I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 199 Elite Monsters Are Everywhere! 24 Billion Casual Injuries! ?

Ling Yan expressed his guess.

When Su Miaoran heard this, she thought for a moment. After she came in, her master could no longer be contacted. It was obvious that the red copy suppressed her master more terrifyingly than the dark gold copy.

"Okay, everything is up to you!

By the way, these are the equipment and materials given to us by the God of War! "

Su Miaoran nodded quickly.

After saying that, he quickly handed a large number of attribute fruits and equipment to Ling Yan.

Ling Yan took it over and took a look.

The equipment is good equipment, not only of high level but also with upgrade scrolls.

Unfortunately, Ling Yan seems to have no use for it.

The attribute fruit is temporarily useful, but Ling Yan will be able to produce it soon.

"But it's not for nothing. With these, it will be easier to explain why my basic strength is so strong!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly and took the things directly.

But he didn't use anything.

I just put everything in my backpack.

"Ho! Human race! Hahahaha, after countless years, I finally see the human race!"

However, at this moment, a crazy laughter came from not far away.

Ling Yan and Su Miaoran glanced over and saw one with a pair of huge blood wings on his back.

At the same time, the huge flame demon, which was also fully ten meters tall, flew over at an extremely fast speed.

"What? Human, hahaha, leave me a bite!"

"Human, delicious human!"

"Kill, kill all humans!"


However, at this moment, a large number of flame demons flew over from all directions.

Su Miaoran instantly pulled out her weapon and looked at these demons solemnly.

And Ling Yan also directly opened the attributes of these demons.


Wild Monster: Fire Demon (Elite)

Level: LV150

Talent Passive:

[Devil Power LV12] (Demon Power*1200%)

[Strength Enhancement LV15] (Strength attribute *1500%)

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV15] (Speed ​​attribute*1500%)

[Physique Enhancement LV15] (Physique attribute *1500%)

[Power of Fire LV12] (Power of Fire*1200%)

Blood volume: 3 billion/3 billion

Magic power: 50 million/50 million

Attack power: 5 million

Speed: 200,000

Defense: 20 million

Skill: Fire Demon Slash LV10 (green, flame and demonic power combine to burst out with a powerful slash!

One hit can directly cause 300% of physical and magic damage! )


These fire demons are all elite monsters!

Moreover, each of the passives was extremely powerful. Seeing this, Ling Yan couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"It's developed this time!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

I don't know if there are many demons. If there are many, all my attributes will have to be improved a lot this time.

Ling Yan didn't hesitate when he thought of this.

The big hand waved in an instant.

"Crack, crackle, crackle!!"

In an instant, countless thunder snakes erupted from his hands.

The purple thunder instantly hit these powerful flame demons.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

In an instant, there were terrifying explosions.

These flame demons were instantly blown up by this terrifying thunder snake and turned into charcoal all over the sky.

-24 billion

-24 billion

-24 billion

-24 billion


A large amount of damage appeared from above the dead charcoal.

This scene immediately made Su Miaoran on the side dumbfounded.

24 billion, still normal damage!

It doesn't even count as a critical hit. What's going on?

Is this move of Ling Yan a red skill?

"Why are you just staring at me? You can deal this kind of damage by raising your level and eating attribute fruits!"

By then we should be more confident in attacking that city. "

When Su Miaoran heard this, she immediately sighed. Ling Yan could see through her own strength at a glance. It seemed that even now she was no match for Ling Yan, who only had LV100.

Ling Yan patted Su Miaoran's silly little head and spoke with a smile.

But think about it, Ling Yan is the person who sold a copy of the Dark Thunder Dragon Emperor's job transfer scroll.

However, for some reason, she always felt that even if she used her full strength now, she might not be able to deal the horrific damage that Ling Yan had just done.

"It doesn't matter. I won't upgrade for the moment. I want to see what kind of existence I can kill by leapfrogging 50 levels in my current state. I don't know if I can beat the emperor-level BOSS!"

"So strong, is this the blessing brought by dark gold level equipment?"

"Apocalypse, raise my level!":

Su Miaoran directly unlocked all the stored experience points and used them to upgrade.

In an instant, Su Miaoran's level soared from the original LV99 to finally reaching LV110!

In an instant, majestic auras burst out from Su Miaoran's body.

But even so, her overall attributes have made a qualitative leap.

However, Ling Yan smiled slightly.

Not only that, Su Miaoran also quickly equipped all the attribute fruits and the dark gold equipment upgraded to LV120.

At this moment, Su Miaoran's aura was more than ten times stronger than before.

Therefore, if you choose to upgrade directly if reincarnation fails, you can still continue to upgrade.

The reason why you cannot upgrade after accepting the reincarnation mission is because the copies of the reincarnation mission generally have level restrictions.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Su Miaoran finally came back to her senses.

There is no option to upgrade.

Ling Yan on the side slowly explained.

As soon as these words came out, Su Miaoran was stunned. Jumped 50 levels to kill the emperor BOSS?

“Not only dark gold level equipment, but also attribute fruits.

But if you fail the reincarnation mission once, you will not be able to receive it again.

She wanted to see how much experience points Ling Yan had accumulated.

"Ling Yan, please upgrade quickly. You should have accumulated a lot of experience points, right?

Beyond this level, reincarnation will directly fail.

With your current strength, you can easily kill an ordinary LV150 king-level BOSS!

Su Miaoran felt the powerful power in her body and couldn't help but speak excitedly.

I guess I have already stacked up all the attribute fruits, right?

Su Miaoran looked at Ling Yan curiously.

Although she also killed several emperor-level bosses, the experience points brought by the emperor-level bosses could only raise her to another level.

If you have dark gold level skills, you can also try it on the emperor level BOSS. "

And now Su Miaoran's reincarnation mission level can reach up to LV150, so she naturally has no worries.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve the terrifying damage value just now.

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