Chapter 112 King Zhaoxiang: “It’s so fragrant!’

The yield of one hundred and eighty shi per mu has completely surpassed people’s cognition, and everyone was in extreme shock, even Tian Yan and other peasant disciples felt unbelievable.

They once estimated the yield of sweet potatoes, calculated according to the yield of each sweet potato seedling, the yield of one mu of land was about 120 shi, but that time was many days ago!

Sweet potatoes are constantly growing in the soil, and the closer they are to maturity in the later stage, the faster they grow, which causes great errors.

Zi Chu saw the final weighing result, and finally a stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he glanced at each other with Lu Buwei, showing excitement.

“Zheng’er really did not disappoint. Twenty times is a conservative statement!

“It’s just a miracle!”

Lu Buwei was equally excited, because he was a businessman, and he had been concerned about grain production and trading. What does it mean that 30 times the grain production?

On the same piece of land, the income has doubled by 30 times!

This kind of income is enough to turn an ordinary businessman into a huge wealth!

In this way, Qin State has control of this kind of food, even relying on financial resources can crush the six eastern countries!

257 And all of this originated from Zi Chu’s son, and Zi Chu’s status is even more unshakable.

The rest of the hundreds of civil and military officials, including the Chu family, including Xiao Cheng Jiao, were also shocked from ear to ear.

All the doubts, denials, and malicious speculations have all been overthrown by reality!

“One hundred and eighty stones, God! How could it be!” The official in charge of agriculture next to Xiao Chengjiao couldn’t believe the facts before him, and murmured.

Xiao Cheng Jiao’s face was terribly gloomy.

Everything went so smoothly. Luo Wang discovered the news of winning the government, colluding with the peasants and indulging in female sex, all can be hammered, and winning the government can’t even argue against the hall!

But how can the grain yield be increased thirty times?

How did you do it?

Obviously, the winning ticket was already in hand, but in the end, because of an impossible event, it was completely reversed!

He recalled himself jumping up and down in the hall, it was so ridiculous.


The most exciting is King Zhaoxiang.

No one knows the meaning of increasing food income better than him!

Thinking about the battle of Changping that year, the reason why Zhao Guo was defeated was that apart from the personal factors caused by Bai (aibd), the biggest reason was that the national strength could not keep up. To put it bluntly, the food supply could not keep up.

After more than three years of fighting, there was no victory or defeat, but in the end it was defeated by insufficient food supplies!

Qin country can afford it, but Zhao country can’t afford it. It’s that simple.

Now that we have sweet potatoes, we have sufficient food security, and we are not afraid of confrontation with any country!

Daqin’s grain output is thirty times that of yours, what do you spend?


Originally when he was in the court, he had not thought so much, because twenty times the grain output was too frightening and hard to accept. What needs to be confirmed at the moment is the truth of this matter.

Now that it has been proved that winning the government is not a lie, then the significance of increasing grain production has filled the mind of King Zhaoxiang in an instant.

After a long time, after the shock, King Zhaoxiang first reacted and asked:

“Zheng’er, besides eating this thing raw, how else can you eat it?”

“It can be eaten raw or cooked! In fact, it is the correct way to eat sweet potatoes when they are cooked. You can eat them both cooked and roasted.” Ying Zheng talked freely.

When it comes to one hundred and eighty ways to eat sweet potatoes, people in this era are definitely not able to keep up with winning politics!

I haven’t even seen sweet potatoes, how can I know how to eat them?

“Grandpa, Zheng’er has developed a special way of eating, which can be demonstrated now.” Ying Zheng Xianbao said generally.

“Haha, good! Then you can demonstrate it!” Wang Zhaoxiang said with expectation.

Xiao Zhao Gao had been prepared long ago. He took a simple stove made of rough iron from the farm house, and brought a pick of black ice. The whole thing was taken out.

Black ice is coal, it is the specialty of the Yingzheng fief, all he has to do is to bake sweet potato chips!

This way of eating has long been mastered by Tian Yan and others, and they have made sufficient preparations for this demonstration.

The large pieces of sweet potatoes were cut into slices and baked on the stove. The pale yellow and white sweet potato chips gradually turned into a golden color, with a peculiar sweet smell floating in the air.

King Zhaoxiang immediately moved his index finger when he smelled the scent, and his face was full of hope; the civil and military ministers also smelled the scent of sweet potato chips, and they all began to swallow!

It’s so fragrant!

Just by smelling it, you can feel the taste of sweet potatoes must be extraordinary!

Seeing King Zhaoxiang staring at the baked sweet potato chips, it is not surprising to win the government. Tian Yan and the others were all like this when they ate for the first time~

Finally, the sweet potato chips are cooked.

Yingzheng stretched out his little hand to pick up a slice of baked pan, smiled and handed it to King Zhaoxiang.

Of course the little hands of the great-grandchildren are not dirty!

Grandpa King Zhaoxiang took the sweet potato chips, first blew, and then smelled, his eyes suddenly lit up!

A palm-sized piece of sweet potato quickly ate up, with an expression of satisfaction and unfulfilled expression on his face.

What is winning politics?

Is this wink still possible?

Immediately he took another piece of sweet potato and handed it to Grandpa!

Originally, King Zhaoxiang was still savoring the after-rhyme in his mouth, but I don’t need it now. I opened my mouth again and ate it, and I ate it in a few bites~

One more slice, eat more

Afterwards, King Zhaoxiang simply stepped directly on the edge of the stove, guarding the stove to eat!

At that time, they were all big stoves, and the stove was so big that you could bake more than a dozen slices at a time, and you could still eat them.

Eating here and roasting there, a total of three big sweet potatoes were cut and baked into slices. When King Zhaoxiang feasted and satiated, it was basically a whole big sweet potato.

The scene presented a very strange state.

King Zhaoxiang patted his stomach contentedly, closing his eyes to appreciate the ease of this moment; the civil and military officials behind were all swallowing desperately, the desire in their eyes could not be concealed, and they looked at the piles high over there. I can’t wait to rush to eat the sweet potato chips right away.

“Delicious, delicious!” King Zhaoxiang recollected the taste of the sweet potato and exclaimed.

The civil and military officials swallowed again, and looked at King Zhaoxiang imploringly.

I don’t know, King Zhaoxiang finished taking his stomach and started eating again!

Even winning politics is a little worried.

A master of the innate level, it would be a joke if it is directly killed.

Not only did he keep eating from his mouth, but the words from King Zhaoxiang’s mouth also popped out while he was eating!

“Ding Tianjun, this sweet potato you made is definitely a great credit! Great credit to the court!” King Zhaoxiang said very happily, and then picked up a slice of sweet potato.

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