Chapter 102 Upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill, the courage of blood! [Second update, please customize]

In the center of Yingzheng’s eyebrows, there has always been an incomparably mysterious and magical thing hidden: the emperor Fu Zhao!

This time, it is precisely because the progress of the emperor’s confession of the gods has been greatly improved, so a small function in the emperor’s Talishao has also been improved.

Upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Dan!

“The system, the tiger wolf pill of the emperor Fu Zhao has been upgraded, why not give a hint?” Ying Zheng frowned and asked.

“Di! It is detected that the host is on the verge of rage, so the system automatically blocked the tiger wolf pill upgrade information!”

“You mean, blame me?”

“Dip! Please trust the system, the system will not detect errors!”

After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng thought that the system’s response was not fake. It was true that he was irritable just now because of the emperor’s swordsmanship.

But Tiger Wolf Pill has been upgraded, that is obviously a good thing? How can it be blocked?

Could it be…

Is it a pit again?

“System, please explain this upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill to this young man, don’t bother to read the instructions~”

“Dip! The system language library has been updated!” The system paused for a while.

“Drip! The host is the son of Heaven’s Choice, the master of the system, and the conqueror who swept the wasteland and Liuhe!”

“Yes! The language database is updated? Can you say compliments?” Suddenly, Yingzheng became interested, and then suddenly remembered a truth:

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

“Stop talking nonsense, Tiger Wolf Dan!” Ying Zheng said angrily.

“Drip! The upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill is used by the host’s subordinates, and it is almost invalid to the host himself.”

It really is a pit!

It’s useless to me, what’s the difference between upgrading and not upgrading? No wonder I said so many compliments in advance..

But the current system does speak better than before. He first explained that it was for subordinates. Even if it was annoyed to win the government, it was not so serious.

“Humph! Go on!” Ying Zheng continued to order.

After a short time, the system explained the various situations of the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill, which is indeed a weapon for cultivating subordinates!

The upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill also needs to win the government to kill the Tiger Wolf personally, and the subsequent process is the same as before. The upgrade mainly lies in the effect of the Tiger Wolf Pill.

The old version of Tiger Wolf Pill can only provide the blood power of Tiger Wolf, pure power, and the effect is also determined by the strength of the Tiger Wolf itself; the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill has a greater increase in power.

Even if an ordinary person has taken the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill, his physical fitness is comparable to that of a third-rate warrior, basically equivalent to an ordinary person’s twenty years of hard work!

A warrior at the top of the third-rate, even in Qin, he is also the strongest “sharp” level!

In other words, with an upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill, you can instantly create a great Qin Ruishi! And there is no sequelae, there is no consequence of exploding and death, and the body will never leave hidden dangers, and there are no toxic side effects. .

In addition, the biggest difference between the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill and the old version of Tiger Wolf Pill is that it changes the personality of the eater and makes the body of ordinary people contaminated with tiger wolf blood.

Character determines fate!

If a person has a very weak personality, always looking forward and backward, and indecisive in doing things, he still doesn’t know how to use it even if it is given to him. If he is still alive, it is difficult to make great achievements.

If you are a person with a strong personality, even if he has poor aptitude, no strength, and no resources, he will never give up his efforts! He will try every means to overcome all kinds of difficulties and difficulties, and he will definitely achieve something in the end!

The most important thing about the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill is that it contains the mighty power of the Tiger and Wolf, which injects the perseverance of the wolf and the dignity and confidence of the Tiger into the soul of ordinary people, and transforms the cowardly person into a strong person with the courage of the Tiger and Wolf.

Strength and character, the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill can give these two aptitudes to an ordinary person at the same time.

Therefore, the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill is definitely a rare treasure, the medicine of Tiger Wolf~

It’s just that it has no effect on winning politics.

Yingzheng’s physical fitness has been strengthened to the point where it is extremely abnormal. The tiger wolf’s bloodline power can play a very small role, which is equivalent to nothing.

Tiger and wolf blood is much lower for winning politics. His emperor’s aura is the aura of a godless king who has conquered the world. Both dragons and phoenix must surrender.

After Meimei’s rest in the palace for one night, Yingzheng left the bedroom directly in the morning and returned to the Prince’s Mansion.

He has a token given by King Zhaoxiang himself, and the entire palace is unimpeded and enters and exits at will.

This time during the trip to the beams, after I came back, I didn’t even visit my mother, so I was directly pulled into the palace by King Zhaoxiang, so the most urgent thing now is to visit my mother.

Zhao Ji also waited early at the Prince’s Mansion in the Prince’s Mansion, and she guessed that Yingzheng might return in the early morning.

*”Mother!” Ying Zheng yelled joyfully.

“Zheng’er!” Zhao Ji hurried forward after seeing the victory, and gave another sweet kiss~

Yesterday, she had heard Zi Chu talk about winning the government, knowing that everything was fine in winning the government, and she would return safely.

But as a parent, the love of licking the calf is inevitable. It always connects the child with the weak child in the infant.

The family happily ate breakfast again. Winning bid farewell to his father and mother and rushed to his fief.

He hadn’t stayed in his fief for a few days.

He was given a fief at the beginning, but he hadn’t cleaned it up; then, just after the fief was handed over, he fought non-stop in the righteous canal; a few days after finishing the righteous canal, he ran directly to the beam

Although this fief once belonged to King Huiwen, and the various buildings and facilities in it were all available, but now the owner is a winner, and the decoration is normal (Li’s)~

What’s more, the meaning of fiefdom is equivalent to a “base area” and “base camp”, especially for winning politics.

What if I don’t manage my own site well?

And there is another purpose of going to the fief, about the upgraded version of Tiger Wolf Pill!

Although the system is vowed, the specific effect is still to be tested. The most suitable test candidate is Xiao Zhaogao for things like changing personality.

At this moment, Zhao Gao is in the fief, while managing the daily life of the fief for Yingzheng, while using the fief as the base camp of the black ice platform, he keeps growing.

The matter of penetrating the snare was all started from the side of the black ice platform in the fief.

Although Xiao Zhao Gao is very young, but these things are all handled in an orderly manner. The only thing that is lacking is practicality, and winning the government also aroused Xiao Zhao Gao’s thoughts.

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