I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 173 The initial starting point

Underworld Heavenly Wheel, the effect is activated!

Under the power of this sustainable magic card, the boundaries between life and death are blurred, and withering away is another kind of rebirth.

You Miao's eyes were solemn, thinking about what kind of monster An Yugi would resurrect in the graveyard regardless of the summoning conditions.

god! ?

God is indeed very powerful, but Yami Yugi no longer has enough resources to create sacrifices to contribute to the giant god soldiers.

Hongguang New Yuxia has a total of 4500 RMB, which is the realm of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

The Titan Soldier's 4000 attack power is still out of reach.

You Miao clearly remembers what the monster cards in the game's graveyard are from the beginning of the duel until now.


The game has launched Angel Alms and Sixth Sense.

What is hidden in the unknown cards.

The ground was like a wave on the surface of the water. Under the influence of the power of the underworld, a top magician wearing a dark hard robe appeared.

The Black Magician of Chaos!!

Kaiba and Jonouchi said in unison for the first time.

[Black Magician of Chaos, 2800 attack power, Magician]

The attack power of this black magician is only 2800 points, which is not enough to defeat the Rainbow New Universe with 4500 attack power. You Miao looked at the confident expression of the game and said, So... you are wasting the terrifying resurrection effect of the Underworld Celestial Wheel. I went to revive the Chaos Black Magician in the hope of recovering a certain magic card from the graveyard!

The original Chaos Black Magician can quickly recover a magic card from the graveyard upon entering the game.

You Miao, you are right.

The magic card that hides the key to victory has long been stored in my graveyard.

Yami Yugi admitted this statement, and he directly activated the effect of the Black Magician of Chaos to recycle a magic card in the graveyard.

This magic card had been piled into the graveyard from the top of the deck by the game a long time ago.

At this moment, this magic card has become the most critical move to reverse the outcome.

A card with the aura of destruction appeared, and Yami Yugi held the card firmly in his hand.

Twilight of the Gods!! Yami Yugi activated this magic card directly.

Using the Chaos Black Magician as a medium, this magic card of the gods begins to release the ultimate destructive power!

Ragnarok? Kaiba's tone was quite solemn. He had never seen Yugi use this magic card before.

And the power emanating from this magic card is extraordinary!

The Magic Sanctuary retrieves the Heavenly Wheel of the Underworld, and relies on this power to resurrect the Black Mage of Chaos in the cemetery. The final target turns out to be this magic card.

You Miao smelled the smell of wet ink. Wasn't this Twilight of the Gods secretly printed by Yami Yugi just now?

And one more thing.

This magic card sent the Winged Dragon to hell in the original work. You Miao remembered that it can only be used if there are two masters and apprentices of the magic tribe.

So how does the game launch successfully now?

Confirmed again, this thing is printed on the spot.

peat! !

When you have a Black Magic Girl and a Black Magician on your field, you can activate this Ragnarok.

But there is another situation, that is, this Twilight of the Gods can also be used when the Chaos Black Magician is present.

Black magic masters and chaos black magicians are collectively known as the three knights of the black magic world in the magician world. This is why they can master the power of Ragnarok.

You Miao was stunned for a few seconds. He felt like his face was being slapped by several dump trucks.

But it sounds like that's the case.

And this Twilight of the Gods is definitely printed! !

At this point, You Miao already knows what the real effect description of Twilight of the Gods is, and why he can send the Winged Dragon and Malik to hell in the original work.

You must know that although gods are affected by the effectiveness of magic, they cannot be destroyed or excluded by magic cards.

In the original work, Malick and Winged Shenlong suddenly seemed to be killed by the plot.

After Ragnarok is activated, I must remove all monsters from the deck, hand, and graveyard.

Then he gains the power to destroy everything. This kind of power cannot be resisted even by gods, let alone the Rainbow New Yuxia.

An Yuxi pointed his index finger at Hongguang Xin Yuxia, his target was the only monster on the field of You Miao.

No matter whether your graveyard has been destroyed or not, all monsters are powerless to resist the Twilight of the Gods. As soon as An Yuxi finished speaking, the ultimate spell tore a huge hole near Rainbow New Universe.

At this time, You Miao's attention was completely focused on the magic card Twilight of the Gods. He was staring at the effect description on the card with extraordinary eyesight.

I see.

No wonder the Winged Dragon can go to hell.

The description of the effect of this Ragnarok is extremely vague and ambiguous, but You Miao read a truth from the extremely vague effect of this card.

The effect of Ragnarok is not destruction. This magic card is converted into regular K language, which is: the opponent player must send all the monsters on his field to the outer zone! !


Good guy.

You Miao has seen monsters sent to their graves against duelists.

But this Ragnarok actually allows duelists to send their monsters to the outside zone.

Send to the grave ≠ send to the grave!

Strong, too strong.

Dark game, it turns out that you are the real slayer.

The sky was dyed with the song of doom at dusk, and all the monsters in the dark game's excluded area turned into phantoms and floated out.

All of them locked the Rainbow New Universe, including the Titan Soldier, the God of Destruction, and these monsters dragged the former towards the broken crack.

Hongguang New Yuxia was confused. It never expected that it would receive such treatment.

I actually ate a Twilight of the Gods! !

How can it be so virtuous?

Stop it, it doesn't deserve it!

As the last word of the Black Magician of Chaos' spell fell.

Hongguang New Yuxia. Completely hit the streets.

You Miao really wanted to say something to Yu Yu: And you, my friend, you are the real slayer.

Is it over yet?

Jonouchi's expression was excited, he had already seen the moment when Yugi aspired to become the Duel King.

The chaotic black magician raised his staff, and the energy-condensed tip of the black magic ball was aimed at You Miao.

On the duel stage, An Yugi looked ahead and said: I won this duel!

It's finally over. Kaiba murmured in a low tone.



There was a golden light all around You Miao's body, and this power made Yami Yugi very familiar.

I saw cards floating one by one, each card occupying its own corner, and finally pieced together into a pentagonal star symbol!

Exodia? Yami Yugi shouted in disbelief.

impossible! !

The expressions of Kaiba and others are exactly the same as those in the game. How could You Miao collect five Exodia in the game's turn? ?

A trap card exuding energy is displayed in You Miao's hand, which is an important supplement!

[Supplementary information: This can only be activated when there are more than 5 monsters in your graveyard. Select a monster with an attack power of less than 1500 except for up to 3 effect monsters in the graveyard and add it to your hand. 】

This trap card is specially used to recover normal monsters with low attack power in the graveyard. Kaiba explained calmly, and at the same time, he also guessed what You Miao recovered.

Exodia, 4 of them are normal monster cards.

Replenishers can recycle up to three Exodia parts from the graveyard.


That's not right, one additional member of staff is not enough.

Kaiba knew one thing very well. A single Supplementary Key Personnel alone could not accomplish this kind of thing.

What is.

What has been missed!

Until Kaiba saw the continuous magic card on the game field, Magic Sanctuary! !

Kaiba's head seemed to be penetrated by a silver light, Conan-like sudden realization!

It’s unmistakable, it’s the Magical Sanctuary!

Magic Sanctuary allows both parties to retrieve a magic card.

The game took the Huangquan Tianlun, so what did You Miao take?

And when Magic Sanctuary is on the field, both sides can activate magic cards from their hands or on the field during the opponent's turn.

So what You Miao activates in the game round through Magic Sanctuary is

Dark Mass Production Factory. Yami Yugi looked at the magic card in front of him and said it.

This magic card allows me to recover two normal monsters from the graveyard.

Since this magic card must be activated with two conditions, I first activated the transaction rollback from the graveyard to copy the supplementary key members. First, I recovered two parts of Exodia, and then used this magic card to recover the final one. Two parts, a total of 4 parts.”

Before you activate the Underworld Heavenly Wheel, I have already got the last Exodia's head in my hand!!

This is the bond between me and Exodia.

You Miao's shoulders were burning, and the five-pointed star mark was emitting strong gas. This gas eventually formed Lao Ai's huge body to guard his surroundings.

You Miao was stuck at first. He got hold of 4 Lao Ai parts, but he never thought that these 4 parts had already planted the consequences when he first entered the graveyard.

The card that Hongguang New Yuxia activated its effect from the deck in the last round is the Supplementary Important Personnel!

From the moment the Magic Sanctuary is activated, no matter what means Yami Yugi wants to use, You Miao will add the magic card Dark Mass Production Factory from the deck to his hand.


Lao Ai is the strongest!

Even if Dazi is here, as long as You Miao holds five parts, he can still send the opponent to hell.


Five parts of Exodia are connected together to form a magic circle, emitting a golden light that is more dazzling than that of a female imp! !

The substitute of Lao Ai behind You Miao was slowly infected by this power, and finally turned into a huge monster and appeared in front of everyone.

Kaiba and Yugi looked at the true form of Exodia and fell silent.

When the two of them first met, Kaiba was forced by Yugi to use Exodia's move to overturn the situation.

But he never thought that at this moment, Yugi would also have to face Exodia.

Even at this moment, Yami Yugi would not escape, and his pride would not allow it.

He still ordered: Black Magician of Chaos, come with me for the final battle.

The Chaos Black Magician nodded. He held a magic wand and jumped up with a destructive spell all over his body. He chose to face the real terror without fear of Exodia's pressure! !

You Miao seemed to feel the willpower coming from the game, and he showed an unprecedented expression of excitement:

Unknown Pharaoh, you are indeed the most special opponent!

“It’s great to be able to come to this city and participate in Duel Cities.”

Exodia, use all your strength to fight back against this respectable opponent.

Roar ah ah ah ah.

Exodia raised his hands, as if the destructive power that could penetrate the island was condensed. It was its true body at this moment, and its power could be said to be at its peak.

boom! ! !

Under the annihilation of this energy, the Chaos Black Magician was ruthlessly crushed.

Faced with this power that rivaled the rules, Yami Yugi closed his eyes and endured it alone.

At the last moment, Xiao Biao appeared next to An Yuxi, and he hugged the other me tightly.

No matter what they encounter, they have to face it together.

Yami Yugi smiled.


The duel is over! !

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