Chapter 118 Learn from Midi’s food strategy! [Third update, ask for customization]

The reason why Mrs. Huayang mentioned the early spring competition was actually after some consideration, and she was very confident in Cheng Jiao.

Yingzheng has lived in Zhao Kingdom since he was a child, and the conditions are extremely difficult.Where are the conditions to read poetry and books?

The talent is peerless, that is talking about martial arts cultivation, indeed there are some people who have the qualifications that ordinary people can’t match.

But knowledge is very different in this respect~.

Learned is learned, never learned-just never learned.

When quoting the scriptures, you don’t have dry goods in your mind, what do you use to cite?

At this point, the foundation of Cheng Jiao is much better.

Although Cheng Jiao’s biological father is not welcome, Cheng Jiao has been adopted by Mrs. Hua Yang at a very young age. Various conditions have been greatly improved. He has been reading poetry and books since childhood. The countless capable people invited by Mrs. Yang came to teach specifically.

With Xiao Chengjiao’s essay knowledge, he must be a lot better than winning politics!

Cheng Jiao himself realized this, and also thought that this was an opportunity to show his face, just to suppress the arrogance of winning politics!

Ever since, Xiaocheng Mosquito ran back to his residence happily, closed the door, and started studying behind closed doors.

When King Zhaoxiang and the ministers of civil and military affairs left, Yingzheng directly asked King Zhaoxiang for a courtier in charge of the promotion of sweet potatoes:

Lu Buwei!

Therefore, Lu Buwei was appointed by King Zhaoxiang as the “sweet potato promotion ambassador”, who was directly responsible for assisting Dingtianjun to promote sweet potatoes.

Zi Chu also took the initiative to stay, and together with Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei, they discussed various matters at the farm.

Now there are no outsiders in the farm, and the three of them relax, and there is no need to hide between them.

“Zheng’er, you made such an incredible thing, why didn’t you say hello to your father in advance? Do you know what scared your father like? Chaotang even said that the birth of twenty Such words are really true!” Zi Chu complained with a smile.

“Hey~ It’s a big deal, keep confidentiality first!” Yingzheng grinned.

“My son, now this season is about to enter the winter, and the promotion of sweet potatoes is not in a hurry, right?” Lu Buwei did not say any polite words, and went straight to the theme.


At present, Lu Buwei is more trusted to win politics, and he is also very affirmed of his ability.

Whether it is the evaluation of later generations or several contacts nowadays, Lu Buwei’s loyalty and ability are reliable.

The main reason why Lu Buwei was left to do this is actually because he belongs to Zi Chu’s power, and the promotion of sweet potatoes is done well, so this kind of credit naturally belongs to Zi Chu.

As for the relationship between Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei, Yingzheng once asked Zichu on the sidelines. In fact, Lu Buwei played a role as a matchmaker in the middle, which is equivalent to a matchmaker.

Otherwise, even if the son of Qin is down, he will never take the merchant’s concubine Ji to be his wife.

Things that don’t make sense!

Zhao Ji’s background is not so noble, why should he stand in the main room? And at that time, the victory of the government has not yet emerged. It is impossible to say that the mother is expensive.

Everything is the dirty water poured by the remnants of the Six Nations in the later period.

Because of this, it makes sense to win the Zi Chu’s more reuse of Lu Buwei. Winning the government will keep Lu Buwei until now. No matter what Lu Buwei wants to become in the future, he will not escape the grasp of the winning government. .

“Master Lu, have you forgotten the land of Bashu?” Ying Zheng reminded with a smile.

“The land of Bashu” Lu Buwei also smiled and patted his head, “The son is still thoughtful, I only pay attention to the seasons in Xianyang, and forget Bashu!”

“Hehe, in fact, I didn’t expect it to be reminded by the farmer at the beginning.” Yingzheng also said politely, “The sooner the sweet potato is promoted, the sooner the profit will be obtained. The Sima family in the land of Bashu is still the same as us. Some friendships, coupled with the king’s order, think there is no problem of deliberate restraint.”

Zi Chu also nodded affirmatively:

“Yes, after the last animal hunting battle, the Sima family made a special trip to the Prince’s Mansion to make friends.”

“The climatic conditions are indeed satisfied for planting sweet potatoes in the land of Bashu. However, we have to consider one of the problems in advance!” Lu Buwei’s eyebrows showed a worried look, “For example, if the seeds of sweet potatoes are exposed, wouldn’t it be true? Want something bad?,

“Sweet potato seeds must never be spread!” Zi Chu frowned tightly.

“The power of North Korea and China is complicated. It is impossible to hide the sweet potato affairs, and it may be used as a material to trade with other princes in the future, and there is no possibility of concealment.” Lu Buwei thought of business for the first time.

0……Look for flowers…

“So, the seeds of sweet potato are very important! After the people of the six countries know this kind of food, it is absolutely impossible to say that they are not coveted! They must do everything possible to get the seeds of sweet potato!” Zi Chu said The seriousness of the matter went out.

Ying Zheng gave a secret compliment to his cheap daddy winning Zi Chu: his mind is really extraordinary! Lu Buwei also affirmed again.

“This worry is indeed justified! After the six countries know the value of sweet potatoes, they will definitely do everything possible to obtain them. This is inevitable! And in the long run, they want to limit sweet potatoes to Qin forever without spreading them. , That is basically impossible.


“In fact, as long as the six countries can not master the ability to grow sweet potatoes in a short period of time, it is enough! Da Qin first promoted sweet potatoes. How?” Winning the government confidently said.

This kind of food promotion is simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to operate. It is not so easy to make those nobles and farmers abandon the mature farming methods that have lasted for countless years.

No one dares to take this risk easily!

The first sweet potatoes that entered China came from the Philippines. At that time, it was during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The Spanish also regarded sweet potatoes as “exotic goods”.

Under various circumstances, the sweet potato broke through the blockade and finally reached China.

The results of it?

If it is thoroughly promoted, I don’t know how many years later it will be!

But for the state of Qin where Yingzheng is now, the resistance is relatively small.

The Qin Law is strict, and orders are forbidden!

This also makes the country extremely prestigious, and ordinary people are willing to believe and dare to believe in the country.

If you put it in the other six countries, you can’t do this.

“In fact, I have already considered the leakage of sweet potato seeds, and even made some precautions in advance.” Yingzheng smiled mysteriously, “My father, do you remember what Zhenger said to Grandpa? “factory,

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