Chapter 1010 Life-saving] Please order!

Recently, he has discovered that no matter what position in the palace, he wants to come over, and he has a sense of presence in front of him.I just want to know what kind of confidence these guys have in themselves?

It’s ridiculous anyway, I hope they don’t escape, if they really encounter any problems, they will eventually have to bear it by themselves.

There was a thorough fight on the Shu side, and he was very accustomed to such things.

It’s impossible to ruin your own good country for this kind of thing. When dealing with domestic affairs, here is also in a state of collapse.

The “Eight-Five-Three” has been spread over and over again, and there are distressing news. For example, they have directly occupied a land here.

“The emperor is that we have no ability to keep it. There is really no way at all. We all find it incredible that we have come to this day. All this came too fast and too fast.

These subordinates don’t mention how broken the whole person is. They want to say why they have to accept all this for no reason. This is too sad and sad.

The main reason is that the winning government is only asking them to do these things, but they have not thought about what everyone will endure behind this matter.

Undoubtedly, the moment Ying Zheng heard this, he instantly stood up reflexively, listening to this scene with his brow tightly curled in disbelief.

“What the hell? Is this your ability? Have you forgotten how you agreed to me when you first came here? So this is how you dealt with Lian’s affairs?”

In addition to shock, Yingzheng’s mood was shocked. He went straight up and severely kicked the guy in front of him, thinking that he was also very ridiculous.

What followed were all kinds of wailing and crying voices. They really couldn’t accept such a heavy blow, especially the attitude of winning the government made them completely collapsed.

“It’s the subordinate’s incompetence, it’s the subordinate’s incompetence. My brothers and I are almost dead, and finally crawled back and didn’t even know what I was doing. It was too difficult, too difficult.

He has been constantly kowtow to the winning government. Seeing him like this is what makes the winning government feel the most hated. Can he not cry in front of himself? Is it interesting? It is totally meaningless.

When you have this time to cry, it is better to think about how to solve the problem. First of all, the most basic thing is still not completed. What are you doing? Don’t you think your statement and your image are a bit too ridiculous ?

Yingzheng was very distressed, and silently chose to take back what he had just said. After all, looking at the painful face of the other party shrank in place, it was indeed very distressing for him.

Even the moment this idea came up, Winning felt shocked, what the hell?

Why did he have such a wonderful idea? First of all, in such an occasion, he should keep a calm attitude at all times.

There is nothing more to say, but they feel that there are some things that they are still very clear-headed.

“Get me back quickly, don’t stay in front of me for an extra second, even if I have an urge to beat you up in a second, I hope this time will not come too fast, otherwise I’m afraid you will die miserably.

Ying Zheng glanced at him with a vicious look.This guy quickly moved to the scene in a hurry, for fear that something was chasing him behind him.In short, this mood is indeed very sad.

Accompanied by screams and fright, he finally escaped from this place, patted his heart with one hand, excited.

The moment he watched him come in and come out alive, the friend beside him was shocked. He was simply amazed at his image this time. I didn’t expect this guy to be quite powerful.

The moment he turned his head, he was able to live such a handsome wine, and I had to admire him for this ability.

The friend also looked at him up and down, and found that his arms are also arms and legs, and he was even more shocked. This is too powerful, how did he do it? As everyone knows, winning politics is a cannibalism. Guy who spit out bones.

And he is the kind that makes you completely unpredictable.

To put it simply, you just don’t know what he is thinking. You can use these words to describe everyone’s feelings. It is still a little bit harmful. 1.3 Afraid of winning politics, I always think of him as a person. Enter, with such a big meaning written on his face.

Then the others around are thinking of staying away from the victory, and don’t have any contact with him, this emperor is not something they can provoke.

Maybe a glance will kill you in seconds.

“Look at what I did, you know, I was almost killed by the emperor just now. I think you will encounter such a situation in the future, and I will not go to kill me. It is just a matter of the Beijing News, and we will pay for it. There is an injury.”.

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