Chapter 1121 Rescue Soldiers and Horses]

Yingzheng has been observing for a long time, and feels that his decision is still a bit sloppy. Now he should let Meng Tian and the others come over here quietly. They can’t make such a big fanfare.

“Now tell General Meng Tian that he must be silent when he comes over, and don’t alarm other people, especially those people in the inn opposite.

No one knows how many people are in the inn opposite, and now we must check them one by one before we can make a final decision.

“When will General Meng Tian come over?’

After Ying Zheng asked about it, he learned that the reason why General Meng Tian didn’t rush over at the beginning was because many people seemed to have some doubts about her.

“It turns out that they have been on this city wall because of these things.”

Yingzheng thinks of all the things that happened before, and you think this thing can’t be left as it is.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I think our approach in 2008 is completely wrong. With so few manpower, we must not wait too long in this place. What do you think?”

If you stay here for too long, it will have an impact on them, and once this impact occurs, it will no longer be reversible.

The rescuers should come over right from the beginning, otherwise this matter will really panic.

“Have you ever thought about why General Meng Tian was stunned by some other people halfway? Did those people who colluded with the Xiongnu deliberately?”

Based on the considerations in Yingzheng’s heart, I think this thing is indeed very possible.

“You don’t have to think about anything else. This matter is for sure. Don’t bluff and deceive in this place.

Yingzheng has been thinking about these things all the time, and he feels that his decision is completely inadequate.

“Now I have to go back and talk to Prime Minister Li Si immediately, and let him immediately start to improve the terms mentioned by Shang Yang in the last struggle. If there are any new changes, he must report to me in time.”

No one knows what else will be in this inn, and we must calm down when facing this problem.

“In my opinion, we still have to see if there are any of them on the wall. If there are people with them, we can’t protect them.”

The other conditions don’t really matter, as long as they can be protected in this place.

“They all bluff and deceive in this place all day long. I really can’t help it. I think we must act in time now to protect the peace of our capital.”

Regarding this situation, winning the government is still very clear. He feels that he should now let them know that he has really given everything in order to protect them.

“The reason why these people stay here forever is because many people have other ideas about this matter, and they want to take the opportunity to make a fortune.”

After Ying Zheng heard this report from some people, he probably understood that the guards who guarded the place of the city gate must have collected the money from these people now, so they said they would only let them in.

“If there is such a thing, then all of them must be captured and brought to justice. We must now investigate together with all of them.”

Yingzheng is very sober about such things. He feels that he must be sweet and selfless now. It doesn’t matter to him whether this person is a person with whom he once had friendships or not.

“As long as it is the people who have known us, they will basically know our thoughts, so I think we shouldn’t be so calm in this place now.

Winning considered the consideration, and felt that now he should let Prime Minister Li Si quickly review these laws and publish them immediately.

“Now you can let Li Si directly post a notice on this city gate, so that all people in the world will be shocked by the 923 announcement, and then they will enter a stage of gradual adaptation.”

When a notice is posted on the city wall, such a thing can be spread ten times, and soon the people all over the world will know it.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I think our approach is completely wrong, especially when faced with such a situation.”

Winning government didn’t want to just let it go, he felt that he should give them a chance now, let them talk a little bit, why did they do this?

“Catch all these people and put them in a very tight small room. When I have time, I will go over and interrogate them.

As long as this is done, then these next people will never say anything or do anything.

“Have you ever thought that if we speak so bluntly now, then there will be more now, and they will hide in the whole world, we can’t catch them at all now.”,

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