Chapter 107 Sweet potatoes are mature, a great gift to King Zhaoxiang! [Fourth update, please customize]

Victory came back too late, the birthday party completely evolved into a dinner party, everyone did not stay for too long, and it was over after a moment.

It was just because of this time that Zhao Ji was very “dissatisfied” with the winning government, and had to drag the winning government to accompany her for several days at the Young Master’s Mansion, which was considered as letting go of the winning government.

After returning to the fief, the life of winning the government continued in an orderly manner.

Sometimes I pay attention to the expansion of the power of the Black Ice Platform, sometimes inquire about the progress of recruiting private troops, and have the opportunity to guide everyone in the martial arts.

Most of the time, he mainly practiced the emperor’s confession of gods and the emperor’s swordsmanship.

In a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

On this day, Feiyan ran out of the prince again, and made a special trip to see the victory.

She was already familiar with the fief, and came to Yingzheng’s residence without hindrance. It happened that Xiao Zhao Gao and Tian Yan were also here.

“Young Master!” Fei Yan shouted cheerfully, and walked to Yingzheng’s side.

She has become accustomed to this position and is happy to win politics.

“Ah, Feiyan! By the way, I haven’t officially introduced you to each other yet!” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Although Fei Yan, Xiao Zhao Gao, and Tian Yan have met each other, they really haven’t spoken. Apart from the two girls’ desire to win politics, the outsiders are 257 relatively cold and rarely communicate with others.

“She is the Weiyan of the Yin-Yang family, and is hailed as the peerless genius of the Yin-Yang family!” Ying Zheng pointed to the introduction of Yan Yan Xiang Tian Yan, with a small compliment in his words.

A triumphant smile appeared on the little girl’s face.

“This is the farmer’s Tian Yan, it’s the master of technology in my fief!” Ying Zheng introduced Tian Yan to Fei Yan again, which was also a compliment.

Tian Yan’s performance was going to be much more reserved, and he nodded faintly toward Fei Yan, and smiled politely on his face.

It’s just that this is all appearance!!

Xiao Nizi has long known about Feiyan and winning politics, especially when King Zhaoxiang personally ordered Feiyan to get close to winning politics, which made Xiao Nizi extremely dissatisfied!

Seeing the relationship between Fei Yan and winning politics, it seems that they are already extremely close, and Tian Yan’s heart is even more uncomfortable!

After Ying Zheng briefly introduced a few people to know, he returned to the topic.

The reason why Tian Yan and Xiao Zhao are shouted is mainly for one thing:

Sweet potatoes are almost ripe!

“Ayan, it’s been almost three months since I planted it? I think it should be about to mature! Tell me, what’s going on?” Ying Zheng asked Tian Yan.

Xiao Nizi has been struggling with the relationship between Yingzheng and Feiyan in her heart. Now that she heard Yingzheng’s questioning, she suddenly came back to her senses, patted her small breasts, and said confidently:

“My son, don’t worry! I won’t let you down!”

“Haha!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly and groaned slightly: “Xiao Gao, go and call Xuanzhen and the others. Let’s go to the sweet potato field to take a look.”

Time was short, everyone came to the sweet potato field together.

“My son, it should not have reached a large-scale ripening period, but there are also a small amount of sweet potatoes that are mature and ready to eat!” Tian Yan said proudly.

“Okay, get a few out, let’s taste it together!” Ying Zheng also looked forward to it, and was eager to try it, “Xuan Jiang, try your swordsmanship! Don’t break the rhizome!”

“Hey~ Young Master, look okay!” Xuan Jian said excitedly.

After so many days of cultivation, and the guidance of winning politics, he has completely advanced to the half-step congenital, and taking the black scissors of the tiger wolf pill, it is definitely not an ordinary half-step congenital master can contend.

The black and white swords flashed a few times, and the sweet potato hidden deep in the ground was dug out by Xuan Jiang.

“Haha, good job!” Yingzheng praised him.

Although Xuan Jian’s personality is frizzy, but Ying Zheng still appreciates him. It is much stronger than the cold-blooded killer in the initial memory, and it is more of a human touch.

He also had no way of knowing what kind of hatred Xuanjian in his memory had gone through to become so cold.

“My son, what is this (aibd)? You can eat it?” Fei Yan blinked her eyes and asked curiously. At the same time, she stretched out her little hands to grab it. Her little hands couldn’t completely grasp the huge fan. NS.

Ying Zheng was very satisfied when he saw the sweet potatoes on the ground, much larger than the sweet potatoes in the memory of previous lives!

“This thing is called Fanzhu, it’s delicious!”” Yingzheng explained with a smile.

Later, he organized a few people to hide the sun, set up a stove on the spot, and started to bake sweet potatoes on the spot!

It seems that the seeds are provided by the system. The taste of these sweet potatoes is obviously better than those of ordinary sweet potatoes in the previous life, and the aroma is already overflowing before they are cooked.

When it was almost time, Ying Zheng took out the sweet potatoes, removed the skin, and the golden, oily roasted sweet potatoes appeared in front of everyone!

The sweet scent filled the air, everyone was intoxicated, salivating, and the index finger moved, including Tian Yan. She had never tried this way to eat sweet potatoes.

Everyone couldn’t hold back anymore, they grabbed the sweet potatoes in the stove and ate them.

The excellent varieties produced by the system are really extraordinary!

After the Little Scarlet Girl ate one, not only the taste was too sweet to extricate herself, but the body was also warm, so she couldn’t help but ate another one

“Haiyan, you can eat too much! Don’t make it!” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The little girl blushed immediately, but the sweet potato in her hand still did not relax, and she ate until she licked her fingers.

“Sister Tian Yan is worthy of being an outstanding disciple of the farmer’s family! I was able to find such delicious food, the taste is simply too good, and after eating, it is so full!” Fei Yan admired a few words.

Tian Yan had just finished eating a piece of sweet potato, and he was also sighing for the deliciousness of sweet potato, but when he heard Feiyan’s praise, he became a little embarrassed, and his pretty face was slightly red.

“These are all made by the son. I just obeyed the son’s instructions.” Tian Yan explained a little bit.

Hearing Tian Yan’s words, Fei Yan suddenly became surprised and looked at Ying Zheng in amazement.

She thought it was all made by Tian Yan, because when Ying Zheng introduced Tian Yan, she said Tian Yan was a master of technology.

Not only is the talent and strength amazing, but it can also make such a wonderful thing!

The little girl felt more admiration for the victory in her heart.

Ying Zheng didn’t care about this, and asked Tian Yan with a smile:

“Ayan, how much can the output of sweet potatoes reach?”

“It hasn’t reached the real maturity period, just a few days later, and you will know by weighing it at that time!” Tian Yan said truthfully.

“Hehe, this time, I can give Grandpa a big surprise!” Ying Zheng whispered to himself

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