I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 156 There are 3 skills for drawing cards


As a legend in the dueling world, Exodia itself is full of many legends.

I believe most duelists will be familiar with this legendary monster.

Under normal circumstances, no duelist would take the initiative to summon the parts of Exodia.

[Sealed Exodia, 1000 attack power, magician clan]

You are crazy, You Miao. An Malik breathed a sigh of relief.

Crazy? You Miao looked at the other party with an indifferent expression. He moved his lips slightly and said, Is this really the case?

I saw You Miao slowly showing the card in his hand. It was a 10-star monster card, summoning the god-Exodia!

This card cannot be normally summoned. It can only be specially summoned when you release 1 Sealed monster on your field.

This is the reason why You Miao recycled one of the parts in the graveyard and summoned it.

Because the Summoning God requires a sacrifice of a part before it can be specially summoned!

Summon God? Kaiba, who was originally a victim of Exodia, had very complicated feelings about this monster.

And Kaiba is sure that Exodia does not have a vest like the Summoning God.

But you can’t say for sure!

After all, in the virtual world, didn't Kaiba Gozaburo's puppet use Exodia's undead?

Who knows what kind of secrets the Duel Monsters are hiding.

You Miao raised the monster card in his hand, and a golden beam of light shot into the distant sky.

The sky there suddenly opened a huge hole!

The law hidden in the darkness of legend, the inevitable power will awaken the great mage of the law of cause and effect!

I hereby make a special summons by your true name.

You Miao continued to shout, his voice echoing throughout the duel field, and everyone around the world could hear his call through the live broadcast!

At this time, in a distant city, a little boy sitting in front of the TV had a flushed face, which was obviously due to the increase in body temperature caused by the violent beating of his little heart.

Awesome, so awesome.

There are actually monster cards that are more handsome than heroes.

God's Card, Exodia, Duel Monsters is awesome.

This little jellyfish head was jumping up and down on the spot with excitement, wishing he could grow a pair of wings and fly to the distant Alcatraz Island right now.

If I could watch this duel live, I would be so happy!

When the little jellyfish-headed boy was excited, in a deck of cards placed on the table, the top monster with 0 attack power flashed strangely from time to time.

Well, he must be jealous.

at this time.

In the duel stage above the tower.

At You Miao's call: Come out and summon the god Exodia!


The dazzling light illuminated everything, just like the brilliance of the sun when it rises.

Exodia with complete hands, legs and feet was born!

This terrifying power is to some extent more terrifying than the God Card.

[Summoning God-Exodia,? Attack power, magician clan]

You guys actually summoned Exodia. Dark Malik couldn't help but tremble. Even he had heard of the terrifying legend of this monster.

Six-year-old, you don't need to tremble with fear. You Miao comforted the other party and said: Unlike the usual gathering of Exodia, summoning the god Exodia to enter will not give me an instant duel. victory.

Hoo, hoo, hoo. After hearing this, Dark Malik's expression instantly changed from frightened and helpless to surviving a disaster to a perverted madman.

Uh-huh, hahaha, I won't let you win the duel, so why are you trying to bluff people? Dark Malik slurred, and immediately returned to his arrogant attitude.

He completely forgot that the person who was frightened and broke his defense just now was not him at all.

This card's attack power increases by the number of sealed monsters in your graveyard x 1000. You Miao opened his mouth to explain.

At this moment, counting the head that just re-entered the cemetery.

There are a total of 5 cards in Yumiao's graveyard with monsters with the Sealed field.

[Summoning God-Exodia:? →5000 attack power]

Impossible, the attack power actually soared to 5,000 in an instant? Dark Malik couldn't help but take a step back.

Huh, interesting, it actually surpassed the value of Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba's expression was calm, as if he had accepted the fact that Blue Eyes was used as an indicator of combat power.

You have no cards on the field that can protect you. You Miao ordered the Summon God to enter the battle: Attack, Summon God!

Summoning God is not affected by the effects of other cards. This card is the classic full resistance!

A shot from a monster with 5000 attack power and full resistance, its power cannot be ignored.

The huge Demon Cannon condensed, and Dark Malik's whole body was locked with powerful energy.


The terrifying energy cannon was shot out.

Dark Malik is like the villain boss in Dragon Ball who is wrapped in turtle-style Qigong.

The energy keeps exploding.

The entire duel stage was shaking, as if the end was coming.

Did you win? Jonouchi looked nervous.

Malik, the grandson, used his sister as a sacrifice. Is You Miao really so decisive in killing, that he can kill Isis regardless of her safety?

No, before the duel city started, You Miao also killed himself like this, killing him mercilessly in an instant, and then took away the red-eyed black dragon.

You Miao is willing to save herself in the virtual world.

You Miao now has no scruples about Isi.

Which one is the real him?

Damn it, I can’t tell the difference. I really can’t tell the difference within the city.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the stage with nervous expressions, waiting for a result.


Dark Malik stood on the field, he did not lose the duel.

There was an extra demon-type monster on the field, and Malik's health even changed.

[Dark Malik: 2500LP→3500LP]

What's going on? You didn't lose the duel but increased your health after being attacked? Yami Yugi definitely remembered correctly. Except for the fusion forbidden area, Malik had no cards to use at all.

Hahaha, you two named You, don't think that you are the only two who have trouble. Dark Malik showed a demon monster on the duel plate.

[Demon-shaped pestle, 1300 defense, demon clan]

Malik or You Miao's combat step can only be activated. The monster pestle card is specially summoned from the hand, and then he can recover 1000 basic points.

A new monster appeared, and You Miao's summoned god failed to successfully attack directly. He could choose to knock out the monster pestle.

However, You Miao did not let the Summoning God destroy the Demonic Pestle! !

It's just that except for Yugi and Kaiba, everyone present is still recalling the regret and helplessness of this attack.

What a risk, I almost lost. Dark Malik looked at You Miao with a strange look, and asked: Although I don't know why you stopped attacking, leaving the Demonic Pestle behind will be the biggest reason for your failure.

Just now You Miao let the Summoning God choose to attack without any concern for Isis's safety. Dark Malik completely saw through You Miao's true nature.

Damn You Miao, you really have no heart!

That's why you betrayed me twice!

You talk too much. You Miao knew that the six-year-old's hand was most likely to have a hand hole, because in the original work, the six-year-old also used this hand hole to cheat the game once.

If a six-year-old child is really desperate, his behavior will definitely not be like that just now, but he will be so scared that he can't speak.

It probably means dumbfounded written all over his face, just like the stupid look in the original work where Yami Yugi was bombarded back to his hometown by Ragnarok.

After being ridiculed by You Miao, An Malik was furious, and his long-standing dissatisfaction and hatred suddenly exploded.

At this moment, Dark Malik had very few cards left in his deck, and he had a strong premonition.

The next time he draws a card, it must be the magic card he wants.

At the end of the round, the Summoning God will retrieve a sealed part from the graveyard.

[Summon God: 5000 → 4000 attack power]


You Miao, I'm going to send you to hell. Dark Malik trembled all over, and the dark aura began to erupt, and he forcibly ended You Miao's round.

Draw a card! !

If this was still a virtual world, Dark Malik must have used the Dark Card Drawing skill.

Yes, Malik's deck has two major characteristics.

The first is the Winged Dragon, the second is the resurrection of the dead, the third is the resurrection of the dead, and the fourth is the various magic and trap cards that revolve around the resurrection of the dead.

Now, Dark Malik won't have that much trouble, he has drawn the magic card of his destiny.

The dead are resurrected! Dark Malik's expression was ferocious. He laughed wildly and raised this magic card, relying on the resurrected energy to resurrect the Winged Dragon in the cemetery.

This time, Dark Malik will choose to merge with the Winged Dragon.

Although he still has a Fusion Prohibited Area on the field, the actual fusion of Winged Dragon is that this monster enters the field first, and then chooses to fuse with Malik himself.

This special fusion method is different from Fusion Summoning.

To put it simply, fusion prohibited areas cannot control Winged Dragon's fast attack fusion ability.

Dark Malik has 3500 health points, so after merging with God, the Winged Dragon will increase its attack power to 3499.

Moreover, Winged Dragon also has a sacrifice effect, which is to liberate other monsters on the field and absorb the attack power of these liberated monsters.

The attack power of the monster pestle is 1700, so after fusion with the Winged Dragon, the final attack power will be increased to 5199 points.

You Miao's health point is 400 points, and the summoned god's attack power is 4000 points. This difference in combat damage is enough to end everything.

Oops, Dark Malik still drew the resurrection of the dead.

The resurrection of the Winged Dragon will activate the quick attack ability

Everyone outside the field was excited. After all, the effect of the Winged Dragon was too overbearing.

Just in time, Isis, who was tied to the cross, slowly opened her eyes and watched this scene happen.

You Miao. Isis called out the other person's name.

The mighty flames of the Winged Divine Dragon are about to spread from the cemetery, but the golden firelight shines on Dark Malik's face, but it looks eerie and terrifying. There was madness and viciousness in his eyes.

The thousand-year scepter shone with a deep and strange luster under the reflection of the golden firelight.

Uh-huh, hahahaha, I won. I, Malik, won this duel. Dark Malik seemed to have seen the last scene of You Miao being swallowed by darkness.

This is the price for betraying him!

When Dark Malik is about to welcome the return of the Winged Dragon and use his fusion ability.

You Miao's words completely threw Malik into the abyss.

Don't stand up!

No, Malik, you lost. You Miao's expression was more serious than ever before. He raised a finger and declared: You lost to Isis!

Huh. Boom! !

The location of You Miao's black technology duel disk in the cemetery flashed red.

A card pops up from the graveyard area.

It is the universal transaction rollback!

[You Miao: 400LP → 200LP]

I sent two cards to the graveyard before, one of which was a transaction rollback, and the other was The second card began to pop up in the Youmiao Duel Disk graveyard area.

Trap card, virtual world! !

[Virtual World: Select 1 field magic card from the deck and add it to your hand or activate it on your own field. 】

The activation effect of transaction rollback becomes the effect of the virtual world!

So I choose a field magic card from the deck and place it on the field. You Miao looked at Dark Malik, whose expression was getting worse, and asked: Malik, what do you think this field card will be?

The answer was immediately revealed.

The golden setting sun fell on the two of them, and the rolling yellow sand seemed to be a coffin for burying all the dead, shrouding the entire world in a strange atmosphere.

Boom boom boom, as the valley rises, the mighty flames emitted by the Winged Divine Dragon no longer have any possibility.

How...how could this happen? Malik's expression was really dumbfounded this time, and later he was completely frightened and became incoherent.

The valley where the royal family sleeps! !

One of Isis’s god-level field cards.

In addition to strengthening the attack power of the tomb-guarding monsters, as long as this field card exists, both sides cannot exclude cards from the graveyard. The effects on cards in the graveyard are invalidated and do not apply.

It is completely impossible for the dead to revive the Winged Dragon.

Dear! Warning!

This venue card also has an impact on me, but seeing you like this is really satisfying.

Malik, ever since you smashed the new machine in my shop, you have a recipe for death!

The petty-minded You Miao in turn ended Malik's round forcefully. You come and I go, it's fair and just.

You Miao confirmed this time that Dark Malik really had no tricks. The opponent had zero cards in his hand, and there was only one fusion forbidden area on the field, so he locked up the graveyard.

The Summoning God - Exodia's palms clattered, and as long as You Miao gave the order, it would blast out the fire energy cannon.

Skill activates! !

Bgm draws cards.

Suddenly, You Miao discovered that the skill that had been with him from the beginning had changed quietly.

[Tip: The AI ​​is too compatible with you, and a random skill of yours will be refined. Please use the new skill properly.]

[Skill: Bgm card drawing→There are 3 skills for card drawing]

There are 3 skills for drawing cards:

① When the life value is less than 3000, during the card drawing phase, you can specify a magic card in the deck to be added to your hand.

②When the life value is less than 2000, an extra monster card can appear randomly in the extra deck. Extra monster cards that transcend the era will not appear.

③When the life value is less than 1000, a mysterious card is randomly added to the hand from the mysterious card pool. The card disappears after the duel.

[Tip: This skill can only be used once in a duel, and you must have Dark AI to use it. 】

You Miao's eyes flickered, he was both surprised and excited about this skill.

This skill is equivalent to three skills when broken down!

Skill activates!

There are three skills for drawing cards! !

Specify a magic card from the deck and add it to your hand.

Pull a card! You Miao's hand was wrapped with blue light, and he pulled out a card from the deck.

Before 0 0, the details of the fight between the two winged dragons were modified. Malik initially used life-saving water instead of resurrecting the dead.

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