Chapter 101 The belated reward, the Emperor God Sword! The Sword Technique of the Emperor! [First update, please customize]

King Zhaoxiang left Yingzheng’s bedroom lonely, and before leaving, he specially asked Yingzheng to take a good rest.

But the person who needs a good rest most is King Zhaoxiang himself.

As he walked, he kept thinking.

If there is one among his sons like Yingzheng, that would be great! He can safely and boldly delegate a large part of the state affairs, and he himself will not be so tired.

“Zi Chu, you gave birth to a good son!” King Zhaoxiang shook his head and exclaimed.

At this moment, staying alone in the dormitory to win politics, I heard a familiar voice:

“Dip! Congratulations to the host! The main mission: kill Win Zixi, stabilize the position of Win Zichu, and further get the affirmation of King Zhaoxiang! Completed!”

“Dip! Congratulations to the host! Get the main mission spree!”

The belated system sound finally rang~

It wasn’t until the moment when the system was repeating the task that Yingzheng finally understood the reason for the delay in completing the task.

Feeling 08: This is a combined task!

Three small tasks are combined into one big task, and the entire task must be completed when all the small tasks are completed

Just complete it, you don’t need to worry about that much!

“System, unpack! I want to use the spree!” Yingzheng ordered.

“Dip! Congratulations to the host! Obtained a heavenly weapon, the Emperor’s Sword!”

“Dip! Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique, the Sword of the Son of Heaven!”

“Drip! Congratulations to the host, the emperor’s Conferred God Technique is the second stage, increased by 10%!”

Winning the government immediately became excited, which is equivalent to three small tasks, each of which received extremely precious rewards.

The second stage of the Heavenly Conferment Art, the progress of cultivation is really too slow!

Although I can feel the slow growth every day, slowly increasing the strength of the body, the progress of the cultivation is almost immobile, and it is completely unable to compare with the speed of the first level of cultivation.

Did it rely on system rewards to upgrade?

-It has been increased by 10%, which is quite large. Winning the government can clearly feel that his body is stronger than before!

Not to mention other attributes, just the defense of the body, it must also exceed the horizontal training of the armored door!

Can a body with the same life span as heaven and earth make it worse?

After experiencing the changes in his body, Ying Zheng turned his gaze to the Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword.

Inside the system space, a crystal clear, mellow, cold radiant sword was quietly suspended in the air.

It is definitely different from all the swords in the world!

The material of the sword is like jade.

The sword body is of an extremely orthodox shape, with double-sided blades, sharp sharp points, and smooth ridges. The whole body presents a shiny and moist black, and there is a soft halo around it, just the kind of pressure that comes with it. But it is awe-inspiring. It seemed as if he would be cut off immediately after one more glance.

If you look closely, you will find that the front and back sides of the sword body each have a dragon-shaped golden light, wandering endlessly, as if two golden dragons have turned into sword souls.

The hilt and the sword plug are one body, there is no flaw at all, and they are perfectly blended together! The color is a mixture of jade’s milky white, emerald green, and fire cloud, and it is extremely mellow.

It is as if the clouds in the sky and the sunset glow of the setting sun are carved on a piece of turquoise jade stone, circulating continuously.

Next to the Excalibur is a simple scabbard, which presents an extremely vicissitudes of texture on the surface, as if walking through an endless river of time, endlessly far away.

If it weren’t inside the system space, Winning could be sure that he could not find this scabbard with his induction!

This should be the meaning of the existence of the scabbard, and the ancient scabbard hides the front.

With a shining Excalibur, anyone can see that it is infinite power at a glance, not only looks burnt, low-grade, but also can’t get unexpected damage.

Regarding the Excalibur, there is a detailed introduction on the system panel:

In the last years of Shang Dynasty, the Emperor of Heaven used a hundred kinds of iron to be strong and profound, and two hundred kinds to a soft celestial clouds, combined with crystal strange stones, immortal palace pill furnaces, etc., through the Tianyue real fire, and then quenched it with heaven and earth immortal water a thousand times. The emperor’s divine weapon refined into evil spirits and exorcism–

Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword!

Just by looking at it, you can feel the majestic and powerful power contained in the divine sword, as if it is easy to cut the mountains horizontally and cut off the sea, and it will never bring out a trace of stagnation.

What Shengzheng lacks is such a weapon!

The level of Yuewang Eight Swords really couldn’t even enter his eyes.

Such a Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword is a peerless divine weapon that can finally meet his identity!

After watching the sword, Ying Zheng began to pay attention to swordsmanship again.

Swordsmanship is also heavenly!

The power of the same level of power as the emperor’s confession of gods is definitely not a small thing.

“System! Come and learn the swordsmanship of the emperor for this host!” Ying Zheng eagerly ordered the system.

“Dip! Congratulations to the host, you have mastered the sword of the emperor!”

Suddenly, there were countless inheritances about the sword of the emperor in Yingzheng’s mind.

Sword of the emperor: each style has the power of earth-shaking, and the last style is the result of the infinite aura that gathers the sky of the universe.

The first type: Fire Dragon Nine Heavens Rises

The second type: Shenlong spit out pearls to show off the common people

The third type: the dragon crosses a thousand peaks and four directions

The fourth type: Qinglong breaks the earth and shakes the world

Fifth formula: Bailong falls into the sea and floods the Shenzhou

Sixth type: Longyou firmament to catch the stars

Seventh type: black dragon swallows the sun and the moon

Eighth formula: Golden Dragon furious and shocking the world

250 Type Ninth: King of the World Purple Dragon Qi

There are only nine styles of all sword moves, and each style is named after a dragon!

In Yingzheng’s mind, he began to practice swordsmanship automatically. It was extremely mysterious, but there was a legacy.

This is so powerful that the swordsmanship is powerful, but if you want to stimulate the power, it consumes too much, right?

Even if it is the innate true energy of the second stage of the emperor’s Conferment of Gods technique, it can only get its shape but cannot show its prestige!

“System, your swordsmanship is a bit outrageous, right? It can’t be activated at all, so what’s the use?”

“Drip! The host is not anxious! The emperor’s swordsmanship requires a lot of comprehension. The host has only learned the sword tricks and operating formulas. It is still impossible to force the power to be used, but as the understanding deepens, the emperor’s swordsmanship requires a lot of comprehension. The consumption will get smaller and smaller!”

“Dip! Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! This set of swordsmanship of the emperor is the most suitable for the host! Come on, host!”

“Then if you follow what you mean, why should I say that I have mastered the sword of the emperor? It’s better to tell me to practice from scratch!”

Winning the government is already on the verge of anger, and then forcibly suppressed the anger in the heart. This shit system will directly give you a “system shutdown” at that time, and it will be in vain to get angry~

After closing his eyes tightly and forcibly calming himself down, winning the government has another unexpected discovery

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