I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 266 The Void Swallowing Beast! The Power Of Giant Transformation!

Cecilia looked at Ling Yan's little face and said seriously.

"Tsk tsk tsk, captain, why does this sound like a confession?

If I were a woman, I would also like such a handsome guy like Ling Yan! "

However, Bross on the side started to cheer.

As soon as these words came out, Cecilia, who was originally serious, instantly became embarrassed.

Out of embarrassment, she kicked Bros.


The terrifying force instantly kicked Bross backwards and flew tens of thousands of kilometers away.


After bidding farewell to Bros and others, Ling Yan and Cecilia went directly to the location of the copy of the Void Devouring Beast!

This copy is located in a void turbulence. Only professionals who are extremely powerful or have awakened the power of space elements can enter the depths of the void turbulence and reach the void swallowing beast copy!

The reason why Ling Yan chose to come to this dungeon first was to get the power of void job transfer scroll for his father to use first.

By then, his talent level will reach the level of RSS+ or even RSSS-. With this level of talent, he will be considered a top genius even if he comes to Tianyan Civilization.

There is a great possibility of growing into a strong man above level LV900 in the future!

"Ling Yan, do I really not need to go in with you?"

Cecilia said doubtfully to Ling Yan, after all, one more person would be a little more harm.

"No, this kind of space monster is extremely weird. I'm afraid that if something unexpected happens, even I might not be able to protect you!"

Ling Yan spoke slowly, his words were not just words.

The power of the void is extremely strange. Even his perception and understanding of the power of the void are not very high.

"Okay, then I'll wait here for you to come out!"

Cecilia nodded seriously after hearing Ling Yan's words.

Ling Yan smiled slightly, then turned into a stream of light and rushed into the crack of this copy at an extremely fast speed!




As the surrounding space fluctuated, Ling Yan's figure instantly appeared in the starry sky.

But there seems to be something wrong in the starry sky, because the surrounding space is extremely chaotic.

It was so chaotic that there was void and turbulence everywhere.

Fortunately, this copy is only at level LV200, so even the power of the Void Turbulence has been suppressed countless times!

Otherwise, the power of the void turbulence is so powerful that even a tenth-level expert with LV500 will die instantly after being hit.

Of course, even if it is weakened many times, these void turbulences are enough to obliterate ordinary LV200 S-level geniuses.

Even higher-level geniuses will lose a lot of blood whenever they are hit.

As for Ling Yan, it had no impact at all.

His void power level has reached LV51!

It is precisely because of this that the surrounding space turbulence does not have much impact on Ling Yan.

“Buzz buzz!!!”

However, at this moment, a large number of crazy fluctuations occurred in the surrounding space.




The next moment, roars erupted as if from the depths of the void, and then round balls of fur rushed out from the surrounding space.

These furballs have a terrifyingly large mouth that covers almost half of their body size.

Just like Pac-Man.

It's just a lot of black hair.

"These monsters are quite cute. What are these?"

Ling Yan looked at these strange things and felt that these things were very interesting.

Then Ling Yan opened the attributes of these monsters.


Wild Monster: Devouring Behemoth (Elite)

Level: LV200

Talent Passive:

[Devouring Power LV15] (Demon Power*1200%)

[Strength Enhancement LV20] (Strength attribute*1500%)

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV20] (Speed ​​attribute *1500%)

[Physique Enhancement LV20] (Physique attribute *1500%)

[Power of Giantization LV15] (After becoming giant, you can greatly improve your own strength! You can grow up to 150 times your size!)

Blood volume: 50 billion/50 billion

Magic power: 300 million/300 million

Attack power: 50 million

Speed: 2 million

The next moment, the evil-killing sword array that destroyed the world broke out in an instant!

With the blessing of a total of 18 red sword weapons, the power of this evil-killing sword array has reached the terrifying dark red peak!

It seems that his true terror cannot be unleashed before he becomes giant!

Those devouring behemoths were all vaporized the moment they came into contact with these powers.

Defense: 200 million


Everything around him seemed to be melted the moment he came into contact with the power of the sword array.

He finally discovered something was wrong. The previous flame demons and ice demons were both very large, but these devouring behemoths clearly had the word "behemoth" in their names, but they were only two meters in diameter.

10 m!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The next moment, all these devouring giant beasts vaporized and disappeared between heaven and earth!

"This improvement in strength does not seem to be weak! It has at least increased the physical strength by 6 times!"

The devouring giant beasts in the distance all roared after feeling the fear of death.

The next moment, these devouring behemoths opened their huge mouths and began to madly devour the power of the evil-killing sword formation that swept over them.

Superimposed on strength, speed, and physique more than ten times, it is enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the user's physical strength.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

"This power of giantization can actually giantize a body 150 times. I don't know how much strength it can increase after becoming giant!"

In an instant, the size of all the devouring behemoths began to increase crazily.



However, Ling Yan frowned when he saw the attributes of the devouring giant beast.

Unfortunately, the next moment these swollen balls of flesh were directly swept away by the powerful force of the Evil-killing Sword Formation.


Ling Yan was a little curious.

Skill: Gigantic Devouring LV10 (green, the body size increases instantly and can swallow everything around it!)

20 meters!

"Clang Clang Clang Clang!!!"

100 metres! !

The next moment, with the sound of swords erupting, in an instant, blue and red swords of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord soared into the sky!

Ling Yan raised his eyebrows when he felt this. Although it was only 6 times, it was already extremely terrifying!

You know, this can be superimposed!

But being in a hurry, he didn't waste any time and just waved his hand.



In an instant, huge meat balls with a diameter of three hundred meters appeared in the void.

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