I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 200 The Evil-Killing Sword Formation Breaks Out! The Power To Destroy Everything!

Ling Yan was definitely not joking.

"Okay, don't think about it. I just killed some fire demons. When more fire demons come, I'll clean them up first!"

Ling Yan did not explain, but looked directly towards the horizon.

Sure enough, in the surrounding sky, there were a large number of densely packed flame demons flying over at extremely fast speeds from all directions.

"There are so many, Ling Yan, why don't we avoid them first?"

Su Miaoran was a little solemn. Although she had a wide range of attacks against so many monsters, she might not be able to kill them.

"Only tens of millions, not many!"

Ling Yan took a look. He was proficient in eye skills and could see all the monsters within more than two thousand kilometers at a glance!

The quantity is indeed not much, even a little less.

"Tens of millions of elite monsters? Isn't that too much?"

Su Miaoran was speechless upon hearing this. At this moment, she felt as if she and Ling Yan were from the same world.

Ling Yan didn't explain, and just waved his hand.

"Clang Clang Clang Clang!!!"

Suddenly, one dark gold level fairy sword after another rose directly into the sky from around him.

“Buzz buzz!!!”

In an instant, a large number of mysterious runes erupted from the flying sword, and these runes began to spread crazily in all directions.

Soon, the runes gathered into a huge formation in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Su Miaoran instantly covered her mouth in disbelief. Including the ones given by the God of War, there were a total of 11 dark gold-level fairy swords.

Of course, there was also a red three-headed demon-destroying dragon sword, Ling Yan, that he had not taken out.

"Evil-killing Sword Formation!!"

Ling Yan did not hesitate and directly activated the terrifying evil-killing sword formation.


In an instant, dazzling light burst out from a flying sword and spread in all directions.


In an instant, the power of destroying everything exploded in all directions!

A huge evil-killing barrier expanded towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

Under the evil-killing power of the sword array, everything around was destroyed.

Wherever he went, a terrifying abyss several kilometers deep appeared on the earth.

Moreover, the scope of the abyss is still expanding with the expansion of the sword array.

The nearest flame demons were instantly enveloped by the power of destroying everything.

For just a moment, these flame demons, without exception, all turned into endless black mist, and then even the black mist dissipated instantly.

-120 billion

-120 billion

-120 billion



At this moment, terrifying damage values ​​emerged directly from the void.

Su Miaoran, who was beside Ling Yan, looked at Ling Yan in disbelief at the terrifying numerical values.

Ling Yan just said that he could do the same damage as Ling Yan as long as he wore a dark gold-level suit and ate all the dark gold-level fruits!

However, can this 120 billion damage value be achieved by oneself?

Even if she uses the powerful and desperate moves her master gave her, she might not be able to deal this damage, right?

Su Miaoran looked at Ling Yan helplessly as she looked at the attribute points in her background, which were less than two million, and the blessing of the suit.

Sure enough, her master was right. Even her master couldn't see through the Ling Yan in front of her, and it was absolutely impossible for Ling Yan's hidden strength to be as much as what was in front of her.

After all, she didn't believe that Ling Yan didn't have the ability to instantly increase his strength.

However. Naturally, those who were even more shocked than Su Miaoran were the flame demons in the distance.

Seeing that their compatriots were directly wiped out by this destructive power in just an instant, all the demons panicked!

"What's going on? Doesn't it look like his level is only LV120?"

"Damn it, this is a sword formation, run!"

"There's something wrong with this person. Leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

And the sword formation still began to expand

Strength enhancement LV15*450,000, passive proficiency +4.35 billion

As the barrier expanded, Ling Yan's magic power also began to be consumed at an extremely terrifying speed.

Because you have surpassed more than 20 levels and killed elite monsters, you will get the highest multiplier: 1 million times experience points.

But a million times the experience is scary enough!

According to theory, the level of the Evil-Destroying Sword Formation has reached the dark gold level at this time, and it is much more powerful than the ordinary dark gold level.

Experience value +37.5 million Beijing! Obtain star source: 375]

However, having said that, the higher the level of the BOSS, the more difficult it is to kill it beyond the level.

Looking at the prompts, Ling Yan also raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he could only jump up to twenty levels.

The magic power is still too little.

【The luck roulette is activated! The success rate of passive plunder is increased by 10 million times. Plunder Passive:

Ling Yan smiled slightly, and then continued to look at the notification sound.

Finally, the range of the sword formation was completely expanded to a radius of 5,000 kilometers, and Ling Yan's magic power was also directly cleared.

Speed ​​enhancement LV15*450,000,...

"It's just time to see where the limit of my strength is! In the worst case, if you can't beat me, just upgrade!"

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite wild monster: Flame Demon*125 million,

However, even Ling Yan now cannot completely open the sword formation.

Power of Fire LV12*450,000]

In an instant, all of these demons roared in horror. In an instant, all the demons turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

Soon, the barrier expanded to a full 1,000 kilometers!

The range can also be expanded to a full radius of 11,000 kilometers!


Demonic power LV12*450,000, your demonic power level is increased to: LV38 (2.45 million/40 million)

It is estimated that it is an extremely difficult task to jump 50 levels and kill the king-level BOSS.

Of course, Ling Yan estimated that these were elite monsters that could jump twenty levels. If they were ordinary monsters, they might jump 15 levels and then be unable to improve.

Not to mention, there are emperor-level, emperor-level, and even holy king-level bosses in this dungeon!


When I killed the giant worm before, my level jump was exactly fifteen, so there was no capping prompt!

Physical enhancement LV15*450,000

If you kill a leader, king-level, or emperor-level BOSS, the highest level of leapfrogging can probably be increased.

Experience points gained by a single fire demon: 3000 trillion

If you add more, the experience points will not increase.

A prompt sound also reached Ling Yan's mind!

However, Ling Yan didn't care, because he knew that there was a wild monster area on the map where he could obtain a passive that could increase the upper limit of magic power. Then Ling Yan would not have to worry about magic power.

Then came 2000!

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