Chapter 1009 Retire first】please order all!

“I don’t think I have such an idea. I just just say it casually. Of course, what I want to express is not what you think. I am sincere, but not so serious. Please let me go, the emperor.

In the end, Yingzheng waved his hand in their direction and it didn’t matter, in fact, there could be someone beside him who could point and point here.

It was a good thing, and he felt that he also had a bottom in his heart.

Not really, it will really turn into a collapsed posture at that time.

If that time comes, it will be the most collapsed moment of victory.

After the opening of the early dynasty, everyone’s heart is completely gone, only one soul is constantly wandering in the world-walking.

They just want to say that the picture just now is really exciting, and they always feel that they might leave this beautiful world at any time.

There is no joking at all, and he also hopes that everyone can be a little calmer.

“Okay, I, the client, didn’t have any special reactions from beginning to end. You are so exaggerated. People who don’t know think that something is happening. I hope everyone can calm down.

Speaking of this, the big guys calmed down all at once, and they all showed a stiff smile.

I hope this matter can be as smooth as they imagined. In fact, it doesn’t matter how well I can develop.

The main thing is that they hope to be able to look at their Daqin and not be destroyed by the hands of Shu.

This is one of the issues that everyone is most concerned about.

And it is obvious that the emperor is not very caring.

In fact, there had been some small actions on the side of the Shu country a long time ago. Winning the government is naturally very clear in his heart. Posture, but it really doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know anything.

“Emperor, after listening to your opinions, have you found your own thoughts? How do I feel that your emotions seem a bit wrong? Is it because I think too much?”

The father-in-law next to him was really a very awkward gesture. He clearly knew what was the most worrying about winning the government, and he directly asked what he thought.

Isn’t this the equivalent of making a fierce stroke in his heart?

At that moment, Ying Zheng’s face stiffened directly in that place, showing an embarrassing but polite smile. This guy was so funny.

Why do you like so much which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted? Do you really want to see his sad look on his face, he feels very happy?

“Are you dissatisfied with what I did? I wondered, how did I hear a naked irony from your words? You seem to have great opinions on me. what.”

“Don’t you see that I am now engaged in a serious discussion with my ministers, at a time when there is no result.

“I don’t dare to come to a conclusion easily. I can only say that I am very serious and responsible. I don’t know what you think. It’s quite speechless, really.”

Yingzheng looked sad, and seemed to have suffered a lot, and it was true.

He felt as if he had been severely punched in the heart by someone else.

It was a very fatal blow for him, and he didn’t know what he was doing now, and he was very confused about the future. I hope he can find his direction sooner.

0…………Look for flowers……

The father-in-law on the side, let alone how worried and frightened, from the beginning to the end, his eyes did not dare to have any communication with Yingzheng.

The crow, who was always afraid of giving him a look, was silent, and couldn’t say anything. If it was true, would he be able to survive at that time? It was really unbelievable.

For those who had a little bit of dispute with Yingzheng before, their heads have already landed, in order to prevent such things from happening.

The father-in-law can only control his mouth honestly is his wisest way.

Only in this way can his life be temporarily protected. Of course, no one knows how long he can protect it.

“So what are you doing in front of me now? You want to see my jokes, right? I can see it a long time ago. You guy is more than a little bit of irony to me from beginning to end.”

“If you have any thoughts, it’s better to say it directly and generously. Why bother, I have been by my side for so long, right?”

Winning politics is rare in such a gentle tone, and many people come to comment like this when communicating with people next to him.

“Hahaha, I dare not dare, the emperor, then I have some things to deal with, so I’ll take a step ahead and say goodbye.

Winning’s gentleness is his tranquility before the storm can only be seen, and then he will really get angry.

So the father-in-law naturally retired first, and left the scene quickly and desperately. factory.

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