Chapter 1066 Metamorphosis

It may be because I witnessed the efforts of all of them with my own eyes, and then the change slowly transformed into a new existence.

It can be said that their previous words really make people feel very complicated, and it seems that they are really going to bid farewell to this world, and it is for this reason that it will make them sad.

Although all things have slowly passed away, every time I think about this problem, I still feel a little bit sour, isn’t it?

There are some things here. What needs to be changed is still to be changed. They should really succeed in taking a step forward, otherwise all people don’t know how to continue.

“You don’t know what the emperor said to us just now, how terrible I am, I think it seems that God is making a huge joke with me.”

“I won’t forget the words that Yingzheng said at the time. I only dared to say it in private. If I got it on the table one day, I wouldn’t have so much courage. .”

Let all the people return to their own place with exhaustion, and this mood is slowly letting go. In fact, there is an unspeakable feeling of sadness, and I always feel that all this does not seem to suit them at all. ,how to say?

This question, I have been thinking about it for a long time, can it be said that they really want to go to death so directly? That must be unwilling, why?

Obviously they still have a lot of abilities, why did they really want to die so openly, and somewhat saddened by tears falling, and then it doesn’t matter if they think about it, what else does he do?

This is the ultimate mission you gave birth to. From this point, they have completely demonstrated their true ability.

In short, the use in the middle is still quite big, it is not as unsightly as it is said, on the whole, they should also work harder to take a footwork, shouldn’t they?

I thought that all the problems would have a perfect ending in my heart, but later I discovered that this kind of thing is really not that simple.

When I talked about this topic, I also sighed, and my eyes were filled with sorrow.

“Today is probably the last night we can talk so happily and relaxedly, but there will be no such good opportunities in the future, so brother Meng will go on so hard in the future, let’s not be discouraged. Okay? Besides, I don’t think it matters anymore. It really doesn’t matter anymore.”

When they got there, they still had some kind of unspeakable sadness, but it was a pity that there was really nothing to say. It wasn’t the feeling of sadness that suddenly rushed toward their faces.

This problem can also be drawn to a complete end. For this reason, they have been deeply troubled for a long time.

In fact, the winning politics outside doesn’t know how long they have been staying. If you follow his previous stinky temper, you would have already beaten them directly on the ground, but right now, it’s all in the past. Style.

In addition, they did have a lot of maturity during this period, and on the whole, they were not particularly ugly. He accepted this fact without knowing it.

In other words, he didn’t want to rush in directly and beat them up again. This kind of thing was really a waste of time.

It even wasted his feelings. You have to know that he doesn’t have any special thoughts in his own right, and his thoughts are quite simple.

While winning the government cheer for them, the big guys seem to have been silently willing to accept, otherwise, they will work hard, and if you don’t do it, I won’t do it.

When will you be able to finish it completely? You don’t know how to break it down in the future. It’s not that you will find that there will still be a sad feeling between each other.

I haven’t finished waiting for verification quickly. Is the 890 not a big guy? Suddenly there was a lot of emotion. This mood is also quite nervous and cautious, and then I don’t know how to continue in the days to come.

Anyway, some time ago, they all had a heart that is about to die, but now they have got a perfect peace of mind. Soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them. It’s already this time, so there shouldn’t be too much sadness. , And sooner or later, there is a feeling of dying.

According to their relatively old thinking, when will they be able to solve the problem perfectly, there will still be a feeling of hating iron but not steel, and of course it is acceptable to fight more problems.

Otherwise, he would be killed directly, there is no doubt that it is a little bit more problematic.

Although I kept saying this, my heart was really too scary and horrible. I couldn’t calm my mind for a while, and it was still a little bit sour. .

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