I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 176 Phantom Demon

On the sunny sea, a drowning boy struggled in the sea.


Along with the waves, the man wearing a straw hat jumped into the sea and moved quickly towards the position of the drowning boy.

Ruff, don't be afraid!!

The red-haired man was muscular and soon was about to swim to the drowning man.


The two of them heard the sound of water breaking next to their ears.

What a big shark monster!

With a sharp scream from Ruf, he grabbed the arm of the red-haired man wearing a straw hat and desperately tried to drag the man back.

The shark monster opened its mouth, revealing its unusually sharp teeth, and bit into one of the red-haired man's arms! !

At the critical moment, the red-haired man looked at Rufu in his arms, and he hesitated.

Silent blast! !


The shark monster was shattered by the powerful energy, and blood and minced meat exploded in the air.

Rufu and the red-haired man looked confused, and they looked up.

All they saw was an unconventional man with golden eyes, standing in the sky and staring at them with a downward gaze.

Dueling elves, extraordinary people can see and observe.

It takes a qualified person to see that they exist.

Ruf is the qualified kid.

The true silent magician floated back to You Miao's side, and he stepped on Lao Ai's palm with a calm expression.

Speaking of which, You Miao only found out at this time that Lao Ai could fly in the sky.

As we all know, Ultraman from the new universe can fly, and You Miao originally wanted him to take him to his destination.

But Lao Ai said that he could do it too!

Such damn jealousy.

No matter where Ultraman is, he will be jealous of others.

So handsome, it's Duel King You Miao!! Rufu looked happy, he pointed at You Miao standing in the sky on Lao Ai's palm and said excitedly.

I'm afraid there's no one in the world who doesn't know You Miao, the duel king, except for those villages that don't have access to the Internet.

Rufu was in Windmill Village and watched the entire Duel City broadcast.

The Three Phantom Gods, Exodia, and Ultraman are so handsome!

Do you know where Mopan Island is? You Miao looked at the red-haired man and asked.

Are you going to Demon Pan Island? The red-haired man was surprised. During his years of sailing and wandering in the sea, he had heard many rumors about that terrifying island.

However, the man in front of him was very strong. The red-haired man pointed out the direction very honestly and said, Just in front of this direction, you can see it if you go straight over.

Thank you, I saved you guys in vain. After You Miao finished speaking, he continued to let old Ai fly!

There was a huge explosion in the air, exploding into countless fine mist in mid-air, and the clouds seemed to be torn apart.

You Miao and Lao Ai instantly disappeared in front of the red-haired man and Rufu.

So handsome, this is the Duel King. Rufu looked excited and wiped the tears from his face.

The next second, Rufu shouted towards the clouds and swore:

I, Rufu, swear to the sea, the sky, the clouds, the wind, and all the fish!

I will definitely become the duel king's man!!

The red-haired man was shocked. He looked at Rufu in his arms and quickly made amends:

Hahaha, Luffy, it's too difficult to become the duel king.

Thinking about One Piece?

One Piece Duel is also very powerful~

Don't you like this straw hat?

I'll give you this straw hat now.

Unexpectedly, Luffy slapped the straw hat off and struggled:

I don't want it, I want to become the Duel King, and I also want to have a Duel You Miao hairstyle.

The red-haired man looked confused and didn't know what to say.

I just feel.

Is the Duel King really that charming?

Under Lao Ai's accelerated flight, You Miao took out the letter again.

This letter came from a person, Dadeji who had just died.

Although Daitokuji's body is dead, his soul is probably possessed by some alchemy product.

You Miao didn't know how Dade Temple did it, but the letter did come into his hands.

This letter is a request for help from Dade Temple! !

Mopan Island?

Could it be that that is the predecessor of Duel Academy's future island?

If that's the case, did Daitokuji discover the three phantom demons hidden deep underground?

You Miao's heart was beating a little fast, and he felt that this possibility was very high.

For a moment, in view ahead.

An island is clearly visible.

The shape is different from the Duel Island in the GX era, but You Miao's deck is getting hot.

The female imp seemed a little uncomfortable, and at the same time, he also felt an incredible power from the depths of the island.

This island exudes evil and evil energy. The silent magician's eyes were filled with magic power. In her field of vision, this island was probably unusual.

Perhaps, there is something extremely terrifying sealed on this island.

Even you are afraid of this kind of power? You Miao looked at the true silent magician and teased.

We must have the most vigilant awe towards everything in the world. True Silence is elaborating a fact.

The history of this world is too ancient. In an era that was impossible to study in the past, every place had its own gods that they worshiped and believed in.

What is a god?

Powers beyond what ordinary people can understand and everything that cannot be explained, these powers can be called gods by ignorant people.

Even in that era when the alien gods came, the world was a mess of demons.

Where did you get these things from? You Miao felt that Zhen Momo was right.

According to the same world view of DM, GX, and 5DS, there are many beings called gods with powers beyond comprehension.

The three phantom gods of ancient Egypt, the red dragon believed by the Mayans, the earthbound god who sleeps in an unknown place, the three phantom demons sealed by the island, and the aggregation of negative emotions bred by human beings themselves

As for the external forces, there are countless, and the great evil god Zoke, the master of the underworld, is of this type.

The God of Oliha Gang is also an external divine force.

So is the light of destruction

Thinking about it this way, this Blue Star is also a troubled place.

Wang Li Magic Library. Zhen Silu stared at You Miao with contempt, and she said: Reading makes people wise. The Magic Library hides many mysteries and secrets. I am different from that yellow-haired and black-skinned one.

As expected, he was really silent. While bragging about himself, he also despised the fantasy of trainee magisters who read notebooks all day long and did not do their job properly.

I'm going down first. You Miao jumped from Lao Ai's palm towards the island.

Normal people will undoubtedly die, but You Miao is not a normal person.

boom! !

He landed firmly on the lawn, and the impact of his force made a small hole dent in the ground.

The more he did this, the more Yu Miao understood that Seto Kaiba's physical strength was not scientific at all!

It is impossible for a normal person to jump from the sky and remain unscathed.

You Miao suggested that Kaiba go for a physical examination to see if his body structure had been modified by some kind of force.

After landing, You Miao noticed a purple mist extending from the ground.

This mist intends to invade from You Miao's feet until it becomes parasitic in his body.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The voice of a female imp came from You Miao's deck.

A powerful flame emerged, burning all the purple mist.

From then on, within half a meter of Youmiao, these strange purple mist did not dare to actively invade again.

There is indeed something wrong with this island.

You Miao summoned the magician spirit he possessed.

Hot Girls, Beaker Twins, True Silence, Black Skin.

Magicians are good at positioning and tracking magic, and You Miao asked them to help find the current location of Dade Temple.

Things came to an end quickly.

All locating magic points in one direction, and that's inside the island's towering crater

That guy from Daitokuji Temple should be over there now.

You Miao plans to find Dade Temple before taking the next step.

That's him, the invading outsider.

Capture him and execute him.

As soon as he finished speaking, You Miao noticed that there were many poorly dressed men pouring out from all around, with a strange object tied to their arms. It looked like a duel disk made of unknown materials.

In an instant, You Miao was surrounded by this group of people.

kill him!

Outsiders are the bad guys.

Dedicate him to the great devil.

This group of people completely lost their minds and seemed to regard You Miao as an unforgivable enemy.

[Special Mission: Demonized People]

Details: The local people infected by the evil spirit have lost their minds.

Goal: Defeat the demonized people in a duel to collect a random amount of demon energy!

Reward: After the mission is completed, Devil Qi can be exchanged for corresponding cards.

Penalty: None

Time: 8 hours


[Adventure Mission: The Crisis of Dade Temple! 】

Details: Daitokuji, who is addicted to alchemy, attempts to find the deeper secrets of the Philosopher's Stone. He heard that there is a power that shakes the world under the Demon Pan Island, so he traveled thousands of miles to reach the island, but he is currently trapped. exist

Goal: Find Daitokuji Temple and save each other.

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: Lose a random amount of stuck dust

Time: None

Two tasks were generated. Compared to saving the idiot Dade Temple, You Miao focused on the first task.

Can Demon Qi be exchanged for corresponding cards?

What can be exchanged?

You will know after testing it. You Miao opened the duel disk and expressed his position with his actions.

It is indeed the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Even if this group of people has lost their minds, as long as playing cards is involved, they will still play cards obediently.

After the cards are played, I will kill you based on the results.

At this moment, You Miao's deck is burning. This is the power of the Three Illusion Gods.

Red, yellow, and blue lights are released from the deck.

In You Miao's eyes, are the Three Fantasy Gods showing off their power?

A piercing scream appeared.

The island seemed to have been severely stimulated.

The power of the phantom god has touched some kind of restriction!

The hidden devil at the bottom of this island is angry and roaring

You Miao's threat status also increased rapidly from this moment on.

This group of demonized people who were supposed to intercept You Miao had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Reuniting? You Miao said in disbelief.

I saw this group of demonized villagers, starting from dozens of people, condensing into a group of unknown people with distorted appearances.

Could it be that all the people here have actually died a long time ago?

These people I saw are just puppets controlled by some kind of power?

This so-called demon island has actually been controlled by demons for a long time.

Regardless, the duel begins.

You Miao will call the guy in front of him the Phantom Demon Man.

The Phantom Man made no attempt to hide the hostility it exuded, and it couldn't wait to devour You Miao.

Gulu gulu~

This Phantom Demon Man is still transforming into other forms.

What, Dade Temple? After You Miao saw the appearance of the Phantom Man, he guessed that the situation of Dade Temple might not be good now.

Hehehe, Mr. You Miao, I am Dade Temple, your good Taoist friend. The Phantom Man used Dade Temple's hoarse voice and began to seduce.

An incredible thing happened to me on this island. There are three supreme demons hidden here.

Their power is incredible.

You Miao-Jun, let's work together to release them.

All our wishes will be fulfilled by the three demon gods.

You Miao looked at the phantom man bragging, and then he said:

Stop pretending and let's duel!

Or are you afraid?

The Phantom Demon was extremely angry. Since the negotiation failed, it directly made a duel disk dripping with bloody liquid appear from its arm.


duel! ! *2

You Miao: 4000LP

Phantom Demon: 4000LP

Draw a card. The Phantom Man drew a card from the deck. It said expressionlessly: Magic Card, Star Explosion!

Star explosion can reduce the star level of a monster card in your hand, and you need to pay 500 life points for each star dropped.

[Phantom Demon: 4000LP → 3500LP]

Due to the drop of one star, this monster can be summoned without a sacrifice. The Phantom Man sneered, and he summoned the monster in attack mode.

The other party sneered in the voice of Dade Temple, which made You Miao feel chilled.


Demonic energy emerged.

A jet-black multi-armed demon exuding black energy appeared.

[Summon God of Darkness, 0 attack power, demon clan]

Sure enough. The moment he saw this monster, You Miao was immediately sure that the three phantoms sealed under the island were the three.

This island will be the duel island in the future gx era.

Although he didn't know why the magic demon's seal was released in advance, You Miao realized that this was his chance!

Fantasy gods and demons, You Miao said she wanted them all! !

Let you see the strongest power!

You must release this card to activate it.

You can special summon the projection of my body from your hand or deck, regardless of the summoning conditions.

But this turn, my monster can't attack.

Buzz ah ah ah ah.

The piercing demon screamed, and the Summoning God of Darkness was swallowed up by the rich darkness, and at the same time turned into a pool of foul-smelling water and fell to the ground.


Boom, boom, boom! !

From this pool of foul-smelling black water, several terrifying golden lightning bolts suddenly emerged.

You Miao felt a terrifying force emerging and being born.

This is one of the three phantoms!

Harmon, the Thunder Emperor who controls the power of thunder and magic! !

0 0A friend is going to propose tonight, so I will update twice, and look for opportunities to make up for it.

0 0, I would like to thank everyone who has voted and subscribed here. The plot of Phantom Demon will not last too long. The main thing is to find an opportunity to take back the power of Phantom Demon and bring together gods and demons.

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