Chapter 1119 Expand Encirclement and Suppression]

“We don’t know what is going on here.

There are already some people inside and outside the inn now. Yingzheng carefully observed and observed, and couldn’t be sure who these people were.

“In fact, I still feel quite cautious. We’d better not directly launch an encirclement and suppression, otherwise it will make them feel very frightened.”

The assassins in the inn will definitely be very vigilant. They must have found a lot of unknown people around this time.

“Don’t tell me, they will definitely be more and more vigilant now, I can make a judgment -.

The little guard who came with him was very obedient, but his thoughts sometimes made people feel dumb-laughing.

“How did you do these things in the palace before?”

Ying Zheng smiled while letting him stay in this window for a while.

“Have you ever thought that if we say that we directly start encirclement and suppression in this way, they will definitely be alarmed, and when they move, you don’t know.”

How many assassins are there? What is their purpose in this place? No one can be sure.

“I think it’s better not to remind them now. Once they are reminded, they will be prepared.”

Ying Zheng touched his hair, he felt that he might still be able to dress up quietly, change into a girl, and then go in to find out the situation.

“If I do something like this, I am afraid something is wrong. I hope you can do it well on my behalf.”

Ying Zheng looked at the man in front of him with a very optimistic look.

“You know that there are many situations that are very random, so we must be vigilant now and don’t be controlled by them.”

There is still a mess in the inn, and it might not be appropriate to continue this mess.

“Don’t say these bad things, I’m sober enough now.

Yingzheng has sharpened his eyes. Yingzheng feels that he should really ask them what else they want to say about this matter.

“You should give me a reminder or hint now.”

Yingzheng observed for a long time, and felt that he should give them an explanation from the beginning.

“They must be waiting in there now, they might already be unable to wait.

Just let them wait in this place, everything else doesn’t matter.

“You send someone to guard this place now. Nothing else is important to us. If something else happens, we will react accordingly.”

“I understand, thank you.”

The little guard in front of him was very grateful to Yingzheng for his reminder. After thinking about it, Yingzheng didn’t help him at all, so he didn’t need to thank himself at all.

“Forget it, let’s stay in this place now. If we don’t wait in this place, no one knows what will happen next.”

“If we say that they come to inquire later, we must not look up or be very surprised.”

The idea of ​​winning the government is very clear in his heart. He knows exactly how to be able to completely disguise it.

“Have you noticed that many of them have already begun to prepare, so we should be able to prepare earlier than they did.”

0……Look for flowers…

“The journey is far away, let’s wait and see in this place now, don’t give them too many opportunities.”

Yingzheng polished his eyes. He felt that he should wait a little longer in this place now.

“If you can’t hold your breath, you might really let other people look at it.

Ying Zheng now wants to take a look, what kind of thoughts and very clever ideas are there for this little guard in front of him?

“Stop talking nonsense in this place, let’s observe them first.”

If you continue to move forward, this matter will be very clear, but they may not have such thoughts.

“Have you noticed that many of them are sitting in this place, but their eyes are always looking at us from time to time. If they say they are really the assassins of the Huns, it will be over.”

“The assassins of the Huns are so smart now, which is really surprising.”

Yingzheng now doesn’t want them to think too much, he knows what the outcome of this matter will be.

“There are so many people outside. We’d better not be so impulsive to do these dangerous things. If we hurt the innocent, then we will definitely feel uncomfortable in our hearts, what do you think?”

There are indeed a lot of people outside. It is not the time to consider these at all. Now we must catch these Huns.

“You must know to dress up later.”

If they don’t pretend to be dressed up, they will definitely show their talents if they are exposed later. factory.

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