Chapter 115 Agriculture, the foundation of the country, can not be admired by the civil and military officials! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

The courtiers basically tasted the delicacy of sweet potatoes, and all showed a satisfied look, but Xiao Cheng Jiao really didn’t touch a bite.

Isn’t the sweet potato that everyone looted from his cheap brother? Isn’t it something that slapped him into doubting life?

In any case, he couldn’t hold back his face and grab it!

Although he was also salivating on sweet potatoes, at this time he could only close his mouth tightly, swallow his saliva into his stomach, and show disdain on his face.

It is really difficult for a child to resist the temptation to cook a slice.

“Zheng’er, you haven’t come to court these days, are you studying sweet potatoes?” Wang Zhaoxiang asked softly.

“Yeah~ If you don’t thoroughly study this kind of thing, you can’t easily take it out anyway.” Winning the government took it for granted.

“Yield is only one aspect, and the rest of the various habits need to be mastered! If this kind of food has any adverse effects after eating, it will be very bad.”

“Da 08 was about half a year ago. When he first got the fief, Ah Yan came to the farm and planted some sweet potatoes, and then I discovered the value of it.”

“On the one hand, we are constantly studying the safety of sweet potatoes, and on the other, we are also constantly making various attempts. Planting, storage, eating methods, etc., are all researched, and the most important thing is the previous few days.”

“Because after half a year, it is basically possible to determine the safety of this kind of food, diet and pharmacology, and Zheng’er has also consulted some medical experts, and they have all been confirmed. Therefore, I will go to the court today. Report the sweet potato to Grandpa~”

Wang Zhaoxiang nodded frequently, admiring the rigorous work done by the government.

Actually, these things

I didn’t do anything to win politics!

Later generations of roasted sweet potatoes are sold everywhere. Where else need to be verified for food safety?

But only if you say this, King Zhaoxiang will be completely relieved, and will omit these unnecessary things!

Otherwise, how easy is it to promote a food crop?

At least a few months of continuous experimentation and research are needed before small-scale promotion can begin.

For China, agriculture is the foundation of the country at all times.

Even in later generations, industry, commerce, service industry, entertainment industry, various high-tech industries, these things have occupied the main share of wealth, but agriculture is still the top priority and the unshakable foundation of the country.

Food security can’t be guaranteed, so what kind of modernization is still involved?

It was even more so in the Qin State during the Warring States Period.

“Well, not bad! With your hard work, Grandpa really saved a lot of heart!” Wang Zhaoxiang said gratifiedly.

The conversation between the two of them did not evade anything, and the voice was not particularly low, just normal conversation.

They were all on the outskirts of the field, and the civil and military officials were not so far away. While waiting for the next batch of sweet potato chips, they listened to the conversation in their ears.

After the ministers finished eating the sweet potatoes, they are now basically unanimously praised!

The disputes and doubts above the court have all turned into approval.

All these things have been clarified about colluding with the peasants and indulging in female sex.

The sweet potato thing is good for the country and the people! Ding Tianjun is definitely doing his best for Da Qin, it is indisputable!

As a result, the general wave of very appraisal votes flooded in.

“Ding Tianjun does not hesitate to suspend martial arts practice, and it took a lot of time. He also has to study these gods for my Daqin soldiers and people of Daqin. Please be worshipped by the old man!” Meng Gao stood immediately. He got up and respectfully bowed down to Yingzheng.

In his heart, the effort and energy devoted to winning the government, as well as the value of sweet potatoes,


Originally winning the government didn’t want to suffer, but the king Zhaoxiang beside him stretched out his big hand on the shoulder of the win, and nodded towards him, the victory was relieved.

Meng Yu’s worship is not only because of the sweet potato’s power of splashing the sky, but also the implicit meaning, it is replacing the generals of the Qin State and the people of the Li people.

Thanks to the future King Qin!

This is the first highly rated vote from Meng Yu.

Then more ministers voted, sent flowers, and made comments.

“Ding Tianjun is really a benevolent gentleman with the world in mind. When the sweet potato comes out, the blessing will be forever!”

“Dingtian Jun’s eyes are like torches, otherwise, sweet potatoes, such as the most precious treasures that have benefited countless people, will be covered in dust. I don’t know how long it will be buried.”

“Da Qin has Ding Tianjun, it is really my Da Qin’s luck!’

“My people of Qin will always remember the great achievements of Ding Tianjun!

“With Ding Tianjun’s peerless talents, in order to let my people of Daqin have an extra bite of food, I don’t hesitate to do the farming work and work hard to let the sweet potato come out. I really moved China and moved the celestial dynasty!”

“Ding Tianjun is worshipped by old officials!”

“Ding Tian Jun accepts”

“top ”


At this moment, the many generals headed by Meng Yu can’t follow the footsteps of the ministers even riding their horses!

Sing praises, flattering again and again~

On the one hand, it is the words and deeds of winning the government. The advent of sweet potatoes is indeed a big thing that benefits the country and the people. Winning the government deserves such an evaluation; on the other hand, it is still the same sentence. Indirectly slap King Zhaoxiang’s flattery!

It’s not that Qin’s court is full of such flattering villains, but just taking this opportunity to praise and praise. Who doesn’t like this kind of thing? Who doesn’t like to listen to it?

Say a few good words from the heart, and you won’t lose two or two meat!

260 Sure enough, the look of King Zhaoxiang was much more joyful than winning the government, and the respect for the officials was very useful!

It’s a harmonious scene of the emperor and his ministers having fun together.

Only Xiao Chengjiao was stunned

How can you plant a land to become a saint who has never been born for a thousand years?

Work hard for the country and the people?

Touched the celestial dynasty?

It’s too special, okay!!

Is it the only thing I think that Yingzheng is enjoying food while making girls?

Xiao Cheng Jiao’s heart was even more upset.

After praised by the civil and military officials, they felt a little dry and dry.

After doing so much farm work, I shed a lot of sweat, and roasted sweet potatoes is a very dry thing. Coupled with the praise for winning the government, everyone felt thirsty.

They don’t have the treatment of drinking tea like King Zhaoxiang. There is only a table and a pot of tea. If they are thirsty, they can only endure it.

This is a farm, not a mansion to win the government. Naturally, all kinds of things will not be so complete.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Yingzheng say:

“Grandpa, in fact, sweet potatoes can be used in a variety of ways. They are eaten raw and roasted. Those are just two of them. The use of sweet potatoes and grains to make porridge and drink is also extremely delicious!”


Everyone’s eyes lit up!.

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