Chapter 104 Three thousand private soldiers, three thousand tigers and wolves, the winning team! [First update, please customize]

Ghost crying ape, black armored dragon python, Zhongshan wolf, the beasts in this world are relatively powerful, and the number is extremely large, especially the ordinary tiger wolf, although it is not a threat to human settlements, but it is also very common in the wild.

In less than two days, Lu Buwei successively acquired more than a thousand tigers and wolves, and trucks of secrets were transported into the fiefdom of winning politics.

If it weren’t because the delivery process was too laborious, the number would be even greater, and Lu Buwei’s men were still hunting, intermittently sent to the Yingzheng side.

Yingzheng has set aside a separate area in the fief, which is dedicated to raising tigers and wolves.

“Xiao Gao, do you know where these pills come from?” Ying Zheng once again killed a batch of tiger wolves that had just been delivered, and gathered dozens of tiger wolf pills.

“The pill of the son, is it extracted from the blood of these tigers and wolves?”

“Two Five Three”

Xiao Zhaogao thought for a moment, and it felt like this. Although he didn’t understand the principle of the son’s technique, the bloody smell on the pill was completely the same as those tiger wolves.

“Yes! It’s from these tigers and wolves! You yourself are the beneficiary of this pill, and you already know its efficacy! Sooner or later, my son will still lead the army. If there is a powerful army around, you can do things too. Handy!”

A powerful army around?

Private army!

Xiao Zhaogao immediately thought of the private army that won the government. The number of king Zhaoxiang is three thousand people. If all three thousand people have used this pill…

That is an invincible force!

“These pills will be temporarily handed over to you for safekeeping. The experts recruited by the Black Ice Platform, who are loyal and reliable, can distribute one to them, and it can also improve the overall strength of the Black Ice Platform!” The medicine was placed in the big box next to him and passed to Xiao Zhao Gao together.

Yingzheng took out four of them separately and put them in four small boxes.

“Wait and call all of them to cover the sun!”

With a promise, Xiao Zhao solemnly put away the big box, and then went to find someone.

Zengri, Xuanjian, Luanshen, and Tian Yan were all taken by Xiao Zhaogao to the small courtyard where Yingzheng lived.

The changes of Xiao Zhao Gao have long been seen by several people, but every time they asked, Xiao Zhao Gao always smiled mysteriously and did not discuss it deeply.

“I have seen the son!” The four lined up in front of the small stone table and respectfully bowed.

Ying Zheng sat on the edge of the table, holding four delicate small boxes in his hands, smiled and looked at several people, and said:

“It’s been a long time since Liang returned. You have done a good job. Naturally, this son will not lose you! For the time being, I will give you a few pills first, and it will be counted as a reward~”

“Master Xie rewards!” The four answered in unison.


Oda Yan looked listless, and his voice was dull and depressed.

She did not participate in the task of capturing Ying Zixi, so she felt unnatural when Ying Zheng mentioned rewards.

“Well, Tian Yan, what you did is more important than when we went to Daliang! The seedlings are growing well, and the rest is waiting. You are a farmer, so I don’t need to say more.” Yingzheng was keenly aware. When he arrived at Tian Yan’s strangeness, he immediately comforted a few words.

Farmers really understand the truth. Vegetables, grains, fruits, and all crops are not directly visible to the harvest. Only after a certain period of time can they bloom and bear fruit, and the melons will ripen.

The crops in the middle and late stages are easy to take care of. The most difficult part is the survival rate and growth of the seedlings in the early stage. This is the most difficult period to control.

“Master Xie~” Tian Yan got the affirmation of winning the government, and laughed happily.

“Okay, take the pill!” Everyone in Yingzheng sent out a box.

Xuan Jian was the most urgent. He took the box and opened it directly. Seeing that there was a dark red pill with a bloody smell inside, he immediately frowned and said:

“My son, what is this? Is it a medicine? It can replenish qi and return blood?”

The rest of the people are also looking towards winning the government after hearing this, and they are also very curious.

“Don’t you know if you eat it?” Ying Zheng smiled mysteriously.


Tiger Lang Pill was directly swallowed by Xuan Jian.

He simply believed in winning the government to the extreme, and never doubted it. Since the son said it was edible, he swallowed it immediately without hesitation at all.

Everyone’s sights also looked closely at Xuan Jian.

Time is short, and the same thing happened to Xuan Jian’s body as Zhao Gao. First, his whole body was shaken, and then the bones smashed, and the muscles and skin continued to bulge.

Finally, it stabilized completely.

An explosive force filled Xuan Jian’s whole body, and his eyes became more fierce and fierce, but it didn’t take long for Xuan Jian to return to his usual appearance, and his face also smiled.

“Master Xie rewards!” Xuan Jian saluted again excitedly.

The rest of the people also felt that Xuan Jian’s momentum had undergone a significant change, and all of them understood what Zhao Gao had gone through for a while.

Bianri and Luanshen also took Tiger Wolf Pill at the same time, and similar changes appeared in their bodies one after another.

Only their own feelings are the most profound, and their current physical strength has almost doubled!

Although the realm has not changed, they are still the first-class peak, but their strength is much stronger than before, and they can’t be the same at all.


Zhao Gao, Jianri, Xuanjian, and Luanshen all left the courtyard, leaving Tian Yan in the courtyard.

“Why don’t you eat it? Still mind if you didn’t go to Daliang?”

Ying Zheng left Tian Yan alone, just to appease it. In fact, these tiger wolf pills are not particularly precious to the victory. Even if there is no big beam, it is normal to reward his subordinates.

Tian Yan shook his head quickly, his face flushed slightly and said:

“Tian Yan is reluctant to eat the gift given by the son!”

Tian Yan on weekdays is not like this at all. Her 1.3 arrogance has always been deeply hidden in her bones, and she always has a calm and calm attitude when dealing with outsiders.

Only when faced with winning politics, she always couldn’t maintain a calm mind, and unconsciously wanted to be by the side of winning politics…

“Haha, don’t bear it, there will be more after eating!” Ying Zheng saw Tian Yan’s mind, that shy expression could not be faked at all, and could not be concealed in front of Taiyi Dark Astrology.

He is also very proud of his charm value!

The farm girl, hey, hey~

“The son, Oda, was hesitant to speak, but at the same time he was a little annoyed with himself.

Why is it always so embarrassing in front of the son, twisted, so angry!

“Hey, give you one more!” Ying Zheng smiled and Mimi took out another small box

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