I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 155 Lao Ai’s Wrath

Hahaha, as expected, in front of the god-slime, any attack is useless. Dark Malik took a deep breath and felt refreshed.

The depression he felt just now because he couldn't activate the hidden effect of the God Card and became a clown was gone.

You Miao, what you did is right.

God Slime has inherited the regenerative clay effect. Once destroyed, it will immediately resurrect and become more and more terrifying.

After saying that, Dark Malik laughed triumphantly. He originally wanted to conceal the God-Slime effect to Yin Youmiao.

Unexpectedly, You Miao was a thief. He seemed to have known the effect of God-Slime early on, and he chose defense instead of offense.

After Dark Malik's explanation, Yugi and others understood everything instantly.

This god-slime indeed inherited the regenerative clay effect. No wonder You Miao did not attack but strengthened his defense.

Draw a card.

Dark Malik easily drew a card from the deck.

When he saw this card, Dark Malik's pupils dilated, and the smile on his mouth could not be concealed at all.

Dead Su?

Recycle monster cards from the graveyard?

You Miao's expression became serious.

However, the cards Dark Malik drew were none of these.

You Miao, go to hell, I'll turn the God-Slime into attack position. Dark Malik started to operate.

God-Slime began to change his posture.


[God-Slime, 3000 attack power, aquatic]

fighting! !

That's right, Dark Malik covers 1 card and directly chooses to attack.


A terrifying punch came down.

The fantasy trainee magician is targeted.

At this moment, You Miao's pupils dilated, and he seemed to be holding back something.

boom! !

Fantasy Apprentice Magician is destroyed.

After the attack, You Miao thought that Dark Malik still had some moves, but he didn't expect that he had entered the end stage.

What exactly is that card? You Miao looked confused at the card Malik had just drawn.

The six-year-old couldn't hide his emotions. When he got that card, this guy almost made a high C on the spot.

It can be seen that this card should be very useful.

The fact is just as You Miao guessed.

When Dark Malik was about to end the phase, he activated the quick-attack magic card he had just acquired.

A surprise attack from the darkness! !


The surroundings suddenly fell into darkness, and the cold breath made people feel nervous.

Hahaha, this quick attack magic card allows me to let a normally summoned or specially summoned monster go through another battle phase at the end of the turn.

Dark Malik showed his cruel face.

It turns out to be the second battle stage. You Miao said calmly.

Stop pretending, You Miao, eat my god-slime's second attack. Dark Malik looked ecstatic, You Miao no longer had any monsters.

The attack just now destroyed the fantasy magician and allowed the six-year-old to confirm one thing.

You Miao's cover card is definitely a fake! !

Ahaha, I'm afraid it's a fusion.

God-Slime pounced on You Miao, at this moment.

Something strange happened.

I thought you were hiding some killer move, which made me alert, but didn't expect this?

I think highly of you.

You Miao calmly opened the cover card.

Dark Malik's expression immediately changed.

God-Slime will be resurrected when destroyed. No matter what cards are used, such as explosive armor, sacred shield, and universal mines, this monster cannot suffer.


You Miao activated a continuous trap card!

Demonic Fire Cannon! !

What is this? Dark Malik had never seen this card before.

The unknown is often the biggest source of fear.

Exodia is a legend in the duel world, how can there be no cards corresponding to battle? You Miao explained with a smile. He sent a sealed monster from the deck to the graveyard. .


The whole ground shook.

A terrifying energy is about to bloom, this is the anger of Exodia

It's a blaster made of rage! !

Game, you have collected five Exodia before. Do you have any impression of this card? Kaiba suddenly asked.

With Kaiba's knowledge, he has never seen this permanent trap card, Demonic Fire Cannon.

Sorry, although I have used five Exodia parts, I have never seen this card. Yami Yugi told the truth, because there are enough mysteries in You Miao.

So what if there’s one more?

Soon, they knew the terror of this demonic fire cannon.

This effect can only be used once per turn.

I can activate the effect by targeting 1 monster on the field, sending 1 Sealed monster or 1 Exodia card from my hand or deck to the graveyard, and that monster card returns to the graveyard. Holder's hand card.

God-Slime has indeed inherited the infinite resurrection effect of Regenerative Clay.


The bullet is not destruction, I just let the slime go back to its original place.

Hearing this, Dark Malik's expression changed drastically, and he realized that things were going to be bad!

According to Duel City rules, fusion monsters can also be returned.


When Lao Ai's parts were sent to the graveyard, he was blasted out by the impact cannon with huge and terrifying anger.

God-Slime stood in front, using his thick immortal body to resist!

It thought its immortal body was invincible, but it was blown away by Lao Ai's roar.

Fly far, far, far away

God-Slime found that he could not come back.

Dark Malik's strongest shield is gone.

Yami Yugi discovered the scariest thing about this Demon Fire Cannon.

This is a permanent trap card!

This means that no matter how many Lao Ai parts there are, this card can be used continuously every round.

Is it really not uncomfortable for you to play a terminal boss in one round?

Yes, the power of the permanent trap card is stronger than the ordinary trap card. Xiao Biao didn't know when he appeared. He looked at You Miao and nodded in agreement.

The power of the permanent trap card is indeed the strongest!

Not only can it be recycled, but as long as it is posted on the field, it can make the opponent feel desperate and even cause huge psychological pressure.

Damn it, damn it, why is it like this again? Dark Malik was filled with hatred.

It's useless to hate, this is a duel. You Miao ignored Dark Malik's defense break and drew cards from the deck.

Magic card, Ace of Cups!

This card in You Miao's hand is the Pot of Desire. He adds two cards to his hand.

Before attacking last turn, Dark Malik covered 2 cards.

As we all know, anime characters don’t cover useless cards, let alone 2 of them?

Except for Kaiba, who likes to cover the fusion.

Magic card, double whirlwind.

I choose to send the Demon Fire Cannon on my field to the graveyard, and choose the leftmost card you covered to destroy it.

You Miao chooses 2 for 1! !


Two whirlwinds appeared, one yellow and one red. The yellow whirlwind destroyed the Demon Fire Cannon, and Dark Malik's only Gaika was also destroyed.

It is the anime version of Dark Demon Reborn.

When he launched the double whirlwind just now, You Miao noticed that Dark Malik's expression was very, very ugly.

It turned out to be The Rebirth of the Dark Demon. No wonder the six-year-old looked collapsed.

The effect of the anime version of Dark Demon Rebirth is: when the opponent declares an attack, you can activate and use the effect of a magic card in the opponent's graveyard.

You Miao has piled up so many cards, and of course there are also many magic cards that can resurrect monsters stored in the graveyard.

Dark Malik obviously knows this, so his plan is to use Dark Demon's regeneration to steal cards, and then take the opportunity to resurrect the invincible Winged Dragon into the Phoenix state.

The 'Demon Fire Cannon' is so powerful, if it were me, I would definitely keep it, Kyoko said subconsciously.

After all, this permanent trap card can bounce monsters once per turn, so she thought it would be better to keep this permanent trap card.

But the Rebirth of the Destroyed Darkness is also very powerful!

Thinking about it this way, Xingzi seemed to understand what You Miao was doing.

It is best to exchange one strong card for another strong card and prevent Dark Malik's Winged Dragon from resurrecting.

However, Kaiba retorted:

Huh, stupid woman, you clearly have a keen intuition about the link in the God Binding Tomb.

But you can't understand what just happened. Sure enough, beginners are beginners.

You should stay away from You Miao in the future, lest he become stupid too.

The Dark Demon's regeneration is indeed very strong, and it can also steal cards to resurrect the Winged Dragon when the opponent attacks.

But You Miao didn't know that it was the Dark Demon Reborn.

Even if that card is a useless fusion card, and even if Malik doesn't cover the card, You Miao will use the double whirlwind to destroy the Demon Fire Cannon and the Fusion Prohibited Area stored on Malik's field.

It doesn’t matter what card the opponent destroys.

The important thing is that You Miao needs to destroy his Demon Fire Cannon!

Demon Fire Cannon requires a component to be sent to the grave in order to play the card. You Miao's deck may not have any components anymore.

Or is it

Demon Fire Cannon has a second effect!

What a disgusting man. Xingzi blushed and her fist became hard.

No wonder Jonouchi hates Kaiba so much, Kyoko instantly understood.

In Kaiba's eyes, there is no distinction between men and women as long as you are a duelist.

Haima will show no mercy to those who deserve it.

I won't be merciful just because you are a beginner and a girl.

Kyoko was absolutely sure of one thing, Seto Kaiba would never be liked by a girl in her life.

Shrimp-headed man, seahorse! !

at this time.

On the duel ground.

The Demon Fire Cannon that was sent to the graveyard was glowing just as Kaiba said.

All You Miao needs is to destroy the Demon Fire Cannon, and the subsequent benefits brought by the double whirlwind are actually unimportant.

Profitable is of course the best.

When Demon Fire Cannon is sent from the Magic and Trap Zone to the Graveyard, it can be activated by targeting 1 Sealed monster or 1 Exodia card in the Graveyard.

Add that card to your hand.

A card popped up in the graveyard, and You Miao drew it out.

This is

Exodia's head! !

What do you want to do? Dark Malik naturally knew the legend of Exodia.

However, in order to use Exodia's power, five parts must be collected.

You Miao does not meet the above conditions in terms of cards in hand or other aspects.


What do you want to do with recycling Exodia's head?

I usually summon the head of Exodia! You Miao made a surprising operation.

0 0 It's too late. Post it first and change it later.

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