I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 209 I Don’T Know If Ling Yan Is Dead! This Secret Realm Is Full Of Undead!

What is the concept of third-rate civilization? Under his rule, there are only more than 100,000 living planets,

There are so many living planets, let alone an SSS+ genius, even an SSS-level one would be hard to find!

Now they can have a player on the field, which can be said to be extremely good.

Of course, they also know that their geniuses will most likely serve as cannon fodder to explore the way for top civilizations!

Each top civilization can only produce five teams.

But according to the number of geniuses in the top civilizations, these teams are definitely all SSS-level superpowers!

One team can wipe out more than thirty teams from the third-rate civilization.

The civilizations in the other three major departments nodded after hearing this.

Only the two major extraterrestrial civilizations looked extremely ugly.

Because there is a difference between inside the department and outside the department.

Although the civilization in the system is small in area, the number of planets is terrifying, so the forces are complex.

A civilization develops extremely fast in the early stage, and by the time it is discovered by a powerful civilization, it has almost grown.

As long as you reach the standards of a third-rate civilization and find your legs early on, you can survive forever. This is the case with the human race.

But extraterrestrial civilizations are different.

Every planet of extraterrestrial civilization is a precious resource.

Therefore, whenever a new planet with life is discovered, it will be immediately brought under his command.

Therefore, there are almost no third-rate civilizations among alien civilizations. There are only two top-level civilizations, several first-rate civilizations, and a few second-rate civilizations.

Nowadays, Bratz has used a large number of people from low-level civilizations to occupy most of the personnel. The number of teams assigned to them has been reduced to at least half.

According to his idea, the six top civilizations would have to have ten teams per civilization, right?

But now looking at the happy appearance of these third-rate and second-rate civilizations, the supreme leaders of the two major extraterrestrial civilizations could only snort and acquiesce.

If it were brought up now, the hatred of the civilization within the system towards them would probably be even deeper. They would also rely on these lower civilizations to divide the civilization within the system and conduct transactions.

"Since you all have no objections, let's allocate according to this method!"

Naturally, Ling Zhan didn't hesitate at all.

The next moment, the geniuses of all civilizations gathered one by one.

However, after these geniuses gathered together, Ling Zhan discovered that all top civilizations have SSS+ geniuses, but not the human race!

There are even three first- and second-rate civilizations that have SSS+ super geniuses.

Moreover, why are there only four teams on the human side?

For a moment, everyone looked at the God of War with some confusion. Didn't the human race have a genius named Ling Yan?

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, this secret realm is within the territory of my human race, and my human race genius joined a team a few hours ago!"

Looking at the eyes of these people, Ling Zhan smiled.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all other civilizations turned dark.

"God of War, are you sure it's just one team?"

Supreme Staru asked quickly.

If it's just one team, that's fine.

This is a secret realm and not a dungeon. If a team enters, unless all members are SSS+, they won’t be able to make much waves.

"You'll find out later when you get in! There's only one team!"

Ling Zhan said calmly!

As soon as these words came out, other civilizations breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, then let everyone enter!!"

The Supreme Being of Babaka Civilization also knew that he could not wait any longer, so he shouted loudly.

In an instant, the geniuses of all civilizations all flew towards the cracks in the secret realm under the signal of the strong men of their respective civilizations.

The highest level among these strong men is just level 150, but some of the lower level ones are not even level 100. However, they have strong talents. As long as they enter the dungeon and kill for a period of time, they can gain enough experience points to defeat them. Level up.

Of course, these supreme beings all know that the scale of a red copy is often very large.

It will take at least a month for a thousand geniuses to enter.

One month is enough for everyone to upgrade their level to LV150.

This is why the red copy is called a powerful copy that can drive the development of the entire civilization as long as it appears.

After all, it is too tempting to have elite monsters everywhere.







In every corner of the mysterious realm of the Ice and Fire Demon, with waves of space fluctuations, teams one after another appeared in different locations in the secret realm.

Because the secret realm is so huge, even the two closest teams are thousands of kilometers away from each other.

There is no need to worry about meeting in a short time. However, when everyone landed, their expressions changed.

I saw that the entire secret realm was filled with bottomless abyss.

There is endless magma surging in the abyss.

This scene is like hell.

Among them are human geniuses!

The geniuses of the human race are none other than the geniuses of Murong Xingyu's generation.

Murong Xingyu, as the strongest genius besides Ling Yan, was naturally led by her.

"Is this the mysterious realm of the Ice and Fire Demon? It looks a bit deserted!"

Seeing that there were not many mountains around, but only a large number of abyss, Murong Xingyu also became alert.

"These abyss are likely to be the habitat of monsters, so we should be careful!"

"Yes, the Ice and Fire Demon God. It sounds like it might be a demon type monster. If it is a demon type, it will definitely be stronger than the ordinary elite monsters. It won't be a problem for us to single out a group. If there are tens of thousands of demons, we will definitely run away!"

Several other geniuses also agreed.

"I don't know if Ling Yan died when he entered this dungeon alone!"

However, at this moment, a young man in the crowd spoke with some disdain.

The person who spoke was none other than Zhou Yan, who had licked Murong Xingyu like crazy before and was thrown into the septic tank by Ling Yan.

"Ling Yan is also a genius of my human race. Do you really want him to die?"

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, Murong Xingyu frowned in displeasure.

"I just want him dead,

Before the rain of stars, I stood up for you! Why are you still facing him? "

After hearing Murong Xingyu's displeased expression, Zhou Yan immediately snorted angrily.

"Stand up for me? I want you to stand up for me? The grudge between me and Ling Yan is my business, who do you think you are, standing up for me?

Also, what do you mean by going up and getting beaten up and then thrown into a septic tank? "

Murong Xingyu has always hated Zhou Yan.

He harassed her every day.

I thought I was so affectionate.

When the geniuses around him heard Murong Xingyu's words, they couldn't help but almost laughed.

They only found out later that Zhou Yan was thrown into the septic tank by Ling Yan.

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