Chapter 1008 Calmly deal with] Please order!

You have to deal with everything calmly, you can never be provoked by others this little, you start to mess up your own scale, and then you don’t know how to go next. NS.

In fact, to put it simply, as long as there is a winning government, it is not a problem. He has always been so self-confident, and I hope that his self-confidence can be maintained.

“You said I’m nonsense, so do you have any suggestions? You just tell me what you think, don’t point me at me here, so I don’t know the clue, and you guys are also very funny, Talking about your great theories, I also think you are full of loopholes.”

“You are so embarrassed to say that you don’t look at what you are capable of. You are completely misleading everyone. You keep thinking about 853’s constant withdrawal. It will only make your opponent think that you are a bully, but they will also pick up. During the next period of time, all kinds of intense beatings were carried out. In this state, whether we can go out alive or not is a problem.


The two people immediately began to attack the speech. Anyway, what the two of them said was based on the conclusion of repeated analysis, so this guy is really a bit powerful. Satisfied with nodded, there must be some emotion.

I also hope that they can continue to work hard. This ability is naturally not a problem. Everyone can see and do everything very seriously. This is also a fact that there is nothing to say.

Looking at the way the two people quarreled fiercely, Ying Zheng was dumbfounded. People who didn’t know thought what these two guys were doing, and they were a bit speechless for a while.

“It’s okay, what’s the noise? Did you put me in your eyes?” Yingzheng just wanted to say that he was sitting next to him. This posture, for a while, it must be a sigh of not wanting to stop.

Hearing the words of winning the government, they stopped the war at this time, but the atmosphere is still much more serious than just now, especially when the big guys are suppressing the emotions in their hearts, and they feel that they may burst out from time to time. In that way, Yingzheng also sighed helplessly here.

“What do I say you are doing here? This hasn’t been on the battlefield yet, you two have started to quarrel, then if it really comes to that time.

“Can you do your best to come out, I began to wonder, can you please focus your strength on the key? Don’t make these bells and whistles all day and make me headache!”

Winning politics on this issue was dumbfounding, and in the end I felt that there was nothing to say.

In short, I also feel that (aibd) these people are really pitiful and pathetic, and they don’t even have the most basic confidence in themselves, so what can they do with such an attitude? Just come over and evaluate them like this.

Although using such words may be a big blow to them, but no matter what, I hope they can recognize their abilities clearly, in fact, it is just a little bit.

“The emperor, I still hope that you can take this matter seriously, be more careful, don’t make fun of the whole Da Qin, we ministers do only this, and I hope that the emperor will not be too troublesome. Discuss with us.”

“Listen to the opinions of the big guys and listen to different voices. Today we are arguing here because of one thing, but it can also be reflected. We all really put it in our hearts. The talent you care about is the idle one!”

After saying this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and even the winning government on the side was stunned, because the heads who listened to his analysis were right.

It made sense, and nodded with satisfaction, but the more he heard this, the more he felt wrong.

What the hell, he raised his head with an angry face, slapped the table fiercely, and looked at the guy in front of him who didn’t know the height of the sky.

What this guy said, if he didn’t guess wrong, the idler he was talking about is really himself, really is a great ability, who gave him this ability?

“Yes, it’s very good, I can see it, you guy is going to climb on my head all day long, isn’t it? I really don’t know who gave you the confidence that made you become Like this!”

This atmosphere then became a lot more tense. Afterwards, everyone subconsciously held their breath and didn’t know what to say, especially the minister who spoke just now, who was still arguing. The way he said: “The emperor has been wronged.”

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