Chapter 1120 disguise】

“Are you sure they will dress up now?”

When Ying Zheng thought of such a thing, he felt that he had been reminded.

“It’s okay if you don’t say so much now. If you say so much, then I will be angry. You can just wait in this place and tell you how many times.”

Yingzheng cares about these things very much. He feels that he still has to rely on their power to make decisions.

“Li Si, the prime minister in the palace, must be discussing how to enforce these laws, you know what I mean.”

Once this matter is implemented, it will surely surprise some other “Nine-two-Three” people.

“Do you mean that they will all dress up and come out? If this is the case, who of us can tell, it really makes me feel unhappy.”

Yingzheng pondered for a moment, and felt that he should hurry up now.

“Don’t say anything else now. Just wait in this place. We have to stay awake now. The guards have gone to the palace to call these people. Why don’t they come back?”

If Lu Buwei said that once he received such news, he would definitely rush over with all his might.

“If General Meng Tian was in this place, he would definitely rush in directly by himself, and then take them all.”

Ying Zheng smiled, talking with them while joking with them in this place.

“It is certainly true. If General Meng Tian is here, he will do his utmost to protect the safety of our majesty, and then go to encircle and suppress these rebels.”

These rebels in front of them are really eye-opening. They are now really disguised and turned into beautiful and flowery women.

“In my Daqin country, such things will happen again. It really makes people feel a little uncomfortable. We must take all of them now to comfort the dead soldiers.

Yingzheng observed very carefully, and he felt that he still had to stay here for a while now.

“Hurry up and take a look. They seem to be frightened now. If we were to start an encirclement and suppression right now, they probably wouldn’t agree.”

They seem to have brought some hounds to this place, and there will be sounds of hounds from time to time in this inn.

“They are nomads and like hunting, so they will bring some hounds now. No one knows how they were brought to the city.”

General Meng Tian and the others are now sending people to carry Xin’er, and they are already on their way. They have just rushed to the capital and heard that His Majesty is outside, so they will not go to the palace immediately, and they can come to meet him immediately.

“That’s all right now. We are guaranteed now, and General Meng Tian is coming over soon.

When Ying Zheng talked to the other guards, the others were also very happy. They finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that their meager power would not be able to protect Your Majesty.

“I hope that General Meng Tian can come quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to defeat it with the strength of a few of us. Some of his manpower is very painful, and they are good at disguising.”

Yingzheng thought for a while and thought that this is indeed the truth.

“Needless to say anything else, I have told you this matter countless times, a period of composure and calmness, no matter what kind of thing it is facing.

Yingzheng took a look, and felt that he still had to be careful, and he couldn’t let them be so presumptuous in this place.

“They have some hounds in it. We have already explicitly banned them before. We must not raise some hounds without permission in this capital.”

Ying Zheng didn’t want to take the initiative to say anything, he felt that many things should be let them take the initiative to discover such words are interesting.

“Did you find that some carriages still appear in the backyard of this inn somehow, coming in and out, it is really surprising.”

“Of course I found out that there are indeed some carriages in this place, and there are still a lot of them. I don’t know how many they keep in this place.”

Yingzheng carefully considered it and felt that his decision was correct.

“Do you know? We must be more cautious now. If we don’t wait for them in this place, it will embarrass us. This is not a good thing.”

“Of course I know it. If we follow these carriages closely now, then we can see how much they have raised. Maybe they will bring some other things privately.”

“Are you sure? It’s already surprising that they brought these hounds over now.”

A personal guard of General Meng Tian had already rushed over. When he ran to Ying Zheng out of breath, seeing that Ying Zheng was unharmed, he was finally relieved.

“Fortunately, your Majesty is safe and sound, otherwise I won’t be able to wait for ten thousand deaths.”

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