Of course, what this improves is physical strength, so it cannot be superimposed with any element, and can only be superimposed with the three basic attributes of the physical body.

It is equivalent to saying that gigantic abilities are regarded as physical passives.

The main reason why Ling Yan has been using elemental combat before is because his physical passive strength is not very strong!

If he could raise the level of this giant power to a certain level, Ling Yan estimated that his physical combat effectiveness would be able to reach or even surpass the explosive power of the elemental power in the future.

And with the spread of the evil-killing sword array, all the surrounding behemoths were finally wiped out!

Of course, because it was just the first wave of monsters, Ling Yan only killed 10 million devouring beasts.

As for the guarding BOSS of this level, it was an emperor-level devouring beast, which was instantly killed by Ling Yan as soon as it appeared.

[Ding... Congratulations to the player for successfully plundering the passive:

Devouring power LV15*300,000, level upgraded to: LV41 (300 million/2 billion)

The power of giant transformation is LV15*300,000, and the level is upgraded to: LV41 (300 million/2 billion)]

Soon a beep came.

However, the power of LV 41 times the giantization can increase Ling Yan's body size to a full 410 times!

According to Ling Yan's current height of about 1.8 meters, after using it, he can directly grow into a giant with a height of more than 700 meters.

Ling Yan experimented and his strength increased sixteen times.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Ling Yan was also extremely satisfied.

"This giant power can increase physical strength by 40% at one level!

It seems that I need to use more giant power! This superimposed physical power is really terrifying. "

Ling Yan was extremely satisfied when he thought of this.

This passive can greatly improve Ling Yan's physical strength.

Of course, if you want to surpass the power of the elements, you probably have to wait until you get the red physical skills.

The other thing is the power of devouring. Ling Yan felt the power of devouring. This passive seemed to be very similar to devouring rebirth.

After Ling Yan raised the level of devouring power, the devouring speed of devouring rebirth has also been greatly improved.

“It is said that many passives are formed by the fusion of different elemental passives.

For example, swallowing and rebirth is the fusion of the power of swallowing and the power of life!

However, if the same level of devouring and rebirth is concerned, the devouring efficiency is far inferior to the same level of devouring power, and the ability to repair oneself is far inferior to the same level of resurrecting power!

Then can I use the power of devouring to fuse with the power of life to create a new devouring rebirth? "

Ling Yan began to think.

The power of life is a top-level passive, much more powerful than the high-level passive power of life.

After all, when the power of life is at LV1, it is just equivalent to an ordinary B-level skill.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan tried to take action!

Ling Yan directly merged all the life force and devouring power according to the path of devouring and rebirth.

Soon, a ball of black arrogance appeared around Ling Yan

[Ding...Congratulations to the player, you have successfully integrated a new passive: Devouring Nirvana LV41! It can quickly restore its lost blood volume and flesh by devouring anything capable of connecting! 】

But Ling Yan felt a powerful force no less than the Ice and Fire Demon Lord from the shrouded aura.

On the contrary, some people's bodies have been damaged to the extreme. Even like Ling Yan before, their bodies have perished, but their blood volume is still there.

At this time, Ling Yan's devouring power and gigantic power have been upgraded to LV61!

By the fifth round, all the original elite monsters had become boss monsters!

Still, it was cleared by Ling Yan as soon as it appeared.

As long as it is enveloped by the black flames, it will be swallowed up and turned into pure power to repair Ling Yan's damaged body and blood volume!

It seems that just raising the level of one of them will be enough! "

Soon a notification sound reached Ling Yan's mind.

"This thing is okay! It's much more powerful than the previous Devouring Rebirth!"

That means they were all killed.

There is still no corresponding high-level skill. If there is, Ling Yan estimates that the physical combat power exploded by his own giant transformation will far exceed the elemental form.

When Ling Yan thought of this, he didn't hesitate and started the second round directly!

Lingyan clearly realized that this prompt was not as urgent and anxious as when he saw the Ice and Fire Demon Lord before.

As for the BOSS, whether it was an emperor-level one or a fourth-round three-headed emperor-level BOSS, Ling Yan killed him instantly in just one encounter.

The power of giantization can increase the size multiple by a full 1100 times! The strength improvement reached 44 times!

The number of monsters in the second round is 100 million!

The number is slightly less than in the fourth round, but because the passive level has increased, the final harvest is similar to the fourth round.

However, just when Ling Yan was checking his passive position in the background, a terrifying force suddenly crashed down from the endless void.

The strength of this void swallowing beast is definitely the top holy king level BOSS.

You must know that the flesh and blood of the body are different. Some people may have their bodies intact, but their blood volume has bottomed out.

These black flames are the devouring energy that swallows nirvana.

In the third and fourth rounds, although the number of monsters increased significantly, and the number in the fourth round reached a full 100 billion, the final result was the same.


"The level of Devouring Nirvana should be determined based on whichever passive level is higher, the power of devouring or the power of life.

【alarm! Holy King-Level BOSS: The Void Sky-Swallowing Beast has arrived! You are enveloped in a holy king-level aura! Judgment: No impact! 】

This blood volume is actually more like existence value.

For a moment, Ling Yan could clearly feel that the surrounding space was completely blocked.

Of course, the size of this giant power is much smaller than Ling Yan's elemental form, but the strength that can be exploded has reached a level similar to that of the elemental form.

These devouring behemoth emperors still do not have the power of the void.

Obviously, Hint also knew his own strength, so this alarm was just a routine matter.


Therefore, Ling Yan guessed that only the final boss in the entire dungeon had the power of the void.

Ling Yan's eyes also lit up. Before, he could only restore flesh and blood, but now he can even restore blood volume.

When the existence value is cleared, it means that the person no longer exists in this world and will naturally die!

At this moment, a prompt sound also came from the void.

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