Chapter 109 Twenty times the output, Chaotang is shocked! [Second more, please customize]

Although the title of Yingzheng is extremely noble, when it comes to official positions, he actually does not have any official positions.

Regardless of whether he was leading soldiers to fight and arresting traitors, they were all arranged by King Zhaoxiang himself and appointed temporarily. “Ding Tianjun” is just a title title, not an official position, and there is no need to participate in any court affairs.

With the talent to win the government, it is only necessary to practice with peace of mind now.

The reason why King Zhaoxiang’s franchise win can participate in court discussions is purely a benefit.

Cultivation is boring, can you relax when you come to the court?

By the way, it can also increase some court experience, which will kill two birds with one stone!

When the court had begun to excite the peasant sentiment, Yingzheng walked in quietly.

At the same time, the corner of King Zhaoxiang’s mouth faintly evoked a smile.

The good show is about to be staged!

“Two Five Seven”

“Ding Tian Jun! It is Ding Tian Jun coming!” Some courtiers noticed the arrival of Ying Zheng and shouted.

Xiao Cheng Jiao is still performing hard and jumping up and down. Seeing that King Zhaoxiang is still indifferent, but he can’t think of what method to use. The arrival of the victory is like a “Heavenly God Soldier”, which solves Xiao Cheng Jiao’s Urgent.

“Ding Tianjun! Are you colluding with the peasant family?” Xiao Chengjiao asked, he would not leave time to prepare for the victory.

Ying Zheng was immediately unhappy when he heard this!

What is collusion? It seems to be saying that there is an adulterous relationship between him and Tian Yan. It’s too ugly!

“Cheng Jiao, this monarch is in contact with the farmers, why is it called collusion?” Yingzheng said dissatisfied.

“Yingzheng, do you really do not know or pretend that you do not know? The farmer killed Wu Anjun Baiqi, can it be said that you have forgotten this matter?” Xiaocheng Mosquito Jiao sneered. “Huh! But, are you admitting this?”

“How about acknowledgment? This monarch is indeed in contact with people from the farm!” Yingzheng said indifferently.


The courtiers whispered and talked.

Real hammer, thoroughly real hammer!

Ding Tianjun’s collusion with the peasant family can’t be shaken off!

“It’s not just about being connected, right? You are clearly entangled with the peasant girl! What is the purpose, we don’t know, and you need to explain it yourself!” Xiao Cheng Jiao is not forgiving, and must win Zheng is associated with the “Farmer Demon Girl”.

“Cheng Jiao, keep your mouth clean! What is a farmer’s demon girl? This monarch did this for Da Qin!” Ying Zheng immediately said his reasons.

Increasing food production will benefit the country and the people! It cannot be ruined at all! Winning the government is indeed for the sake of Daqin.

“For Da Qin? To win the government, you are too shameless? Obviously you have been deceived by the demon and indulged in female sex, and dare to say anything for Da Qin?” Xiao Cheng Jiao laughed.

Ding Tianjun colluded with the farmer’s demon girl, and further hammered!

The courtiers of some of the other Chu forces have also spotted the direction of the wind.When will they support Cheng Jiao if they don’t support Cheng Jiao at this time?

“Ding Tianjun, you actually forgot about the farmer’s sneak attack on Wu’anjun. Collusion with the demon girl is really absurd!

“I think Da Qin doesn’t hold the ordinary peasant disciples guilt, this is already magnanimous, and I dare to confuse Ding Tianjun today? But, Ding Tianjun, you should wake up and don’t fall into the trap of the peasant family.

“At a young age, you don’t do your job, and you are indulged in female sex! Lord Dingtian, you are really too proud of yourself! No matter how talented you are, you need to work hard. How can you be able to bear the big task with such a sloppy?”

“Collaborating with the peasant demon girl can be said to be for Da Qin, Ding Tianjun, your statement is difficult to accept!

After hearing these remarks, Zi Chu couldn’t help but start to worry about winning the government.

The thing he worries the most has happened!

Collaborating with the peasants and indulging in female sex, such a big hat is basically completely buckled on the head of the winning government!

It’s just that, when he saw the win-government look clearly, he had a weird feeling.

Winning the government is basically calm and leisurely, completely okay, and completely ignore the requests of the people around you.

He also has no way of knowing the things in the winning fief, can it be said

What’s hidden in it?

Sure enough, I heard that Ying Zheng continued to say:

“Great King! Winning the government is indeed for Da Qin!”

“Why? Why do you say that you are for Daqin?” King Zhaoxiang raised his hand to suppress the noise of the courtiers, and asked, a pair of old eyes clinging to victory.

All the courtiers under the hall saw King Zhaoxiang’s hand gestures, and immediately stopped talking, all waiting for the answer from Yingzheng 0…

“Because of the food!” There is a clear way to win the government.

“Food?” Wang Zhaoxiang frowned slightly.

“The farmer’s disciples, under my instruction, produced a kind of grain called sweet potato, whose output can reach twenty times that of millet!” Ying Zheng said solemnly.

Twenty times??

What concept is this?

How can this be done?

Everyone on the court hall was shocked and felt incredible. Even King Zhaoxiang stood up suddenly, with dim old eyes, full of energy.

“What?! Twenty times? Zheng’er, this is no joke! Do you know that the meaning behind the increase in grain production by twenty times is extremely important!” Wang Zhaoxiang said with a serious face.

It’s not that he made a fuss.

In the era of Daqin, grain output in a sense almost represented the national strength of a country!

Grain is basically a strategic resource; a 20-fold increase in food production will increase national strength!

With sufficient food, you can feed more people and have more troops; even if it is exchanged for supplies from other countries, that is a huge benefit.

“To grandpa, Zheng’er dare not deceive a word! Definitely twenty times!” Yingzheng said with great certainty.

With the reaffirmation of the victory, the court began to make noise again.

Because this kind of thing is simply unbelievable, it must be doubted.

“Ding Tianjun, do you not know the concept of twenty times? Or is it that the farmer’s demon girl is deliberately deliberately understating the output of millet?”

“Twenty times the output is simply impossible! Don’t say twenty times, it is five times, ten times. If you want to increase, it is simply harder than reaching the sky.”

“Peasants are not gods, why didn’t they have such a method before? How can collusion with Ding Tianjun can increase grain output by 20 times?”

Don’t say that the courtiers don’t believe it, even King Zhaoxiang, who has always been optimistic about winning the government, is hard to believe about the fact that the grain production is 20 times higher!

“If the king doesn’t believe me, you can go to my fief and have a look at it right now! These few days have happened to be the time for sweet potatoes to mature, and the things that grow in the land are true or not. You can tell at a glance!”,

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