I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 268 Summoning, The Undead Abyss Demon Lord! You Have The Guts To Challenge Yourself!

Finally, with an earth-shaking roar, the surrounding space began to shatter crazily!

The next moment, an endless chaotic space appeared in front of Ling Yan.

Then, a head was burning with void flames. The giant beast tens of thousands of kilometers tall walked out of the chaotic space proudly!

Ling Yan frowned as he looked at the appearance of the giant beast in front of him.

This thing looks a bit like the Taotie from myths and legends!

The appearance is somewhat similar to that of a roaring lion with horns.

A huge mouth occupies half of the body.

Could it be possible that this thing is a descendant of Taotie?

"Humans? They actually control the power of the void! Are you here to challenge me?"

The sky-swallowing beast looked down at Ling Yan with cold eyes.

Obviously, he was a little disappointed after seeing that Ling Yan was a human being.

It seems that in his diet, humans are extremely nutritious.

Ling Yan opened up the attributes of this void swallowing beast.


Wild Monster: Ice and Fire Demon Supreme (Holy King Level)

Level: LV150

Talent Passive:

[Power of the Void LV65]

[Devouring Power LV65]

[Strength Enhancement LV75]

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV75]

【Physique Enhancement LV75】

[Power of Giantization LV65]

Blood volume: 200 Beijing/200 Beijing

Magic: 2000 trillion/2000 trillion

Attack power: 300 billion

Speed: 1 billion

Defense: 2 trillion

Skill: Void Flash LV10 (gold)

Scythe of the Void LV5 (dark gold, destroys the surrounding void, uses void turbulence to turn into a Scythe of the Void to attack, causing 3000% terrifying damage!)

Melting in Heaven and Earth LV1 (Red! After use, the body can become virtual and immune to any physical and magical attacks! Unless it can break the surrounding void!

At the same time, it can also avoid any detection that cannot penetrate the space! )

Devouring Heaven and Earth LV1 (Red! Erupt into giant form and devour everything in the world! If it is successfully devoured, it will be instantly digested into nothingness!!)


The properties are very powerful.

There are even two red skills, which is the first time Ling Yan and Cecilia have seen them after destroying so many demon copies.

Even the previous Ice and Fire Demon Lord only had one red skill.

"What about humans? Are you afraid when you see my attributes?"

The Ice and Fire Demon Supreme looked at Ling Yan in front of him and smiled disdainfully.

In his opinion, humans are all cowardly and weak beings.

Even though he knows that there are many human geniuses with more powerful talents than him who is currently being projected, he still looks down on humans!

This is the pride that comes from within.

"Well, so-so, it's a little more difficult to kill!"

Ling Yan also nodded in agreement.

But as soon as these words came out, the huge face of the void swallowing beast suddenly turned cold.

"Arrogant human being, today I will let you know what a holy king is!!"

The void swallowing beast roared angrily.


In an instant, the sky beast looked up to the sky and roared, and then, his whole body burst out with endless aura of destruction.

At the same time, his size, which was already tens of thousands of kilometers tall, began to increase crazily at this moment.

In just an instant, a terrifying giant beast tens of millions of kilometers high appeared between heaven and earth!

The surrounding space was crushed to pieces by his huge body, and the endless aura of destruction spread in all directions.

It seems to be to allow the void swallowing beast to exert its power in its heyday, so the size of this copy is much larger than the secret realm of the same level!

With a body that is tens of millions of kilometers tall, even the sun can be swallowed into its mouth.

"Devour earth!!"

The next moment, the void swallowing beast directly exploded with red skills.

In an instant, the terrifying big mouth turned into a black hole.

The terrifying gravity erupted directly from his mouth.

Looking at the huge black hole in the sky, even the surrounding light began to swallow Ling Yan, he was also moved by how powerful this void swallowing beast is!

"It just so happens that I have recently acquired some powerful subordinates. I wonder if you can beat them!"

Ling Yan looked at the sky-swallowing beast in the sky and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The next moment, his big hand suddenly pressed down on his feet!

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

In an instant, a large number of vines grew rapidly from Ling Yan's hands.

The vines began to grow crazily, and soon a terrifying giant vine millions of kilometers high appeared in the starry sky.

This huge size actually made it impossible for the Void Devouring Beast in the sky to pull it over and devour it.

The next moment, the giant vine began to grow huge flower bones.

Then, one after another, flowers grew on the huge vines.

And on the top of the giant vine, larger flowers grew out.




The screams spread throughout the world for a while.

Dozens of powerful skills all explode towards the sky.


At this moment, even the void swallowing beast took a breath of cold air!

"Humans, damn it! You have the guts to fight one on one! What's the point of fighting in a group!!"


Before he could react, these skills rushed into the space cracks and all hit the void swallowing beast. .

"Destroy this thing!!"

For a moment, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the void swallowing beast.


In an instant, the space around him suddenly exploded into a large area.

In an instant, the Void Sky-Swallowing Beast was blasted until its flesh and blood exploded.

"How is this possible? What is this thing? How could it spit out so many Holy King-level BOSSs?!"

Ling Yan touched his chin while watching this scene.

In an instant, an earth-shaking loud noise spread throughout the entire copy space.

His blood volume was also reduced crazily.

If you count carefully, there are actually more than thirty statues!

For a moment, all these demonic bosses roared and rose into the sky to kill the sky-devouring void beast in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the void swallowing beast quickly shut up.


And Ling Yan also waved his hand without any nonsense.

However, just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Ling Yan directly holding his hands below him.

"hold head high!!!!!"

But in the next moment, his blood volume was cleared and he died completely!

"Although the natural disaster of thorns has extremely terrifying killing effects, the strength that can be exerted after conquering these BOSS can only be compared with normal!

"Merge into heaven and earth!!"

Without hesitation, the void swallowing beast hid directly in the endless void.

Finally, the flowers gradually bloomed!

The Void Devouring Sky Beast roared unwillingly after being beaten crazily.

After conquering, the remaining souls can still be exploded and charged into the sea of ​​the dead, and their bodies can directly become the puppets of the Thorns and Natural Disasters, which is equivalent to having more trump cards!


"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

It's not as powerful as the Sea of ​​the Dead, but it's still pretty good for killing enemies!

The next moment, a demon-like holy king-level BOSS among the flowers appeared in front of the void sky-swallowing beast.

Moreover, the levels of these thirty-odd Holy King-level BOSSs have all reached LV200.

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