Chapter 1015 Brave] Please order!

But when Yingzheng expressed that he wanted to work together to tide over the difficulties with everyone, all the ministers present laughed secretly in their hearts.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this important task was left unhesitatingly on other people around him, that is, their painful and ordinary ministers.

The most important thing is that if you do not do well, you are likely to encounter various shocks. In short, they feel that it is a ridiculous joke that they are alive. The feeling of death.

It seems that it is more of dragging one’s own body in embarrassment. It is very appropriate to use these words of “eight or sixty”.

“The emperor is now very inadequate in terms of human and material resources, and there is currently no way to solve it. The best way is to wait and see the changes, so please, the emperor, you must think twice.”

“Never dare to do some tricks lightly, this is what we all want to say in our hearts.

Speaking of the latter, they all showed bitter smiles, so what did they experience?

How did they feel that they became so rampant all of a sudden, like this, they didn’t dare to express it in their hearts before, and then today it seems that a 360-degree rotation has happened all of a sudden.

Especially their remarks are incredible.

The other people around also looked frightened, and stepped back a few steps, with expressions of rejection written on their faces. The ministers wanted to say that this kind of thing had nothing to do with them.

If the emperor really wants to go crazy, don’t blame them on ordinary people.

The big guy still has the old and the younger, and there is such a big family waiting for him to feed that person. If they suddenly hang in this world, they feel that it is too much for them to gain.

Obviously, you can see a slight pause in the action under the winning hand, and then the blue veins on the forehead start to burst. Everyone is also following his little by little movement, and their eyes are shifting to others. In fact, the whole person has reached the point where life is worse than death.

Winning the government even has this kind of subconscious action, it shows that he is likely to go crazy next, then everyone here is ready for the next time.

Perhaps they were really afraid to see Ying Zheng’s serious face and handed them a serious face in their direction. In fact, they really hope that the emperor can take a quiet rest for a while.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, but their Da Qin is about to be destroyed in the hands of Ying Zheng, and can’t rest for a moment, okay?

They must solve all the current problems without delay. In fact, everyone has the same idea and feels that the atmosphere is very tense. Because of this, everyone tries to maintain a relatively calm state of mind.

They felt that the time that passed every minute and every second was a little too long, and they all subconsciously withstood their breath, but only this is far from enough and more terrifying things are still to come. Approaching in their direction little by little.

One of the ministers really couldn’t help it. He stood up and pushed all the tasks to his own body, and only gave the victory a sentence: “If you believe me, the emperor.

“You can leave this task to me. Although I may not have much ability and strength right now, I believe that as long as through my unremitting efforts, any problems will not be a problem for him. The premise is that the emperor is really willing. Believe me, do you understand what I mean?”

Yingzheng’s eyes closed slightly, and he looked at the guy in front of him who didn’t know the height of the sky, but he didn’t know what was going on. It was because of his words that he immediately encouraged him.

In addition, Yingzheng felt that what this guy said seemed quite reasonable, especially the look and situation revealed in his eyes, which made you couldn’t help feeling sigh.

Does his dignified Da Qin have only one talent now? The so-called kind of talent in Yingzheng is naturally daring to think and do, and behave like a gentleman.

In other words, it should be a brave-level character 1.3. These guys only like to talk on paper one by one. Those useless things, but they can’t play any role, it’s sad to say.

Ying Zheng slowly closed his eyes, and then slowly opened them.From the look of hatred on his face when he waved his hand, everyone saw this scene in front of them, and they knew that this guy next to him was 80% of what he wanted. Purpose.

I have to sigh with emotion, he is really too beautiful, and he has always wanted to do whatever he wants, as if his own things are done very easily, and you can’t help feeling sigh at that moment. impulse. .

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