I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 174 Asking for help from afar

It has been a week since Duel City ended.

The birth of the Duel King and the impact of the Three God Cards have had a great impact on the world, and have further promoted the goals of the International Fantasy Society and the KC Group.

The wave of duel completely ignited the whole world.

All the duelists have set their sights on the Duel King. They not only want to win this lifelong honorary title, but they also want to obtain the Three Illusion God Cards.


The even more terrifying Exodia was also taken into consideration.

In short, one thing is confirmed, the Duel King is full of treasures, gold is more precious than gold and is the ultimate treasure that moves around the world.

Want the Duel King's treasure?

I'll give it to you if you want it, go find it!

In Doshino City!

Everything most precious in the world is placed there!

For a time, even though the Duel City event was over, the number of duelists wandering around Tongshi Wild City increased instead of decreasing.

They are all doing an exclusive event! !

Where is the Duel King?

Chicken sauce shop.

A youthful love story is being staged here.

A talented computer girl from a beautiful country, and she is also a local duel champion.

Darling, let's go play.

Darling, I can't unscrew the bottle cap with one hand, please help me.

Darling, why is your hair style so handsome?


Since this morning, Rebecca has been staying by Biao Yuxi's side to ask questions, and Xiao Biao's whole body feels numb.

Chicken Sauce looked at this scene with pleasure, thinking it was no big deal.

The worst outcome is nothing more than having a great-grandchild in the future.

Chicken sauce can be raised.

Except for Chicken Sauce, Jonouchi and others had already seen the ridiculous scene in front of them.

Xingzi, aren't you angry? Long Er asked from next door.

Hey, no, what are you talking about? Kyoko looked confused. She wanted to come over and ask Yugi about dueling monsters today.

Kyoko has become a duelist, but of course she is still a beginner. She has some issues about her deck that she would like to discuss with others.

It’s okay not to mention the opinions within the city.

Peacock Wu has disappeared recently, so Kyoko and her friends came over to look for the game.

Then I discovered that the game is currently being played with amusement.

In this case, Kyoko could only give up asking Yugi about the duel.

Don't be angry~ Long Er's eyes were strange, as if he had discovered some secret.

Is this Rebecca going to look like Jennifer Connor when she grows up? Honda asked.

Although Rebecca is still young, foreigners develop quickly, and her foundation is not bad.

Damn it, you have to ask Takahashi about this kind of thing. Jonouchi couldn't stand it anymore, and he rushed to help Yugi solve the problem.

How could a real duelist be entangled with a little girl?

Game, your deck will cry! !

Who is Takahashi?

Honda looked confused.

In the end, under the interference of the ten-thousand-year-old wood in the city, he was successfully killed by Rebecca's eyes a hundred times.

However, Jonouchi was unmoved. He didn't even know why Rebecca looked like she wanted to beat him to death.

Don't understand.

Women are really troublesome.

I plan to go find You Miao, do you want to go too? Xiao Biao suggested.

Of course, the matter is related to the other me. Xiao Biao hopes that You Miao can borrow the cards of the Three Illusions Gods for use.

Although this suggestion is shameless, after all, it is proof that the Three Illusion Gods are duel kings.

This kind of proposal undoubtedly means something else to the duelist, such as: Lend me your girlfriend.

But for another me, Xiaobiao must give it a try.

Then let's go find You Miao. Xingzi agreed with this suggestion. They all knew where You Miao was. .

Ha, You Miao, is that the Duel King? Rebecca said in a weird tone. She wanted to follow Darling all the time to prevent him from being persecuted by the bad woman.

Yes, You Miao. Yumi nodded, holding the thousand-year cabinet in his hands.

As we all know, You Miao likes all kinds of rare and rare cards, and this cabinet contains all kinds of cards that Xiao Biao has collected over the years.

Some cards are not even recorded in the International Illusion Society's card library.

These cards are the confidence Xiaobiao needs to negotiate.

Finally, they arrived at You Miao's base camp.


However, before they entered the place, they were blocked by a terrifying flow of people.

Hey, is this place so popular now? Long Er, as a nobleman who once helped You Miao purchase machines, felt extremely horrified by the flow of people in front of him.

Is this the fame effect brought by Duel King? Jonouchi found that Duel King seems to be very profitable.

Ah, Muto Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, are you here too? Suddenly, a voice appeared.

It was Ushio who had had an unpleasant experience with Yugi and the others.

This rough man appeared here. He looked at Muto Yugi and others and asked, Are you also here to participate in the Duel King Challenge?

Duel King Challenge?

Seeing the incomprehensible expressions of Jonouchi and others, Ushio reluctantly took out a poster and said, See for yourselves. The duel king probably thought there were too many people challenging him, so he simply came up with this method.

Want to become a duel king?

I can do it, and so can you! !

Spend *** amount in our store and get a chance to clear the endgame. If you pass 10 endgames within a certain period of time, you will get the chance to challenge the Female Beast King.

Defeat this female beast king and you can challenge the rumored duel king!

The winner will receive the Three Fantasy God Cards and the honorary title of Duel King!

That's probably what's on the poster.

Good guy, it turned out that these challengers were turned into leeks for harvesting. Long Er finally understood why so many people wearing duel disks blocked the street. Soon, they couldn't even fit outside.

Are you a duelist too? Honda once suffered from Ushio's iron fist, but he didn't think this stupid guy was a duelist.

Ushio smiled at Honda's question. He is a hammer duelist.

The reason for coming to this place, Niuwei pointed out with his thumb in a certain direction behind him: There are many meat young wolves, and this place is remote and small, so many people will have disputes.

Jonouchi and others looked in the direction and saw someone fighting on the street!

One of them has an unruly reddish unique hairstyle and unusual clothing. There is a weird crescent emblem painted on the middle of the back of his shirt, and a red leather belt between his legs.

The person opposite was not ordinary either. He was handsome in appearance, wearing a white jacket and a headscarf tied to his forehead, showing that he was not inferior to his opponent at all.

Iori, I told you not to stop me from lining up.

I was almost able to go in and spend money, but you bastard pulled me out by force!!

Kusanagi Kyo's face was full of anger, and he wanted to punch the damn guy in front of him.

Hmph hehe, hehe, ahhahahahahahaha. Yagami put his hands on his face and smiled happily.

The president would call him master when he saw it!

Treasures such as the Three Illusion God Cards are only worthy of the strong, and this person can only be his Yagami Temple.

How could you, Kusanagi Kyo, be allowed to go in and spend money before him?

Doesn’t he, Yashen, have no face?

Oh, Ura188 Style Orochanagi! !

Ah ha ha ha, forbidden one thousand two hundred and eleven styles·eight young girls! !

The physical skills of the two men were extremely amazing, and the sense of power between their fists and feet was so satisfying.

Jonouchi and Honda nodded and said in unison: So that's it.

If there is a dispute, there will be a conflict, and then someone will start fighting.

Ushio is here just to fight, and he is a man who aspires to become the king of fights.

As for Yagami and Kusanagi's physical skills that are beyond ordinary people?

As a duelist, isn't this normal?

The question is, the duel king effect is so exaggerated, how can they go in to find You Miao?

Finally, Xingzi and others successfully entered the store.

It was Isis who snuck them in through a secret passage.

If you line up with this number of people, they may not be able to get in from now until tomorrow morning.

Kyoko looked a little uncomfortable with the way Isis seemed to come and go with ease here.

However, Kyoko didn't say much. She was not an unreasonable person.

Inside the arcade.

Leopard Girl is guarding this place alone. In addition to preventing people from coming in and causing damage, she also has to deal with some troubles.

That's right, she is the one nicknamed the Female Beast King!

Basically no one can beat the endgame set by You Miao 10 times in a row.

However, there are a very small number of people who are just lucky. They can always get a very simple endgame randomly, and there are scalpers outside selling some endgame clearance skills.

These lucky guys must be intercepted by Leopard Girl to prevent them from harassing You Miao.

It's difficult for You Miao. Sometimes these duelists have to reflect on their own problems. If they don't work hard during Duel City, they just wait for the Duel King to come out and target him alone to torture him.

Leopard Girl must, immediately, immediately turn into a loyal bodyguard to intercept these idiots.

She now holds the Sword Fighting Beast, and the Leopard Girl's strength has been horribly improved compared to before.

Female bodyguards can really protect anyone!

You are looking for You Miao. Leopard Girl looked strange and replied, That's really unlucky. You Miao is not actually here. He seems to have left for an island overseas.

It all starts from the night before.

A mysterious envelope was picked up by Leopard Girl outside, indicating that it was a letter addressed to You Miao.

After reading it, You Miao only said: Please help, it's interesting.

Then, You Miao secretly left overnight.

I don't know what is written in that letter. Anyway, you are late. Leopard Girl explained helplessly.

Everyone was speechless. Did they fail?

Yugi and Kyoko's expressions were the most disappointed.

That's it, then I can only wait for You Miaojun to come back before I can discuss something with him. Xiaobiao said with a forced smile.

Seeing Biao Yuxi's disappointed look, Leopard Girl patted her dog head and said in a deep voice, Ah, I almost forgot. You Miao gave me these cards before he left.


Everyone's eyes widened as Leopard Girl took out three cards from her hip pocket.


how could it be possible!

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