Chapter 111 Yield 20,000 catties per mu! I am sorry to increase income by 30 times! [Fourth change, please customize]

Han Shu Lili: The power is the system of five powers: Zhu, Liang, Jin, Jun, and Shi Ye.

Sui Shulu calendar: Ten Tai is Lei, and the Five Powers from then on. Ten ropes are one baht, twenty-four irons are two, sixteen taels are jins, thirty jins are juns, four juns are stone, and five powers are fine.

Atlas of Ancient Weights and Measures in the Heavenly Dynasty: One or two in the Han Dynasty is 15.6g, and one jin is 249.6g.

Therefore, one stone (dan) in the Qin and Han dynasties is about 59.9 kilograms or 30 kilograms today.

The Daqin Shangyang reforms abolished the mine field and took two hundred and forty steps to make one acre. The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, especially when the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty unified the number of steps in the field, and it was implemented in the whole country, and it has been carried forward to this day.

It’s just that the “step distance” regulations of the past dynasties are slightly deviated, and the size of an acre is also different.

One acre in Qin Dynasty is roughly equivalent to seven cents today.

In the farm of the fief, Xiao Zhao Gao, Tian Yan, and some peasant disciples were carefully serving sweet potatoes. Since eating that kind of delicious food, everyone has been very fond of this kind of food.

“The king is here!”

There was a loud shout from the guard of honor in the distance.

Although the state of Qin at that time was not as pompous as the empires of later generations, the king of Qin was inevitably magnificent wherever he went, and the guard of honor always accompanied him.

The king drove there, and hundreds of officials accompanied him, and his son was also leading the way. Tian Yan and the others immediately put down their work, touched their heads to the ground, bowed and saluted.

It was the first time that King Zhaoxiang came here in person since this fief was given to the government. He saw that the roads inside and outside the fief were smooth, the grains were plentiful, and there was no clutter, everything was in order, and he was quite satisfied.

“Zheng’er’s land is well managed!” Wang Zhaoxiang praised.

“Grandpa Xie compliments~ The front is a farm, millet, corn, and some other crops are planted, and Fanzhu is also there.” Ying Zheng raised his hand to the direction of Tian Yan and others.

All the civil and military officials followed in the footsteps of King Zhaoxiang and came to the emerald field together.

“Get up all, 々!” King Zhaoxiang came to Tian Yan and the others, and ordered in a deep voice.

Xiao Zhao Gao, Tian Yan and others all bowed their heads respectfully again and stood up, but their heads were still very low, and they did not dare to face King Qin directly.

King Zhaoxiang didn’t stop, he went straight to the sweet potato seedling and squatted down, twisted a green leaf with his fingers, looked at it intently, and frowned:

“Five grains are all produced on the ground! Zheng’er, is the grain in your mouth, is this green leaf?”

Yingzheng waved his hand to Zhao Gao who was on the side, and then explained:

“Grandpa, sweet potatoes are food that grows underground! The ground is just its plants.

At this time, Zhao Gao also respectfully came to Yingzheng, handed a cleaned sweet potato, and Yingzheng changed hands and presented it to King Zhaoxiang.

“This is the sweet potato? Can you eat it?” King Zhaoxiang frowned again. The contents in his hand were red and lavender, almost the size of a human head and full of weight.

Naturally, the original sweet potatoes rarely grow to this size, but the sweet potatoes produced by the system are much larger than ordinary sweet potatoes, and they were selected in advance by the winning government.

“It’s the sweet potato!” Ying Zheng nodded, “It can be eaten raw or cooked, but if eaten raw, it is harder and colder.

“Taste it!” King Zhaoxiang handed the sweet potato to a middle-aged eunuch beside him expressionlessly.

The first time I saw this kind of food, as King Zhaoxiang, it was of course impossible to eat it by himself. Besides, after all, he was old and didn’t want to take any risks.

The eunuch did not dare to hesitate after taking it, and immediately ate it with a big mouthful of “Kaba Kaba”. At first, he was more cautious. Later, he felt that the food was not good enough to eat. The nature of the food was revealed, and he killed it in one breath. For the most part, I was full at the end

“How does it taste?” Wang Zhaoxiang asked curiously.

“Going back to the king, this thing is crisp in the mouth, sweet and very satisfying! The little one can’t eat it now, it’s too full!” the middle-aged eunuch bowed and replied.

King Zhaoxiang nodded in satisfaction, and then looked towards winning the government.

Yingzheng naturally understood, and ordered loudly:


With an order from Yingzheng, Tian Yan immediately led a group of peasant disciples to start their hands.

The excavated sweet potato field is exactly one acre. It will take some time to completely dig out all the sweet potatoes, but at this moment in history, King Zhaoxiang was very patient!

By the way, he also saw Oda Yan in the hard work.

“Although she is wearing coarse clothes for farming, this little Nizi looks very handsome and has a good figure! Zhenger, this boy, haha!” King Zhaoxiang is also a man, just a little older~

After taking a second glance, King Zhaoxiang withdrew his gaze. This may also be one of the future great-grandchildren, and he is not too concerned.

What’s more, his main focus is on sweet potatoes.

Too much!!

Seeing the emerald green seedlings being brought down, the peasant disciples dug up huge sweet potatoes from the ground. Although the surface of the sweet potatoes is still muddy, it is roughly the same as the one that Yingzheng took over. .

The sweet potatoes are neatly stacked in the ditch of the ground, the ditch is filled up, and it is raised high.

How many sweet potatoes does this have?

King Zhaoxiang personally weighed sweet potatoes, this thing is more than the weight of grains!

*”Go all down! Let’s go! Quickly dig out the sweet potatoes for the widows!” King Zhaoxiang became more excited as he watched, and began to order the civil and military ministers who followed him to dig sweet potatoes together.

These officials of the Qin State, regardless of being civil servants and military attaches, are not weak scholars without the power to bind chickens, and all of them can lead troops to kill the enemy at critical times!

Thousand points of farm work, of course, there is no problem.

And these civil and military officials are also very excited.

The sweet potato produced by Ding Tianjun, looking at this posture, definitely (Li Zhao) has the hope of reaching 20 times the output of Wei Mi!

Just a lot more!

One by one, the officials showed their arms and rolled their sleeves and joined the potato digging army one after another.

With the addition of these fresh forces, the progress of the harvest has been greatly improved, and everyone has transported the dug sweet potatoes out of the field one after another, and piled them up not far from King Zhaoxiang.

In the end, all the sweet potatoes in an acre of land were taken out.

“Quick! Weigh!” King Zhaoxiang was so excited when he saw the small pile of sweet potatoes beside him.

The official in charge quickly started weighing.

One stone, ten stone, twenty stone

Everyone stared closely, and didn’t dare to miss it.

Until the last chapter was also weighed, the yield of one mu of land was also checked.

One hundred and eighty stones!

Yield per mu, one hundred and eighty stones! Twenty thousand catties!

The yield of millet per mu, the highest yield is at most six shi per mu. Converted into the sentence,

Exactly thirty times!.

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