Chapter 113 Twice a year, 60 times the yield! [Second more, please customize]

After King Zhaoxiang tasted the roasted sweet potatoes for the first time, he was immediately immersed in the deliciousness and his appetite was greatly boosted.

“Zheng’er, where did such delicious and high-yielding food come from? Why have you never heard of it before?” Wang Zhaoxiang asked curiously.

“To grandpa, this is actually an accident.” Yingzheng decided to lie in the first place! “It’s mainly because of Ah Yan.” He pointed his finger at Tian Yan in the distance.

“E?” Wang Zhaoxiang followed the direction of Yingzheng’s fingers and glanced over. It was exactly that “one of the possible future great-grandchildren”!

Yingzheng had long decided to put this matter on Tian Yan’s body, otherwise the explanation would be unclear at all.

Sweet potatoes are originally native to South America, and they didn’t spread to China until the Ming Dynasty. How can it be there now? There are no similar varieties!

Do you still have to tell the system things?

“Grandpa, these seeds were discovered by Ayanzu, and they were originally planted as grains.

“But these works are completely different from grains. Cereals are seeds and fruits, and sweet potatoes are rhizomes. The two are essentially different. This is the reason why sweet potatoes grow underground!” Yingzheng explained respectfully. ~ Road.

“Rhizome? That’s it! It’s true that everything is born to feed the people!” King Zhaoxiang’s brows stretched out, and he figured everything out in an instant.

Each of the five grains is a seed and crystal, so the yield naturally cannot be too high; the roots of plants are different. Only strong roots will produce strong seedlings, and will bear fruits and seeds.

However, the rhizomes are also edible. When there are some famines, the victims will create grass roots to satisfy their hunger. Perhaps the taste is worse, but it can be regarded as a kind of food.

“Ayan in your mouth is a peasant disciple, right?” King Zhaoxiang retracted his gaze and said lightly.

“It is indeed a peasant disciple!” Ying Zheng admitted frankly.

“Since I am a farmer’s disciple, why have I never heard of this kind of food before? Isn’t the farmer engaged in farming? Why didn’t it be promoted?”” King Zhaoxiang had to doubt this.

How could he not care about the accident of a farm master attacking Baiqi?

Now that he is so close to the Dingtian Monarch, who can be called the future of the Great Qin Dynasty, he still offers this sweet potato treasure, what is his intention?

If there is no conspiracy, no one will believe it!

This is what King Zhaoxiang didn’t understand.

“Because Ah Yan’s family did not find the value of sweet potatoes!” Ying Zheng replied calmly.

“Ayan’s ancestor went up in the mountains to get sweet potato seeds by chance, and then returned home to try to plant them. As a result, the yield of sweet potatoes was extremely low, and the taste was not good, far inferior to grains.”

King Zhaoxiang listened carefully to the explanation of the victory and nodded slightly.

If this is the case, then there is no problem.

And this kind of thing is also normal. Grain grows on the ground. This is the consensus of everyone. Who would have thought that it could grow underground?

Just listen to Yingzheng then said:

“Therefore, there is no spread of this kind of thing. The fertile land is rare. How can you grow this low-yield thing? It’s just that Ayan’s ancestors liked to eat sweet potato leaves, so they treated it as a vegetable, and planted a small amount of it. .

“In Ah Yan’s generation, she only likes this kind of vegetable leaves herself, so she keeps a small amount of seeds. Because of her work in the farm, she planted some of those seeds separately.”

“By all the coincidences, Zheng’er discovered that the rhizome of this plant is edible and the taste is sweet, and then studied it carefully, and only then began to plant it in large quantities in the farm.

A carefully fabricated statement, winning the government is to round the origin of the sweet potato.

“That’s it!” King Zhaoxiang was relieved now.

“The world only knows that there is food on the ground, but they don’t know it. It is almost missed this kind of deliciousness in the ignorant! What is more important is the output. This kind of stuff will make countless people full and benefit the world.” King Zhaoxiang sighed. Something.

“Do you have any special requirements for planting sweet potatoes?” King Zhaoxiang asked the point at once!

No matter how high the yield is, what is the use if there is no way to plant it in large quantities?

“Return to Grandpa, the wonderful thing is here! According to Ayan, the planting of Fanzhe not only does not require special requirements, but is particularly adaptable! Sandy land and barren land can all grow well, a little Not squeamish, this is the most valuable place.”

“Moreover, there is one point better than five grains!” Yingzheng proudly sold it.

“Hehe, hurry up, don’t make grandpa’s appetite!” Wang Zhaoxiang was amused when he saw the appearance of winning the government.

0………Look for flowers…

“In my Daqin area, five grains are cooked once a year, but Fanzhu can be cooked twice a year. If it is in the Jiangnan area, sweet potatoes can reach three times a year!” Yingzheng has thrown another blockbuster. !

“What? Two cooked hot in a year? Three cooked in a year in Jiangnan?” Wang Zhaoxiang was so shocked that he blurted out.

At this moment, all the courtiers in the back could hear them clearly, and they didn’t realize it when their saliva fell on the ground, and they felt even more shocked in their hearts.

The idea of ​​two-cooking a year can be done with a few vegetables, but the time is very tight and there is no room for delay. As for the grains, they are all cooked once a year.

Moreover, what Ying Zheng said about the two familiarity, that refers to Fan Zhu!


An extremely high-yielding sweet potato once ripe!

One hundred and eighty shi per mu, two crops a year, that is three hundred and sixty shi!

Calculated according to the annual output, then it is not thirty times, but sixty times!

Grain income increased sixty times!

King Zhaoxiang felt like he had won a 3 billion lottery ticket!

And there are still two!!

Looking at the hill-like sweet potatoes over there again, I directly imagined that they became two piles!

Ying Zheng was satisfied with everyone’s surprise, and continued to explain the awesomeness of sweet potatoes.

“It is twice a year! Because the entire growth period of sweet potatoes is only three months, it can be done in summer and autumn!”

“In addition, this sweet potato has a very strong feeling of fullness. For the same weight, eating sweet potatoes is better than eating grains, and the taste is naturally even more needless to say. Even grandpa you are so passionate.

When it comes to taste, the minds of the civil and military officials gradually wake up from shock.

Shock is shocked. It is something in the mind, emotions and thoughts.

You can smell the sweet smell in the nose, but it is the real and most intuitive stimulation!

In a short period of time, these high-ranking officials of the Qin State have formed a conditioned reflex towards sweet potatoes.

Sweet potato, equal, drooling!

Even King Zhaoxiang, who is used to eating all kinds of delicacies, has a great appetite and cannot extricate himself from things. The spirit of the civil and military officials is naturally not weak at all. Explore the roasted sweet potato factory.

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