Chapter 1012 Lenggong] Please order!

As we all know, winning politics has always been a murderous mad demon. He never wanted to be too serious in front of big guys, because he always felt that it was more or less inappropriate.

In addition, when looking at the ministers around her with a very scary look at her, in fact, the heart of winning the government is still a little hurt. She wants to say that she is not as good as everyone thinks. horrible.

He has nothing to say in terms of character, he must be very good.

I also sincerely hope that the big guys can do the work under their own hands honestly, so winning politics will not specifically ask them to say it.

I don’t want to take you half a step into the horror of putting you in the cold palace.

What’s more, the smart guys around the richest man, you will feel a very sad feeling when you see them, and sighed deeply, and later felt that it was meaningless, and there was no need to say anything. .

In fact, it is not easy for them to get to the point where they are today. They have tried their best, and there are many things on their heads. Blow.

“Oh my God, I don’t know what I’m thinking about. I feel very excited. This heart is constantly beating. God, what is going on, I can’t imagine me. I am in the mood, 々.” When the ministers on the side were caught in their own thinking, they couldn’t help but began to communicate with the people around them, which seemed like a word.

Can’t it be solved?

Why have to grind for so long? This has caused them some infinite daydreams. For example, they think that they still have the hope of living. Of course, this idea comes out.

It didn’t take a few minutes for them to be directly strangled in the cradle, and there was even an urge to beat yourself. What are you thinking about? Don’t think about unrealistic problems, okay?

Seeing how serious the expression on that face was when Ying Zheng came over just now, they knew that this must not be a good thing, and they felt extremely frightened.

All in all, they have a lot of self-knowledge about themselves, so if you can, don’t continue to struggle here, there is no room for resistance.

“Emperor, in fact, I thought about it carefully just now. It is indeed that our ministers did not do very well, and during this very special period, they are still discussing that important national matters are not something we should discuss. It is true. It goes against our rules here, so we are willing to take the blame for ourselves.”

They bowed deeply to win the government. That attitude is very sincere. If you look at their attitude alone, you will feel very emotional, my God, it is really amazing.

At this moment, the emperor, Yingzheng, was silenced. Their remarks seemed to be saying that you must let me go, within that short period of time.

They almost got fooled when they won the government. There was an urge to come and help them on the spot, but fortunately, I stopped the thoughts in my mind in time at the last moment.

You must not shield yourself because of the events at this moment. The most important signal in your brain. Let’s talk about it as long as the problems that should be prepared have been solved. That’s right, they are going to be beaten into the cold palace.

After winning the government, he gave a cold smile, and then looked at the few people present and said to them sarcastically: “I don’t know where you are confident. In fact, I have already stated a lot in the first place. After all, it is impossible for me to let you escape. I will put this sentence here now. ”

Although the atmosphere is somewhat tense, his attitude will not change in any way.I hope that the big guys can communicate and get along harmoniously, but from the current situation, it should be unrealistic. Things.

They must have made the same mistake a second time. Because of this reason, it made the winning government feel a little bit emotional.

Just give them a little color, and look at it, you can’t (Qian Li Zhao) be able to cover them again and again like this, when is it a head?

And even though he did it once and you let him go, he will think that he has more opportunities, so he doesn’t need to take this matter to his heart at all.Thinking like this must be very scary, so that he won. The politics here are a bit unacceptable.

“I’m really starting to doubt life more and more, I think, everyone has their own thoughts, do I usually treat you badly? I have asked you to really go to death a few times, and I even want to wait. I took out this true heart and gave it to you.

At this point, he also closed his eyes in pain.

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