Chapter 1067 Anonymous letter]

“It’s not a way to go on like this after all.

The ministers around him looked at each other, arched and dared not to lift up.

Ying Zheng raised his eyelids slightly and was not satisfied with their performance.

“It’s been a few hours, let all Aiqing think of some solutions here, but none of you can make me get what I want. What should you sin?”

The ministers underneath knelt on the ground with a thump.

Seeing their busy kowtows, winning the government felt that it was never a way.

“I heard that a great enemy is invading the border, so we must pick out some brave men so that we can resist the great powers. We must regain our strength.”

Yingzheng glanced at the guard next to him at this moment.

The guard immediately put the knife beside him in the hands of Ying Zheng.

“This sword is the way of the emperor. If any of you can take this tricky task, then you can make him the general of the town here.”

Yingzheng feels that they have very good conditions at this time, and they must be very enthusiastic.

Unexpectedly, the people underneath looked at each other, stealing one and pressed it tightly to the ground, not daring to lift it up.

“Unexpectedly, I have painstakingly trained you for so many years in the past, and all of you are as timid as a bereaved dog.

Winning political companion pretended to be a little angry.

At this time, a person held a plaque and bowed respectfully to Yingzheng.

“Your Majesty calms down. I heard that there is a man who possesses both civil and military skills. This person’s name is Meng Yi. If Meng Tian and Meng Yi are summoned together, then they will definitely be able to take on this important task, 々.

Yingzheng thought for a while, since someone recommended it, he is definitely not an idle person.

“Give you half an hour, immediately bring these two with me, I want to see how sacred it is.”

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, it was obvious that the ministers in the end were relieved.

“I heard that General Meng Tian and General Meng Yi love mountains and rivers by nature. If they are not in the General’s Mansion now, they are now the first person in the suburbs.”

The people outside have immediately rushed to invite these two generals over.

“The frontier chaos is a great shame to us, and we must fight back fiercely now to be able to demonstrate our great power.”

Ying Zheng said that he threw what he had on hand gently, and some people underneath slammed their heads to the ground again.

“This matter is the crime of the ministers. It is really our negligence. Those people will enter my territory so easily. In addition, this father-in-law has a secret treasure.

Ying Zheng looked at a little eunuch, respectfully holding a paper book, which seemed to be a letter.

“The matter that your Majesty sent a minion to investigate some time ago has already taken place, and everything is in this letter. Please tell me in person.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that this matter should be more cautious. Who knows what is hidden in it.

“This letter will be placed in my bedroom after the retreat of the United Kingdom. I will naturally read it when I return. Don’t let other people approach this letter.”

After explaining this matter, winning politics is very calm.

“Did you know that General Meng Tian and General Meng Yi had no intention of being in this ruling or opposition party? It’s better to change someone else, otherwise this matter might be horrible.”

Ying Zheng looked at the man in front of him, who looked like a traitorous official with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

“This Ai Qing, I don’t know why he said such a thing so abruptly. Since that’s the case, let’s talk about it.”

Suddenly, Yingzheng called the name, he was shocked at this moment, and then immediately bowed to Yingzheng.

*”Wei Chen just felt that Meng Tian and General Meng Yi had been traveling around the mountains and rivers before, and his mind was not in the ruling and opposition at all. Now if they were to be sent to the frontier, they would really be half-hearted. ”

Winning politics will know that this person is not a good tool.

“That’s all, when General Meng Tianmeng comes here, I’m afraid it will take several hours to call them two directly into my bedroom.”

Winning the government is really in no mood now, facing some false ministers in this front.

“In addition, we must continue to carry out reforms and constantly improve various systems, so that we can be called Daqin.”

Ying Zheng scribbled a task, and the laziness (good money) caused some other people to immediately ebb.

“Is your majesty having something on your mind recently? It seems to be your mind, and some have deviated from the government. I am afraid that the war in the frontier has chilled our majesty. I will try my best to share our worries for our majesty.”

The ministers’ conversations outside the court, winning the government are all well known. Who is a loyal minister and who is a traitor, he has a clear mind in his heart.

Not only the eyeliner sent out, there are also some anonymous letters, which are continuously delivered to the palace of Yingzheng.

When Ying Zheng returned to the Qing Palace, he had been staring at a letter.

“Where did this letter come from? There is no one-and-a-half words on the outside.”

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