I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 207 News Of The Secret Realm Leaked, Civilization Outside The Galaxy! !

The strength that Ling Yan just showed made Su Miaoran's heart completely fall to the ground.

After all, it sounds a bit outrageous for two people to defeat the emperor-level BOSS alone.

Fortunately, it seems that with Ling Yan's strength, as long as the level is raised to LV150, he can definitely do it alone.

You don't need to use yourself at all.

Russia wants a quick victory.

Ling Yan also quickly arrived at the largest city on the map.

The scope of this city reaches a terrifying 13,000 kilometers in diameter.

The size is terrifying, even comparable to the living area of ​​the earth, and because the density of demons is extremely huge, there are a full two million demons, but these demons are ice demons.

It's not a fire demon.

But there is no difference at all to Ling Yan.

As Ling Yan arrived at the center of the Castlevania, the Evil-killing Sword Formation was activated instantly.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

In an instant, the sword formation that destroyed everything spread in all directions.



But while Ling Yan and Su Miaoran were frantically fighting the BOSS, something unexpected happened outside!

A huge headline instantly spread to the largest forum in the entire human race.

【Shock! Our human race has recreated a red secret realm, and it is also a LV100~LV150 secret realm! 】

A huge main body occupies most of the entire forum's homepage.

For a time, everyone in the entire human race was excited when they saw this title!

"Red Secret Realm, damn, finally there is another LV100 Red Secret Realm!"

"It is said that there are only four red secret realms in the human race so far, and most of them are high-level!

There is only one LV200 one, but there is a LV150 one in the copy, but it is not accessible to ordinary people! "

"The red secret realm is full of experience monsters. Although it is powerful, you can almost get huge gains as long as you enter it once. It's a pity that I don't even have the money for the purple secret realm!"

"What does the red secret realm have to do with us ordinary people? Why should we pay attention to this?"

"The emergence of a red secret realm will definitely greatly improve the strength of our human geniuses. With the strength of our human geniuses improved, will they be able to develop more powerful dungeons? At the same time, will they be able to protect themselves in the face of the suppression of other civilizations?" Got strength?"

"That makes sense, but it's always a good thing!"


For a time, countless netizens began to discuss this incident crazily.

However, looking at this news, all the top leaders of the human race had extremely ugly expressions.

It should be said that only the other three major civilizations knew about this matter before, but now that this new news comes out, I am afraid that all civilizations in the entire galaxy know about it.

Although other civilizations are not as powerful as the four major civilizations, there are so many civilizations that they cannot stand up to them.

Sure enough, within a few minutes of the message being sent out, spies placed by the human race in other civilizations sent back the message.

Almost all civilizations have arranged for geniuses to rush towards the location of the red secret realm!

At this moment, it means that this secret realm can no longer be monopolized by one civilization of the human race.


Although it is extremely dangerous for so many strong men to come to the human race, Ling Zhan is not worried about what they are up to!

But since this time the other three major civilizations have united with so many people to snatch the red secret realm of the human race, it is no wonder that he is the one to blame.

And the people leading the team are all ninth-level superpowers, and there are even two superpowers in the supreme realm!

The three major civilizations arrived first.

He then began contacting other civilizations outside the galaxy.

And next is the civilization within the department.

When Ling Zhan thought of this, he immediately sneered and spoke.

Originally, the three major civilizations were still waiting for the arrival of second- and third-rate civilizations from other galaxies, preparing to work together with the human race to put pressure on Ling Zhan not to monopolize the red secret realm.

If the other three major civilizations dare to join forces with them, it is estimated that it will be their turn to be attacked soon.


Because the planet is far away. Therefore, the development of these extraterrestrial civilizations is extremely slow. It has taken millions of years for the most powerful civilizations to grow to a level that can compete with the four major civilizations.

His face darkened immediately after hearing the news that except for a few civilizations that were friendly with the human race, all other civilizations had sent geniuses.

Soon the God of War, who was outside the secret realm, also received the news at this time!

Seeing this, Ling Zhan couldn't help but snorted.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the God of War to send messages to them!

The civilizations outside the system and the civilizations within the system, especially the other three major civilizations, are originally in a fight to the death.

Although most of these civilizations are not as powerful as the four major civilizations, it is not because of the small number of living planets and strong people!

Moreover, even if he doesn't send the message, these civilizations will get the message and come.

"Very good. As long as something good comes out of the human race, we will all come, right?"

Mainly because we are in a remote galaxy and the distances between planets are huge.

But the number of strong people in its civilization is extremely large.

It is very difficult to start an interstellar war.

One spaceship after another comes across the wormhole from all directions.

After all, the rich resources of the civilization in the system are definitely treasures in their eyes, so they keep invading.

As time passes by.

"Very good. If you want to make a big fuss, then make a bigger fuss! There are many civilizations beyond the edge of the galaxy. Since they are coming, let them all come together!!"

Moreover, this person's status is definitely above the ninth level.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate and sent a message directly to Ling Yan and Su Miaoran to outline the current situation.

There is no way they can join forces.

We often secretly mobilize our troops several years in advance to wait for the four major civilizations in the Milky Way to discover them, and then mobilize our troops to counterattack. We can still assemble all our troops in advance to defeat these extraterrestrial civilizations!

However, what made their faces extremely ugly was that spaceships from extraterrestrial civilizations suddenly broke through the space cracks and entered the starry sky frozen by ice.

The thought of Ling Zhan, a ninth-level powerhouse with a traitor, burst into endless anger in his heart.

These civilizations have always been hostile to the four major civilizations.

Sure enough, after receiving the news from Ling Zhan, although these extraterrestrial civilizations hesitated for a moment, they quickly united all the geniuses and rushed towards the location of the mysterious realm of the Ice and Fire Demon.

But at the same time, I felt even more solemn, because the three major civilizations could get the news so quickly, which meant that there was already a traitor among the top leaders of the human race!

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