"What is going on? How come people from the Babaka civilization are here? The Braslow civilization is also here! What is going on?"

"How did they get the news!?"

"The news about the human race is leaked and all races know the news. It is not impossible for alien civilizations to learn about it!"

"Damn, even these extraterrestrial civilizations are here, so this time it will be a bit difficult!"


For a time, all the supreme beings of the three major civilizations looked extremely ugly.

The Babaka and Braslow civilizations are the most powerful among the alien civilizations.

They are all protected by the Supreme Being.

It's a pity that although the number of planets of these extra-system civilizations is no less than theirs, they are spread too widely, so if a battle occurs, they will almost be scattered. This is the main reason why they have not attacked the internal civilization for so many years.

However, the quality of the geniuses assembled is not inferior to them at all. It is even said to be higher than the quality of the geniuses of the four major civilizations in the department!

R-level geniuses all have one!

There are more than ten people with SSS+LV150 or less!

There are some from the previous generation, some from this generation, and a small number who were successfully reincarnated in previous generations.

The combined number of geniuses in just two civilizations crushes the sum of the other three major civilizations except the human race.

"R-level, I wonder if the supreme leader of the Braslow Civilization would be so angry if such a genius died in this secret realm!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ling Zhan also raised his eyebrows slightly.

As the only strong man on the scene who has seen the Holy King-level BOSS, he knows clearly.

The horror of the Holy King-level BOSS is that even if all the top geniuses of all civilizations are brought together, there will be a full 100 teams, which is a full 1,000 people. All food is delivered as usual.

The reason why he was sure that he could definitely summon the Holy King level BOSS this time was very simple.

Once upon a time, there was a LV200 red secret realm in the Staru civilization. He entered that secret realm under the leadership of a strong human being.

At that time, Ling Zhan was just a newcomer who had just reached level 200.

However, it was that time that he saw the power of the Holy King-level BOSS.

The reason why the Holy King-level BOSS appears is because there are too many civilizations that have entered, and there are too many wild monsters that have been killed, so the Holy King-level BOSS appears early.

Ultimately leading to the annihilation of all geniuses in all civilizations.

Because the God of War has the talent of the space system, he hides in the cracks in the space. As a result, he is not enveloped by the Holy King realm of the Holy King level, so he can escape from the secret realm and escape.

As almost all the civilizations in the outer system arrived, the next moment, the five supremes, as well as the ninth-level experts from other second- and third-rate civilizations, also left the spacecraft and flew towards the location of the central human spacecraft.

At this moment, the Bratz Supreme's eyes flashed and he spoke slowly. The Bratz civilization is known as the race with the highest IQ. It is normal for them to have distribution methods in an instant.

Of course, the main reason is that I can't beat him.

On the field, he had the deepest enmity with Ling Zhan. When the Babaka civilization invaded human territory, he, the Supreme, had seven tentacles cut off when he fought with Ling Zhan.


"Babakar, your tentacles have grown?"

The remaining teams will be distributed among our six top civilizations! There are exactly five teams in one civilization! What do you think? "

Although the two major civilizations look similar, their hatred is the most terrifying.

Fortunately, he quickly used the teleportation scroll to escape, otherwise the eighth tentacle would have been cut off and death would have been the only thing waiting for him.

On the field, there are more than 300 third-rate civilizations, more than 50 second-rate civilizations, 15 first-rate civilizations, and six top-level civilizations.

To everyone's expectation, Ling Zhan, who usually never suffered any losses, actually spoke generously this time.

"I didn't say that my human race wanted to monopolize this red secret realm.

The moment Ling Zhan appeared, all the supreme beings around him flashed alertness in their eyes.

It is rumored that the two civilizations were once one, but due to a certain node, the two supremes who appeared at the same time had a disagreement, which eventually caused the two major civilizations to split into two, one outside the system and one within the system.

In addition, the territories bordering each other are at war almost every year.

As long as no one is clearing the red secret realm for a day, it is public, and any of you can go in and clear it! "

"I made a rough estimate! I have an idea, please listen to it.

If it weren't for the large number of people here and the fact that he couldn't fight, he would have taken action long ago.

As for the first-class civilization, each civilization can have one team, which also occupies 15 teams.

But considering that there were so many supreme and ninth-level experts present, it was naturally impossible for Ling Zhan to offend everyone to death.

As soon as these words came out, all the civilizations nodded slightly, especially those third-rate civilizations. They were just here to join in the fun, but I didn't expect them to be there!

The Supreme of Babaka Civilization, a ten-thousand-foot-tall octopus roared low and spoke to Ling Zhan with alert eyes.

One characteristic of extraterrestrial civilizations is that when someone becomes a supreme being, the name of the civilization will be the name of the supreme being.

After hearing Ling Zhan's words, Kalsuo, the smooth fat man, spoke with a smile.

"As expected, he is indeed recognized as the strongest God of War. His layout is extraordinary. In this case, let's allocate the quota for entry?"

As soon as his words came out, everyone looked at each other.

After hearing Ling Zhan's words, Babaka's huge octopus face instantly showed endless anger.

"Third-rate civilization, each civilization can produce one genius, and a slightly stronger one can produce one more! A total of 354 civilizations can only occupy a maximum of 40 teams! A second-rate civilization can have a maximum of three per civilization! Fifteen teams!

And with a burst of space fluctuations, Ling Zhan's figure appeared directly in the center of all the strong men.

"Okay, now that people from extraterrestrial civilizations have arrived, this time this secret realm is not just for your human race, do you think so, Your Majesty the God of War?"

Supreme Bratz spoke slowly.

However, this Braslow civilization is 90% similar to the Bratz civilization, the most powerful among the three major civilizations in the galaxy.

"Ho! Human race, God of War, long time no see!"

Sure enough, looking at Babaka, Ling Zhan smiled slightly.

Although they are all supreme, everyone knows that the most powerful person in the civilization of the system or outside the system is the human god of war.

At this time, the Supreme Being of Braslow Civilization came out.

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