Chapter 103 Zhao Gao is full of masculinity, Lu Buwei is shocked! (third update, please customize)

Without a word, Ying Zheng returned to his fiefdom.

He usually doesn’t show any momentum outside. It’s too tough, and it’s not a good thing to keep strangers away.

However, when the victory of the government is restrained, outsiders want to find him, they can only look at it with their eyes, and it is basically difficult to find it if it depends on induction.

This is the case when returning to the fief, no one has noticed that the owner of the fief has returned~

Yingzheng doesn’t want them to do any welcome ceremony. Why do they do so much trouble at home?

“Xiao Gao, ask you something, are there any beasts around the fief? Tigers and wolves?” Ying Zheng called Xiao Zhao Gao and began to question.

“Master Hui, there is nothing in the fief, and they have become fertile fields and various buildings; but the dense forest outside the fief is full of beasts, and some accidental people are occasionally killed on weekdays.” Xiao Zhaogao I thought that Yingzheng wanted to clean up the law and order of the fief!

“Well, take a trip with your son, and give you a good luck! Hahaha!” Yingzheng laughed~ said.

“Hehe~ Xie Gongzi reward!” Xiao Zhao is not clear, but he still believes if he wins the government, and happily goes out of the fief with the win.

The fief has a radius of fifty li, seven seven forty-nine, which means that the length and width of the fief can reach-seven li.

After walking for a long time, the two came to the dense forest outside the fief.

At this time, Zhao Gao is already very tired.After all, he is only seven years old, and he has not practiced martial arts, and his body is crippled.He is definitely a weak one!

After arriving in the jungle, it was easy to say, Yingzheng fully used the Taiyi Zhanxingshu, and soon found the tiger wolf’s traces, chasing them all the way.

Xiao Zhao Gao was so frightened that he changed his hair and color, and he did not dare to leave Yingzheng’s side for a moment.

It is not that he is worried about the safety of winning the government, but once he leaves the winning government, any little beast can give him a KO.

After witnessing a giant tiger with his own eyes, Xiao Zhao Gao’s face paled with fright, even though it was already a dead tiger.

Finally, after Ying Zheng killed another coyote, he stopped in place.

“Gong… Son! Can we go back?” Xiao Zhaogao was so scared that the army trembled, and he was crying.

“Haha, don’t worry! Xiao Gao, your good fortune is here!” Ying Zheng turned around with a smile, and a dark red pill appeared in his hand.

Sure enough, it is an upgraded version. The appearance of this pill is much better than before. The appearance is much more rounded and the gloss is also very good. It looks like Melisol, but the color is slightly reddish.

“Eat him, there is a surprise!” Ying Zheng handed the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill to Xiao Zhao Gao.

Xiao Zhaogao took the pill and hesitated for a moment.

The smell of blood is too big!

Subconsciously, Xiao Zhao Gao wanted to refuse, but thought that his son didn’t need to harm him, and said, “There is a surprise,” he gritted his teeth hard and said inwardly:



The upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill was swallowed by Xiao Zhao Gao.

Then, Ying Zheng began to observe Xiao Zhao Gao’s physical changes intently.

Time was short, I saw Xiao Zhao Gao’s whole body shook suddenly, trembling ceaselessly, and then there was the sound of “kaka” bones, and the muscles and skin were constantly bulging.

After another moment, all the visions disappeared, Xiao Zhao Gao’s physical condition stabilized, and at a glance, his height and body shape did not change much.

But if you look closely, the change is not too big!

Xiao Zhao Gao’s feminine air completely disappeared without a trace. Instead, he was as sharp as a veteran who had seen blood on the battlefield.

Xiao Zhao Gao, who was still terrified and exhausted just now, is already full of energy, brave and fearless!

On the same journey, when he returned to the fief, Xiao Zhaogao never felt tired anymore.

In the inner room, Ying Zheng sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, Xiao Zhao stood aside.

The effect of the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill is unquestionable, and Yingzheng has already seen the exact effect.

Especially now, King Zhaoxiang has given him the promise of three thousand private troops!

If these three thousand private troops have taken Tiger Wolf Pill, then they will be the real Tiger Wolf Master!

The tiger wolf division, the tiger wolf soldier, who is rampant on the battlefield!

Even Xiao Zhaogao, a weak chicken with super poor foundation, can reach the top of the third-rate in a blink of an eye. If a person with a strong body is originally strong, he will definitely be stronger and outrageous, and it is almost bound to break through to the second-rate or above.

An army with more than 3,000 second-rate masters, that lethality…

Soldiers, private soldiers, these are not lacking, but where to find so many tiger wolves?

0……Look for flowers…

“Xiao Gao, where can I find a large number of tigers and wolves?” Ying Zheng frowned and asked.

“Back to the son, if you want a large number of tigers and wolves, you can find Master Lu Buweilu! He was originally in charge of the animal cages, and now he has a higher official position than before. There are powerful and someone who can let him catch the tigers and wolves and send them to the fief.” Xiao Zhao Gao’s voice became masculine.

“Yes! Go and find Lu Buwei, go now!” Ying Zheng ordered.


Lu Buwei saw Zhao Gao and heard that it was a call to win the government.

The king of Qin in the future will be either Zi Chu or Ding Tianjun winning the government!

Ding Tianjun needs him Lu Buwei at this time, so he is naturally doing his part and must do his errands well!

In less than half an hour, Lu Buwei and Xiao Zhao Gao came to the inner room where Ying Zheng was located.

“Lu Buwei has seen Young Master Zheng!

“Master Lu, free!”

This was another positive dialogue between the two people after a few months. Lu Buwei was very respectful and did not put on the airs of a Ding Tianjun.

But Lu Buwei still felt the pressure and panic!

Facing the victory alone, and staying in the crowd to observe, it is a completely different feeling.

Winning the government did not intentionally let go of momentum to suppress Lu Buwei, but Lu Buwei himself was fraught with fear, and simply couldn’t restrain the urge to worship.

The power of winning the government is too strong! Don’t be angry!

Even though he was eight years old, Lu Buwei’s fear and pressure when he was facing victory in politics was even greater than when he faced King Zhaoxiang!

“Master Lu, this son has something you need to do!” Ying Zheng said lightly.

“The son, please give orders!” Lu Buwei’s identity is almost belonged to Zi Chu’s “retainer”, so the title of winning government is naturally called “the son” instead of Ding Tianjun.

“Yeah! My son needs a large number of tigers and wolves. I will leave the matter to you. All the tigers and wolves captured will be sent to the fief.” Ying Zheng issued an order.

Although Lu Buwei didn’t know the purpose of winning politics, how could he dare to neglect the order of winning politics? He immediately went back to summon people to the factory.

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