I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 175 Who are these eyes?

Sky Dragon of Osiris!

Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon!

Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

These are three genuine Phantom God cards.

Why is the Magic God stuck in your hand? Xiao Biao couldn't understand.

The Three Illusion Gods are the symbol and proof of the Duel King! !

As the Duel King, You Miao should stuff three Fantasy God cards into his deck.

However, the three God Cards are in the hands of Leopard Girl?

Is this reasonable?

Next to Xiao Biao, Wang Yang's shadow appeared, and he couldn't understand You Miao's operation.

Is this because you dislike the card of God not being strong enough?

Unlike Yugi and others, Isis and Kyoko were thinking wrongly. They were concerned about another point.

Of course the Three Illusion God Cards are important, but such an important card is left to Leopard Girl for safekeeping?

What's going on?

You Miao, give these cards to me before you leave. If Muto Yugi comes, give these cards to him. Leopard Girl handed over the three Fantasy God cards.

Looking at the three fantasy cards that exuded coercion, Xiaobiao's eyes became wet. He murmured: You Miao-jun, you are really a good person.

Leopard Girl's expression was not right. She looked at Muto Yugi's moved face and wanted to tell him. Do you know that your fantasy god has been bullied?

Although she didn't know how You Miao did it, he already had the exact same God Card in his hand.

However, there are conditions.

I'll give you three cards of the Phantom God, but You Miao wants to take some cards from you.

Leopard Girl opened the skylight and spoke. You Miao has wanted the Magic Sanctuary and certain cards for a long time.

These cards are only found in anime and are extremely rare and can only be obtained by certain people.

Xiao Biao agreed, and these requests were nothing.

One more thing, it seems that you are going to use the Three Illusion God Cards to unlock some strange things.

After hearing this, Wang Yang's soul began to come online, and he took over aibo's body!


Instant height increase.

Wang Xiang looked at Leopard Girl with sharp eyes and asked, It seems that You Miao knows what I want to do, so what does he mean?

Leopard Girl began to recount You Miao's original words and replied:

You have to search for your past memories, but it's best to wait until I come back to do that.

Of course, this is your own business. If you insist on doing it now, there is nothing wrong with it.

That's it, give me the Magic Sanctuary and some cards, and these three illusory gods will be returned to their original owners.

After Wang Yang finished listening, he had a strange expression, and then reached out to take the three fantasy cards from Leopard Girl's hand.

The three Fantasy God Cards are related to the contents of his lost memories.

After waiting for so long, I don't mind waiting a little longer. Wang Xiang looked at Leopard Girl and asked, When You Miao comes back, help me say thank you to him.

This may seem like a transaction, but the value of the Phantom God Card far exceeds that of any other card.

Wang Yang believed that You Miao was just looking for an excuse to make a deal to hand over the Three Illusion Gods to him.

You Miao, what a good person.

Isis has a different view. So far, the origin of the other Winged Dragon in You Miao's hand has not been explained.

Is there a possibility.

Two other different God Cards have been

The idea was too terrifying, and Isis didn't dare to think about it. She just hoped that You Miao could come back soon.

Wait a minute, Huang Mao.

This is your thing.

Leopard Girl called to stay in the city, and she handed over a certain card.

Jonouchi was called Yellow Hair and he expressed his anger.

But after seeing the red-eyed black dragon in his hand, Jonouchi was immediately confused.

You Miao said that he no longer needs this card, and he sees your growth in his eyes. This True Red Eyes Black Dragon can no longer restrain your future. Leopard Girl entrusted the True Red Eyes Black Dragon to the opponent's hands.

Jonouchi looked at the lost and recovered true red-eyed black dragon in his hand. He suddenly showed an artistic expression and shouted: Great, Master Jonouchi is back again.

This time, both Yugi and Jonouchi got their own results.

Kyoko is unhappy.

When Leopard Girl wanted to drive everyone out, Wang Xiang received a call.

The phone number belongs to a small watch, so the other party also calls for a small watch.

Wang Xiang answered the call. As a king, what's wrong with helping aibo answer the call?

After about a few minutes, Wang Yang hung up the phone.

What's wrong, why is your expression so wonderful? Rebecca knew clearly that the person in front of her was not Xiao Biao, and her tone was not as intimate as before.

It's a call from Becas. Wang Xiang began to explain the content of the call.

next week!

International Illusion Society will link up with KC Group to hold a very large exhibition and dream project in Tongshiye City.

It is said that this time Bekas will bring the latest theme monster series launched by International Illusion Society.

As for this dream project

It is up to the children to create their favorite monsters. After being selected, a lucky winner will be selected. The International Illusion Society and KC Group will use all their capabilities to help this lucky winner realize his dream.

Both KC Group and International Fantasy Society have to gain fame and popularity.

The combined activities of these two activities have greatly increased the international influence and stocks of KC Group and International Illusion Society.

There is a vague tendency to surpass Paradis Company.

Why should we notify Xiaobiao?

Haha, because of Duel Kingdom and his team, Muto Yugi holds a lot of shares in International Illusion Society.

As a major shareholder of this kind of event, Muto Games would naturally inform and invite it.

Oh, this sounds great. There will definitely be a lot of benefits then. Jonouchi's eyes lit up, he loved these activities the most.

Yes. Wang Xiang admitted, but he hoped that You Miao could return to Tongshiye City by then.

In contrast to the joy and laughter of Tongshi Noichi.

Dazi, who is far away from the base camp of Doma, a small island overseas, has been in retreat in recent days.

You Miao controls the power of Exodia, and Dazi cannot let herself ignore this matter.

He is not afraid of Exodia.

But I am a little afraid of Exodia, the unsolvable victory in duels.

Da Zi no longer has much hope whether You Miao will become a fellow traveler.

Different road non-phase plan.

If he wants to stand on the opposite side, Dazi must have enough capital to kill You Miao.

Exodia, this unparalleled monster is You Miao's greatest asset. Dazi must first find a way to deal with this monster.

Before that, Dazi had to do one thing first.

He must practice stargazing to peek at some of the future directions, so that he can go more smoothly.

As the spokesperson of Oliha Gang walking in the world, he had to rely on the power of the great outer god, the God of Oliha Gang, and Dazi was able to do this easily.

The green magic circle gradually occupied the room, and a strange symbol was carved on Dazi's forehead.


Dazi released the terrifying power of Oliha Gang all over her body.

The ceiling was instantly filled with darkness, and the stars were moving. The mystery of the starry sky and the secrets of the universe seemed to be naked in his eyes at this moment.

No more secrets.

However, after living for so many years, this is not the first time that Dazi has done this kind of stargazing to peek into the future.

This time it was a little different. He found that the power consumed by the prophecy was several times more terrifying than the previous times.

As a ten-thousand-year-old monster, Dazi's level is naturally not low. Under his deliberate control, he did glimpse some fragments of the future.


A pair of golden eyes opened, and the terrifying darkness struck Dazi, who was peeping into the future.

boom! !

No one knows what happened here.


Future prophecies are over.

Dazi stood there, holding his arms and looking at the shattered ceiling, saying to himself:

There will be a big disaster in Tongshiye City. In the future that I briefly peeked into, there should be no such thing.

You Miao, does this matter have anything to do with you?

The prophet just now, Dazi, briefly collided with the owner of those eyes with dark power.

The power of this mysterious man is extraordinary.

The darkness within is immeasurable! !

Da Zi licked his lower lips, as if the darkness in this mysterious man's heart triggered his appetite.

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