemn, and said solemnly:

“Zhuqing, this is more than just a delicacy! Sweet potatoes, a good thing that benefits the country and the people, must be promoted quickly! My Qin country will usher in a big take-off!’

“From today, you must do your best to help Ding Tianjun spread the word! As soon as possible, my people of Daqin can eat sweet potatoes!”

The king gave the order, and the civil and military officials naturally did not dare to neglect, they all expressed their opinions and made promises.

“Zheng’er, don’t you have any opinions about spreading sweet potatoes?” King Zhaoxiang asked Yingzheng for his opinion.

“Grandpa! Zheng’er’s purpose is just like this! It is to make my Daqin people more prosperous and national strength stronger!” Yingzheng replied excitedly.

A gratified and admiring expression appeared on King Zhaoxiang’s face.

I really saw Xiao Cheng Jiao on the side with jealousy

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