Chapter 114 Happy Wang Xin! [Third more, please customize]

King Zhaoxiang was thinking about winning the government, while chewing the sweet potato chips in his mouth, unknowingly they were a few big pieces.

People are iron, and rice is steel, so I can’t bear to eat too much!

King Zhaoxiang, who was already in an old state, couldn’t stand it after eating so many pancakes. He couldn’t hold his stomach anymore. He stretched out his arms in satisfaction and let out a sigh of relief.

Then, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the civil and military officials behind him.

One by one, the evil spirits saw the appearance of the peerless beauty!

The kind of drooling, the kind of impatient, King Zhaoxiang couldn’t help laughing out loud:

“Hahaha! Zhu Qing, this is not a courtroom, so don’t be too rigid! Haha!”

Are the civil and military officials moved?

Don’t dare to move!

It is still divided into two like the previous dynasty, keeping a certain distance from King Zhaoxiang, in order, but the expression of “two or six zero” on his face, in addition to the monkey’s anxiousness, it also adds a kind of resentment. in.

Not rigid? Then what?

Standing against the wall and watching you eat? Or sit down and watch you eat? The ministers talked endlessly.

It is true that King Zhaoxiang is usually too majestic, and without clear instructions, they would absolutely not dare to make mistakes.

If it’s really just for a little bit of food, it’s fine, and the king won’t particularly care.

Because the food of sweet potato is of great importance, the king Zhaoxiang and the officials here have come over from the hall on a special trip. Strictly speaking, it is still time to discuss!

“Haha! The widow is happy today, and there is such a delicious sweet potato, and I am happy to share it with the Qings, there is no need to worry about the rules of the court! However, there are only so many sweet potato chips left, and you can’t grab it. You can rely on your abilities!” Wang Zhaoxiang smiled heartily, then got up and walked aside.

His action is like the starter in a track and field game raising his hand and firing a gun.

There are so many capable people in the Qin Dynasty, and there is not only one innate master! The first to bear the brunt is the Seven-Rank Innate Meng Yu, who basically guards Xianyang all the year round, how can the Shang Dynasty not have him at this time?

That speed!

The old general also disregarded his identity. He stunned, and the figure flashed to the side of the stove, and he picked up a thick stack of sweet potato chips and slipped away~

The generals are all masters, and if the Qin general is proofing, it is equivalent to playing the best leading role.Who will restrain it anymore?

A large group of military commanders rushed up like a hungry tiger, and several big hands grabbed the sweet potato chips one after another.

Between you and me, no one got it. The slow-moving people started to react. They all squeezed to the stove, and the competition became fiercer.

These military commanders are brave, daring to fight, daring to fight, and daring to shoot, but the civilian officials outside can’t do it.

Squeeze, can’t squeeze in; grab, it is even more like a fantasy~

“The ritual and music collapsed! The ritual and music collapsed! The dignified court officials, how decent they are!” A civil official began to slap his mouth when he stood outside the crowd.

“A bunch of scumbags! Idiots! The lord is still here, what do you look like? Can you be a little demeanor? Can’t you be a little more orderly?”

“Barbarians! Barbarians! I think that the reason why Da Qin was teased by people of the Six Nations and didn’t know etiquette was because of you! The old man is simply ashamed to be with you!

“Yes! What does this messy scene look like? Even if I starve to death, I won’t eat these potato chips!”

The civil servants complained, but they had nothing to do. They couldn’t taste this kind of delicacy.

In fact, they are the real hungry people among a group of people. They dig sweet potatoes, carry them, and weigh them all together.

But what do those military commanders do for this farm work?

It’s easy, casual, and stress-free!

These civil servants, although they were able to manage the army on horses and Anmin off horses, they were barely able to do this, but their physical fitness was indeed far behind.

One hundred and eighty stones of sweet potatoes are enough to make them tired. After such a long delay, the time is almost noon. That is just the meal!

How not to be hungry?

Coupled with the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, the gluttons are hooked up, and it is simply appetizing!

As a result, it is conceivable that the stomach becomes more hungry and intolerable.

Standing in the distance, Yingzheng saw the civil servants filled with indignation. On the one hand, they felt amused, and on the other hand, they felt that these people were really pitiful.

Seeing that the food is currently, it’s fine if you can’t feast on it, and now you can’t even see a shadow! It is all surrounded by the generals on the inner and third floors!

Thinking of this, Yingzheng decided to show off his skills. With a move of his legs, he was already in the middle of the generals, spread his arms like a push around, and immediately separated a small path and quickly got into it.

The fans on the side of the stove were robbed by the crowd, but there were a lot of them left. The decisive ability to win the government grabbed some of them, and they squeezed out the crowd abruptly.

With his strength, physical fitness and small size, these generals still couldn’t stop him.


Yingzheng smiled and walked in front of the civilian officials. He just wanted to make a few polite comments. Anyway, he would give some small favors to these civilian officials. The looting began, and the momentum was not inferior to the generals!

Especially after I got it, I did everything I could, and all kinds of shameful tricks were used, and various ways for children to fight were endless.

It’s a desperate posture!

I was shocked to win the government and laughed dumbly, looking at my empty palm, I sighed helplessly~

After a battle of life and death, the civil and military officials all had a bite of sweet potato chips, and the stove over there was always cooking.

I just harvested so many sweet potatoes, there is still no shortage of raw materials, the only difference is the roasting time.

“Ah! It smells so good!”

“Delicious! Unrivaled in the world!”

“This taste is really not lacking, it is sweet and delicious, and the lips and teeth are fragrant!

“It’s just a little bit too little, spray~”

“Is your appetite too big, okay? A bunch of wine pouches and rice bags!’

“Cut! Eat less, you can only blame you for not being able to grab it!”

The most powerful group of people in the entire Qin Kingdom all showed a fascinating look, and they were obviously still reminiscing about the sweet potatoes that they had just eaten.

On the other side, King Zhaoxiang sat next to the stone table of the farm, holding a tea bowl in his hand, eating and drinking, with a leisurely and contented appearance, he was naturally extremely disdainful of these ministers.

It’s better to have your own great-grandson, to get such an incredible thing!

“Hahaha, Zheng’er, come here!” Wang Zhaoxiang waved to Yingzheng. .

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