Chapter 1013 Thank God] Please order!

When talking about this topic, everyone smiled awkwardly and politely. After all, is this winning government’s attitude towards them good?

Whenever they talk about this topic, they even have a little indescribable taste. To put it bluntly, they just don’t know how to face winning politics. Just a look can scare them.

They couldn’t say anything. It was so terrifying. They didn’t know what the reason was. Anyway, there must be more or less fear.

“As long as the emperor doesn’t put us into the cold palace, we will be thankful, and there are really no other extravagances. We can also feel that the emperor’s expectations of us are still very high, then we must also grasp this rare. chance.”

After speaking, they nodded 857. From that attitude and emotion, you seem to be able to feel that his attitude is very sincere.

Ying Zheng also raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the guy next to him, you really have a hint of suspicion, you want to know if his words came from your heart, but you seem to have caught it again in a trance. The meaning revealed in his eyes.

Sure enough, he discovered that there is absolutely no conscience in his own attack. Sooner or later, you will be alive and dead by them. You can’t handle things a little bit larger. What can you expect from them?

So the mood at that time was a little bit excited, but it didn’t matter afterwards, why bother, because they had already slowly revealed some things before their eyes.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you think about it (aibd), it’s really unnecessary, you have to know something, he must have his own reason, and you can give yourself more confidence and tell them a small country of Shu What the hell.

They Da Qin can still play with the applause, and instantly kill them for nothing. Of course, when their thoughts came out, they all laughed at themselves.

The dignified Da Qin is so rigorous compared with theirs, that the big guys don’t know how to face this fact. In short, if you can, let’s not have such a thing happen, say It also looks funny.

At the same time, I hope that in the days to come, everyone can understand that this fact has indeed been placed in front of the big guys.

I also don’t know why the mood at the time was a little nervous, and more or less afraid that their little life would be gone, and the other people really didn’t have any special ideas, and they seemed to have already accepted this fact. NS.

For example, the attitude that Yingzheng treats them is full of seriousness from beginning to end.

There was an extremely suffocating feeling at the moment of winning the government. I really didn’t expect them to go to where they are today in their lifetime.

Looking back carefully, all of this came too suddenly.

Then if you want to pin your hopes on these unreliable guys around you, then you will know what a terrible thing this is, and you need to know what you should be doing now.

Therefore, winning the government really dare not place any hope on them, because their faces are full of unreliable looks. This is really not a joke.

Ying Zheng waved his hand at them, and then said silently: “Okay, let’s go where you are and stay cool. Don’t hang around here in front of Lian. I think I can be given to you one day. Furious, it’s really such a horror.”

Yingzheng took a deep breath, and had to admit that his mood was a bit collapsed at that moment. I really didn’t expect to encounter such a situation in his lifetime. It really feels incredible.

The mentality at that time almost broke down, but it is really not worth thinking about it occasionally. What do you think you are angry about for such a small role? And they don’t have any special sense of existence, even if It is killed. What are the benefits they can bring to you in the end? Winning the government is thinking about this issue.

Since it has no effect, don’t waste time. It’s really unnecessary.

Of course, I can clearly feel this atmosphere, and it immediately brings a sense of tension to the face, which makes their hearts tense together, which makes people feel a little dumbfounded.

I just want to say oh my god, what have they experienced? They are also a group of normal people, can they not be so serious?

But thinking about it later is really unnecessary, because this gap between people is originally very big, even if there is something unusual, it is normal, so there is no need to entangle so much. .

Everyone has eyes and can see the gap between the big guys. .

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