I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 198 Entering The Secret Realm! A Small World Tens Of Thousands Of Quilts Larger Than The Cha

Ling Yan began to think in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more clueless he became.

How did he know that if it weren't for him, the two parties might not know each other.

"No need to be polite, I'm just here to give you some equipment and materials.

When you attack this secret realm later, be more careful. Only the geniuses who survive can hope to reach the end!

Remember, don’t make too much noise in the secret realm. If you accidentally alert the ultimate BOSS in advance, you two will definitely die! "

Ling Zhan also gave serious instructions to the two people in front of him.

"Thank you Lord God of War for your advice, we will definitely keep it in mind!"

Su Miaoran nodded quickly.

"We'll be careful!"

Ling Yan also said seriously.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go in.

Something Su Miaoran will give you!

In addition, when the red secret realm opens, the other three major civilizations will definitely discover it, so you only have one day at most, or even a few hours.

At that time, other geniuses from the four major civilizations, including my human race, will enter this secret realm.

If you two don't get what you need, you must join up with the human geniuses as soon as possible. I will gather some geniuses who have reached LV150, and then you can attack the secret realm together! "

Ling Zhan ordered again.

When Ling Yan heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this secret realm actually ranged from LV100 to LV150!

But this way, it would be better for Ling Yan.

What? You said Ling Yan’s red equipment is only LV100?

so what? Even if you only use the LV150 dark gold equipment Ling Yan, you can still confidently defeat all BOSS except the final BOSS.

At that time, as long as you have enough dark golden essence, you can upgrade the equipment to LV150!

"Let's go, let me see how powerful this copy of the Ice and Fire Demon God is!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly, and then directly chose to form a team with Su Miaoran, and the two of them instantly entered the crack in the secret realm.

Seeing Ling Yan and Su Miaoran disappear, Ling Zhan did not hesitate and directly started to contact the Ultimate Academy to send the human genius over.


However, it’s not just the human race!

The other three major civilizations also learned that a red secret realm actually appeared on the human race.

At the same time, based on the information they learned from high-level human spies, they came to a conclusion.

The secret realm level that the human race appears this time is estimated to be in the range of LV90~LV160.

Because almost all the SSS-level geniuses gathered by the human race are of this level.

For a time, the three major civilizations did not hesitate, and all began to summon geniuses within this level range, preparing to get a share of the pie.

If they can get access to the secret realm as quickly as possible, this secret realm will be theirs.

Of course, neither Ling Yan nor Su Miaoran knew all this, but even if they knew, he wouldn't care.

Not to mention that they entered the secret realm first, even if they entered last, as long as no one gets the access to the dungeon, then this dungeon definitely belongs to Ling Yan.




Following a burst of space fluctuations, Su Miaoran and Ling Yan's figures appeared on a deserted mountain.

[Ding... Congratulations to both of you for successfully entering the secret realm: the mysterious realm of the Ice and Fire Demon!

The level of this secret realm is: LV150! Before the dungeon is successfully conquered, the dungeon can only open level LV150!

And there is only one secret realm, and other parallel independent copies cannot be opened! 】

As the two landed, a prompt sounded to their minds at the same time.

Su Miaoran thought for a moment and spoke solemnly to Ling Yan.

"This mysterious realm of ice and fire demons seems to be different from the secret realms I have seen before.

That’s right, it’s a terrifying 1 million kilometers!

However, in the battle for the secret realm, all BOSS except the Holy King level BOSS must be killed.

There are also a large number of mountains or wastelands between the cities, such as where Ling Yan and Su Moran are now.

This possibility is almost zero.

With such a huge map, it is naturally impossible for all of them to be where wild monsters are.

In an instant, a huge territory appeared in front of Ling Yan's eyes.

Previously, the diameter of the Chaotic Ghost Domain dungeon under Ling Yan was only 5,000 kilometers, but in the later stage, Ling Yan's Evil-killing Sword Formation could completely cover the entire dungeon.

From the map, it seems that this place is divided into hundreds of cities.

The area is equivalent to a full 40,000 times that of the Chaotic Ghost Domain!

This place is actually more like a small world like the God’s Choice Continent!

Increase your level by the way! "

Before this dungeon is completely conquered, that is, before anyone obtains the first level authority, anyone who comes in will appear in the secret realm where Ling Yan and Su Miaoran are at the same time.

Of course, these are not problems at all for Ling Yan.

Ling Yan didn't care and opened the secret map first.

The density of wild monsters within these ranges is much lower, so even those with low talent levels can enter this dungeon to level up.

Looking at this map, even Ling Yan was a little shocked.

Without a large number of SSS+ geniuses teaming up together, it's almost impossible to gain level one access.

There's a lot of white space.

And because of the start of the battle, the number of dark gold-level bosses encountered will be extremely large because of the start of the dungeon battle.

Even if the four major civilizations gathered all their geniuses at the same time, it would be impossible to kill the Holy King-level BOSS!

"Ling Yan, where should we start now? How about we first find a place with fewer wild monsters to raise the level?"

As long as you don't provoke the city, there will generally be no problem.

The second method is for the four major civilizations to enter at the same time and then start a battle for the secret realm.

And the civilization that wins the battle will gain ownership of the secret realm.

The level is not enough. If it causes too terrifying vibrations in such a powerful secret realm, big problems will definitely occur.

Diameter: 1 million kilometers!

Although there are connections between these cities, there are definitely not many connections. We can slowly defeat them one by one!

To win it, the difficulty is no worse than killing the Holy King-level BOSS.

After all, the guardian bosses of these cities must be at least emperor-level, right?

As for obtaining the first-level permission, there are only two ways to obtain it. One is to successfully conquer this copy.

The two of them captured some information from the message.

"Wait for me to take a look at the map of this secret realm first!"

However, this copy has now reached 1 million kilometers.

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