Chapter 1068 audacious in the extreme】

“Your Majesty, shall we enter the palace directly at this time?”

The little eunuch who had been staying by his side seemed to be trembling. He didn’t know what was going on. Maybe he was scared by himself. Yingzheng smiled and didn’t say much.

Ying Zheng kept staring at the man in front of him. The little eunuch seemed to be a newcomer, and his hat was a bit crooked.

“What’s your sin? Take a look at your disheveled clothes and look like you are still waiting here.

This little eunuch had already said that he was trembling, and although he was not sure that he was talking about himself, he still knelt on the ground with a plop.

“I don’t think this situation is that simple. This anonymous letter was delivered by the team we sent out last time.

Ying Zheng recalled himself carefully, and sent a team to look for the elixir of immortality.

“Do you know who the leader is?”

Victory is already a little fuzzy in memory, and now he wants to know who the person is doing this thing through the mouths of these people.

“Isn’t 893 the General Meng Tian you just said you want to summon?”

Yingzheng patted his forehead abruptly.

“Look, I actually forgot about this matter. Yingzheng now wants to see what they wrote in this letter?”

“Maybe there are some eyebrows, otherwise they can’t send this letter to the palace so quickly.

This little eunuch seemed to know a lot, and Ying Zheng felt that this should be the little eunuch he had been close to before.

“If there is any other news, immediately tell some other people, don’t let them make a big fanfare in this place.”

Originally this is not a good thing. If you stick to it all the time, it is estimated that some other people will say that you are too stubborn.

“Let them come back if they can’t find it. It’s no better than you. If they have already walked in front of the Taihang Mountains, don’t be too entangled.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that he was not yet old for a while, and it was too early to ask for an elixir.

“Your Majesty, you have to think clearly about the news that you finally got, and in this suburb, it seems that you have found a so-called master of Taoism. We must now be able to do all this smoothly.”

Winning government considered the consideration, and felt that he must establish some majesty in the court now, so that when he was in the court or outside the palace, these civil and military ministers would not dare to make trouble.

“The ministers of civil and military affairs in front of me are not worthy of my trust at all. I think we are still a little bit more diligent now, and find more people who can be trusted.”

The little eunuch in front of him nodded hurriedly, and pointed to the back of the accounting room.

“Here is an eunuch who you have been hiding in. He has been coordinating these things. If you say that you have forgotten anything, you can just ask him.”

Yingzheng thought about the eyeliner that he set himself, but he forgot it. It’s really not a brain for me to return (aibd).

“You open this letter right now. I will read it carefully and see how General Meng Tian is doing this thing.”

“General Meng Tian is very upright and fierce in the battle. No matter what you ask him to do, he will definitely be able to do it.

When the little eunuch opened the letter, Ying Zheng smelled a burst of fragrance, and he immediately squeezed his nose, because he knew that there might be something poisoning in these letters.

“What kind of smell is this? Hurry up and get an imperial doctor.”

When these imperial doctors rushed over in a hurry, Ying Zheng and this letter were far away. He didn’t want to kill himself because of these small things.

“Now, go over and check it out quickly. If you say it is poisonous, take it out immediately. Don’t get too close to the Lianhe.

As long as you can prepare well, then all this will go smoothly.

“The content of this letter needs to be roasted on the fire before it can be revealed. It is an encrypted text, so we don’t have to worry about it.”

A very experienced old doctor touched the residual smell on this piece of letter paper, it was nothing more than a floral scent.

“My Majesty, on this letter paper, there is no strange smell at all. The sincere fragrance that wafts out from time to time is due to the floral scent that comes with this letter paper, so it is said to be like this.”

Yingzheng seriously considered it, and found this letter to be very surprising.

“How could there be such a technology? Have you ever wondered who wrote this letter?”

When Yingzheng asked them, the other people did not respond at all. Now Yingzheng wants to see what is in this letter. .

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