Chapter 1014 Retreat] Please order!

I hope they won’t encounter a little difficulty, just know that they keep backing down, then you still want to let someone come to help you.

The problem that should be resolved has not yet been resolved. The Shu country is still a mess now, and the attitude of winning the government is still so irritable.

He wanted to know when it was possible to get a perfect solution. These ministers were a group of dispensable existences, except for making ideas there, and talking about them, there were some fierce struggles.

There is no other choice, these guys one by one, don’t mention how pre-abandoned.

You pin your hopes on them, just like a big joke. In short, if you win the government, you feel that you are quite funny.

At that time, there was not much hope placed on them, but the moment he turned his head, the expression on his face explained everything, and he patted the table in front of him.

He shouted at them with a serious face: “I can’t remember how many times this is the first time I have come to discuss this issue.”

“It’s been so long, and everyone still has no results at all. I really want to know what you are pretending to be in your heart. How big a problem is tortured into this way by you, I think it’s incredible.”

“Could it be that for you, this little question has no special meaning in your heart? I can see it~, very good, very good.”

However, the other people around were staring with big eyes and small eyes. The confusion and emptiness in the eyes of Yingzheng was almost completely lost.

What do you mean by winning politics? They didn’t seem to say anything from the beginning to the end and don’t need to be so nervous. They just came over so confused and criticized them all. At the time, it was true-a little bit can’t be said. of.

The sour bitterness in their hearts is spreading. In fact, they have always had a very pure and respectful mentality for winning politics.

I hope he can do well, and then his own Da Qin must stick to it, after all, they are a big family that they have grown up for so many years.

But now it seems that it’s not that simple, and it’s easy for people from Shu to be very confident of you.

I think that this will be a perfect solution sooner or later. Anyway, their mentality is very collapsed. This is a certain thing, but it is impossible to ruin everything because of this one reason.

At that time, there was an inexplicable feeling of being tortured. I took a deep breath. In short, it was not easy, but it was impossible to change all directions because of this incident. It was really embarrassing.

The ministers all looked at the people around each other, all of their faces showed a very unlucky gesture, and more of them felt too uncomfortable. This is really not acceptable to a normal person, and they do too. Of my own thoughts.

“The emperor, please think twice, I know you may be a little nervous now, but we can still have a good chat, right? After all, I think we have a lot to talk about. ”

Inexplicably, this mood is a bit nervous. They are all watching the victory in the government, and they always feel that they are in a very strange mood. What are they doing?

0……Look for flowers…

So there was a feeling that I might leave this beautiful world at any time, even so.

They must also maintain this mentality, absolutely cannot affect everything just because of this little thing, they must be able to stick to it to the end.

So the mentality at the time was a bit collapsed, but I can’t change everything because of this reason. It really makes people feel quite nervous.

Yingzheng also waved at them, which roughly means that you can close your mouths.

After all, they have no way to change remarks like this. No matter how bad they are now, you can only say that they choose to sit still and wait for death.

But on such a day, you would rather hold your breath in your heart, and treat everything as something that has never happened before?You are a little too relaxed, don’t you know what kind of tension you are in now?

Of course, they knew it well, and because of this, they felt a little overwhelmed, and more of them didn’t know how to face winning politics.

Those eyes seemed to be full of complaints against them, and people’s hearts were beating violently. Anyway, it was a very difficult problem.

“I have already said what I should say. I just need to click on some of the words until they are finished, but I still hope that you can figure out these problems yourself. Don’t deal with those fancy people who can’t figure out things. It’s normal. Is it okay? What we need now is to work together to tide over the difficulties!” “Factory,

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