Chapter 108 Chaotang argues, Cheng Jiao picks things up! [First update, please customize]

In a blink of an eye, a few more days have passed, and the sweet potatoes in the Yingzheng fief have matured in large quantities.

In the past few days, Ying Zheng, Tian Yan, and some other peasant disciples have been very busy, watching the amazing output of Fan, and they are all excited.

Winning government has also calculated in its heart, and has determined various indicators, so it is ready to offer treasures.

Prince’s Mansion, where Mrs. Huayang lives.

“Mrs. Ji, his subordinates have received the latest news about Ding Tianjun. Ding Tianjun has been fond of farming these days, staying in the fields for several days, and it is said that he is harvesting a new variety of grain.” Respectful report.

“Oh? Farming? Dignified monarch, prefers farming?” Mrs. Hua Yang frowned,-thoughtfully.

“No wonder I haven’t seen him in Chaotang these days, it turned out to be farming!”-Xiao Cheng Jiao said with disdain.

“Madam, Ding Tianjun and a peasant girl are very close! They have been together for a few days, and Ding Tianjun also takes care of this peasant girl on weekdays.” The drug reported that “Important” information”.

“Woman? Farmer girl? That’s how it is!” Mrs. Hua Yang suddenly realized. “It turned out to be infatuated with a peasant girl, ha ha, winning politics, you are really a juvenile romantic.”

“Haha! Based on this, the grandfather will definitely punish him!” Xiao Cheng Jiao burst into laughter, his eyes showed excitement.

“Haiyan is by his side, he doesn’t think it is enough, it can be regarded as self-inflicted!” Mrs. Huayang’s eyes were stern, “Xiaocheng Jiao, this time, you should know how to do it?”

“Grandma rest assured! Winning the government colluded with the farmer’s demon, Cheng Jiao will definitely vote for Grandpa Ming Tai!” Xiao Cheng Jiao said confidently.

The palace hall, the early dynasty has just begun.

King Zhaoxiang’s domineering gaze swept across every courtier majesticly, but the figure he wanted to see still did not appear.

“Ding Tianjun still didn’t come to court today?” Wang Zhaoxiang asked casually.

As he grows older, he finally cherishes an outstanding junior, and he even takes a glance every day to be at ease.

The Xiao Cheng Jiao under the hall suddenly brightened his eyes! Zheng Chou has no chance to sue!

“Report to Grandpa! Cheng Mosquito Jiao knows why Ding Tianjun didn’t come to court!” Xiao Cheng Jiao went out to report.

“E? ​​What’s the reason?” King Zhaoxiang asked calmly.

“Ding Tianjun is simply not doing his job right now. He has been studying the tricks of some evil devils all day, and he is almost going crazy, and the practice of cultivation has been delayed for a long time!” Xiao Cheng Jiao immediately began to break the news.

At this time, it was said that it was the period of winning the government and gaining power, and the prestige in the DPRK was extremely high. Cheng Jiao’s openly speaking such words immediately attracted the surprised eyes of the civil and military officials.

“It is said that there is a peasant woman in the fief of Ding Tianjun. The two of them are entangled all day long, and they study farming in a beautiful name. In fact, they are completely confused by that peasant girl!” .


The civil and military officials were also excited.

Although Qin State vigorously develops agriculture, farming is a taboo!

Because Wu’an Jun Baiqi died in the siege of a master farmer, how could the people of Qin not hate him?

King Zhaoxiang on the throne was noncommittal and did not express anything.

“Grandfather! Ding Tianjun has been bewitched by that demon girl for a long time, so you can’t extricate yourself! There are more peasant disciples in his fief. If you take this opportunity, you should immediately send troops to conquer and wipe out the peasant demon!”

“Furthermore, Lord Ding Tian should also take back his fief and title, so that he can wake up for a while, so as not to go astray!” Xiao Cheng Jiao expressed his opinions righteously.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The civil and military officials also felt the seriousness of the matter after Xiao Chengjiao said these words.

“Great King, the peasant family killed Jun Wu’an, and now he is entangled with King Dingtian. This matter is not trivial!”

“Great King, Ding Tianjun is the optimizing pillar of Qin’s future, there must be no mistakes!”

“As a political force, the peasant family not only intervenes in the disputes between our seven countries, but now it is also the Dingtian Monarch who deceives my Great Qin, the king, send troops! Annihilated the peasant family in one fell swoop!”

Among the courtiers, Lu Buwei and Ying Zichu looked down at each other, and they both saw the worry in the eyes of the other party.

There are peasant disciples in the fief of Yingzheng, they all know, and they even know that the so-called “peasant demon girl” is Tian Yan. All of this is well-documented, and there is no way to deny it!

Zi Chu frowned tightly, thinking about countermeasures.

0……Look for flowers…

In fact, this matter can be big or small.

Although Bai Qi was murdered by the farmer, the Qin State did not kill the farmer completely, and even did not take much action at all.

There are farm disciples all over the world, and all of them are masters of farming.

There are peasant disciples everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms, and the Qin State is no exception.It is impossible to put all the peasant disciples to death just because the peasant master killed Bai Qi?

The key lies in the connection between the winning government and the farmers!

If it is a special agricultural official who contacts the farmer, then no one can tell the problem; but Yingzheng is not such an official, and the person who is associated with Yingzheng is a beautiful girl!

This is not clear.

If the king thinks that winning the government is a small age indulging in collusion between female sex and the peasant family, it would be very bad!

Thinking of this, Zi Chu couldn’t help but peek at King Zhaoxiang.

King Zhaoxiang’s face was really ugly, and his face was indifferent.

However, the reason why he showed such a look was because of Xiao Cheng Jiao.

In the eyes of King Zhaoxiang, the Xiaocheng Jiao who jumped up and down was actually just like Zhao Guo’s Haiyou, an actor, and extremely funny, it was basically a farce in the court!

What Yingzheng did in the fief, King Zhaoxiang knew clearly!

Although he didn’t see with his own eyes what Yingzheng was studying, he had great confidence in his great-grandson, and it was nonsense that the demon bewitched such things.

On the other hand, where did Cheng Jiao’s information come from?


This is ridiculous

In today’s Luonet, King Zhaoxiang doesn’t ask too much anymore. He has delegated power to the winning government.

Of course, this is all secret, all forces are kept in the dark, and they don’t know what’s going on here.

In other words, the snare can only be a bridge for winning politics to other people.As for things that are really useful and information that is not conducive to winning politics, it is impossible to leak to Mrs. Huayang and Cheng Jiao!

King Zhaoxiang simply had the mentality of watching a show, sitting there steadily watching Xiao Cheng Jiao jumping up and down, telling the truth.

At this moment, an old eunuch hurried over from the side of the hall and said respectfully:

“Great King, Ding Tianjun is here to go to court.” Factory,

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