Chapter 105 The breakthrough of the emperor’s swordsmanship, innate! [Second update, ask for customization]

The effect of Tiger Wolf Pill for strengthening the body is similar to that of the emperor Fu Zhao drawing beast blood to bless the government, so it is definitely beneficial to eat a few more Tiger Lang Pills.

According to Yingzheng’s estimation, the limit for each person to absorb Tiger Wolf Pill is about ten. No matter how many, the effect of strengthening the body will be minimal.

Tian Yan ate a tiger wolf pill.In addition to the improvement of physical fitness, the temperament of the whole person has also changed a little, and he is more brave and fearless.The look in his eyes almost eats the victory of the government!

Win Zheng also shuddered after watching it!

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and Oda Yan is only fourteen. After eating the tiger wolf pill, this change

Shouldn’t it be given to women?

Just when Yingzheng was thinking about it, Tian Yan returned to normal and became his usual appearance, blushing, and left the courtyard of Yingzheng.

The swordsmanship of the emperor, the divine sword of the emperor, the enchantment of the emperor, and the Fuzhao of the emperor, all have the prefix “Tian”, and the power is naturally top-notch.

But the difference between the exercises is also great.

Tianzi 08 Conferred God Art mainly cultivates the Dao of Heaven and Earth to strengthen oneself; the Rule of Tianzi Sword is to focus on the way of “borrowing the situation”, borrowing the power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and using it as one’s own use.

Therefore, the sword of the emperor focuses on comprehension.

After pacifying Yiqu and beheading Ying Zixi, the status of Ying Zheng was completely stabilized.

For half a month in a row, the winning government stayed on the side of the fief. The focus was on comprehending the swordsmanship of the emperor.

The first type: Fire Dragon Nine Heavens!

The sword is out, and the sword is like a fire dragon, with a raging fire, reaching the nine heavens, and the wind and clouds change color and burn everything.

The second type: Shenlong spit out pearls and dazzled the common people!

The sword light is like an electric flash, like a blazing sun, and its brilliance is incomparable. This sword is to gather the power from the heavens and the earth to the sun to the sun, using the user’s own qi as the guide, and finally form a very destructive dazzling group of light, which is swallowed out from the tip of the sword.

The third type: the dragon crosses thousands of peaks and all directions!

With the aura of heaven and earth transformed into the dragon of swords in all directions, the sword power runs through the southeast and northwest, breaking through ten thousand magics and suppressing all enemies.

In half a month, with the peerless talent to win the government, he can understand these three styles of swordsmanship, but the power is not so great, it is barely a small achievement.

In addition, this is also related to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Since it is “borrowing momentum”, then the premise is to have “potential” and make good use of the situation in order to exert the power of swordsmanship.

At present, there are still too few “potentials” that can be sensed by winning politics, and the power of swordsmanship is greatly reduced.

Such a comfortable time for cultivation, it seems that all the disputes in the world have disappeared, as if this is not a troubled world at all, especially winning politics.In this half month, Fei Yan and Tian Yan will always be by his side, mother Zhao Ji Ye always visits him, life is very good.

Fei Yan and Ying Zheng are getting closer and closer, entering and exiting in the fief, completely like a hostess, completely not treating herself as an outsider!

Moreover, in the fief of winning politics, it is far more comfortable than in the palace. There are not so many rules and restrictions. The little girls often enjoy playing here.

As for Tian Yan, Ying Zheng couldn’t see the ruthless killer in her body at all.

This little Nizi is already a fourteen-year-old girl. On the surface, she looks extremely calm, but there are so many thoughts in her heart, especially for Yingzheng, because of the phrase “I like your name”, Xiao Nizi Everything in his whole heart is “Young Master”.

Another month has passed, and this day is the nine-year-old birthday of winning politics.

Fei Yan, Tian Yan, Zi Chu, and Zhao Ji are all on the side of the fief, and they want to celebrate their victory.

Victory was not in the fief all day.

In order to comprehend the fourth style of the emperor’s swordsmanship, he has been practicing outside alone for a month. He left early and returned late. If he hadn’t explained it in advance, I’m afraid Zhao Ji would be worried to death.

It was originally an autumnal day, but in the evening it rained heavily.

Everyone in the fief is waiting anxiously. The birthday banquet is ready. Although it is not a grand banquet, the victory is full of warmth, and they are all close people who win politics.

The protagonist of the birthday party at this time, Ying Zheng, was practicing swordsmanship alone in a wilderness in the northwestern suburbs of Xianyang.

Qiu Yu became more and more violent, as if it was the place where the Nuwa Empress made up the sky, and opened the glue

An ordinary bronze sword flew up and down in Ying Zheng’s hand, leaping suddenly into the air, the point of the sword pointed directly at the sky, and then the figure of a young man fell silently.

Tangible and insignificant.

It’s always a little bit worse!

No matter how gorgeous the moves, without the charm, it is futile.

However, Shengzheng did not give up, and continued to practice.

The fourth type: Qinglong breaks the earth and shakes the world!

He has been training for a month, and although he still can’t display that kind of power, at this moment, winning politics finally feels such a hint of mood, and has never been so close.

The whole person was immersed in that hint of artistic conception.

It was late at night, and the autumn rain continued. The thick dark clouds heralded such a heavy rain, which might not stop all night.

The gentle mother, with worry in her eyes, quietly looking at the Huanghuang Tianwei outside the window;

The beautiful girl, with her hands folded, looking at the distant sky, she didn’t know what she was saying in her mouth.

Zi Chu stopped Fei Yan and Tian Yan, and Zhao Ji, and didn’t let the people in the fief go out to find them. His son has long been a man who can be alone. There must be a reason for not returning in the middle of the night.



The thunder resounded throughout the world. 253

Lightning formed a large electric grid, intertwined in the sky and pressed on the heads of all living beings, just like ancient gods reappearing in the world, examining this chaotic world.



The sky thunder comes to the world, ten thousand thunder bows to persevere.

A thunder that penetrates the sky and the earth has risen from above the nine heavens. It has washed away the dark clouds and cleared out the thunder. The only thing left between the sky and the earth is such a thunder!

In the deep palace, a pair of dim eyes looked at Tian Lei intently.

Suddenly, amidst the dazzling thunder, a figure appeared!


King Zhaoxiang’s brows suddenly twisted together!

Who is going up against the thunder?

The power at that moment seemed to accompany the sky thunder, shaking the world!

Yingzheng was always immersed in that artistic conception. He felt the heavy rain and thunder.

The torrential rain seemed to wash out this troubled world completely, and Jiutian Jinglei even wanted to use that mighty power to slay all the ugliness in the world.


More intense!

Before he knew it, Ying Zheng had already threw the bronze sword aside, and took the Heavenly Emperor’s Divine Sword in his hand.

The crystal clear, jade-like black sword body seems to coincide with the night of tonight

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