I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 154 Fusion Prohibition

Oops, I even forgot that Sky Dragon has a hidden effect that can liberate the entire field and destroy cards + draw cards. Jonouchi looked horrified. If Sky Dragon used the hidden effect, then Yu Miao's sharing of the pain would be in vain. .

If we must be serious about this, Malik can also replenish his hand cards through the hidden ability of Sky Dragon. It is definitely more profitable than You Miao!


Something funny happened.

The sky dragon tilted its head and looked down at the controller (Dark Malik) below. He seemed to want to say: Hidden abilities, what international joke are you making?

Use it quickly, use your hidden power! Dark Malik pointed the thousand-year scepter at the sky dragon, and shouted angrily: Didn't you use the hidden effect just now?

Hurry up and give it to me too.

The sky dragon didn't move at all, and he didn't know why.

When controlled by You Miao, he could indeed feel different hidden abilities awakening in his body.

But when controlled by Dark Malik, Sky Dragon discovered that he had the hidden ability of a hammer.

This kid from the tomb-guarding clan is probably not kidding.

Damn it, you're using it, why don't you use it? The six-year-old almost burst into tears. He knew that the sky dragon had fur's hidden ability.

After studying the Card of God for so long, how can a six-year-old not know it?

The question is, how did You Miao use the hidden effect just now?

This person looks like a clown. Peacock Wu brushed away the big waves of her blond hair. She felt embarrassed when she looked at the red-faced An Malik on the stage.

You need to know one thing, this is a live broadcast!

How is Dark Malick’s funny behavior different from that of the Joker?

Humph, you clown. Kaiba Akito said what was in his heart directly without making secret remarks.

But he also thought of one thing, Kaiba secretly looked at Yami Yugi himself.

If the God Card has a hidden effect, will it be available after the game gets the Titan Soldier?

Kaiba suddenly felt itchy and wanted to know the answer.

But his pride did not allow him to ask the other party.

In duel.

Since Dark Malik became the Joker, Sky Dragon did not use the hidden power, under the effect of sharing the pain.

The King of Clowns - Dark Malik, he tearfully liberated the Sky Dragon and sent it back to the cemetery.

——Ah ah ah, You Miao, you are really a sage. Hurry up and tell him the secret to hiding your abilities.

An Malik wanted to say this, but his hatred and pride did not allow him to ask You Miao.

By earning cards from Block Dragon, You Miao has a lot of cards, but he doesn't need these cards for the time being.

Magic card, erase it with the handbook.

Both sides discard the cards in their hands and go to the graveyard, and draw the same number of cards from the deck.

After saying that, You Miao first piled a pile of cards in his hand into the graveyard, and then he started to draw the same number of cards from the deck.

Dark Malik gritted his teeth, and he could only follow suit.

Although the summons are gone, I discard a card in my hand to specially summon the Fantasy Trainee Black Magician in my hand. You Miao revealed the card in his hand, and he sent an old Ai component to the graveyard.

Jump! !


The purple magic circle lights up, and a black-skinned girl magician with yellow hair appears!

[Fantasy Apprentice Magician, 2000 Attack Power, Magician Family]

Maybe the timing was not right when she was summoned. What the dark-skinned girl held in her hand was not a magic wand but a notebook.

That's right, it's the inside book.

The cover is old and the name is very questionable.

The dark-skinned girl realized this, she quickly stuffed the notebook under her skirt, and then took out a normal magic wand!

You Miao was silent.

The people present were also silent.

I didn't see clearly whether the author of that book was Takeda. Before Jonouchi could finish speaking, Maurai slapped the other person to the ground.

Even a six-year-old child has no idea why.

When the Fantasy Apprentice Magician card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned. I can add 1 Black Magician from the deck to my hand.


You Miao pulled out the card that automatically popped out of the deck, and it was the Black Magician.

Magic card, ancient rules. You Miao used the ancient rules to specially summon the black magician he had mastered.


[Black Magician, 2500 attack power, Magician family]

You are worthy of being summoned by two high-level magicians in an instant. You Miao is not inferior to me in the use of magicians. An Yuxi started a business exchange.

If both attacks are successful, then the duel will be won. Kaiba said calmly.

Of course, the premise is that the attack is successful.


You Miao declared an attack and entered the combat stage.

The remaining Gaika of Dark Malik is certainly not a useless fake pit fusion.

This is an attack invincibility card.

Dark Malik uses this trap card to reduce all combat damage he receives this round to 0!

You Miao can only end the round.

In Dark Malik's turn, he has now used two God cards, but You Miao has too many tricks.

Use the Winged Dragon to counter the Winged Dragon, and use cards targeting duelists to get rid of the Sky Dragon.

Dark Malik has never been in such a difficult situation.

But You Miao only had 1,000 health points left.

Isis' soul was still tied to the next door. Dark Malik thought about the situation and found that he was in an invincible position.

Because Dark Malik used fusion.

I want to fuse the regeneration clay in my hand with the trap card reflective metal slime. Dark Malik used this move, he looked at You Miao and shouted.

You Miao was shocked. The trap stuck in his hand was used as a monster to melt?

This is simply not possible under future rules.

But this is DM, or maybe Dark Malik’s speaking skills are not inferior to those of Pharaoh.

Anyway, he really succeeded.

The fusion conditions are: regenerated slime or water attribute monster + reflective metal slime from the trap card!

Gudong Gudong

The power of metal, slime, and water began to twist, and a huge, ugly new slime fusion monster was born.


The shape of this slime fusion monster is completely up to the duelist to shape.

Dark Malik shaped the god slime into the shape of a sky dragon.

[God-Slime, 3000 defense, aquatic]

This god slime was later turned into a real card, but the effect of the anime version is definitely different from the real card.

Hahahaha, as long as I have this strongest shield, I will always be invincible. This is Dark Malik's tactic.

In this duel, God-Slime acts as a duel shield so that Dark Malik will not be harmed.

As for the payment of health points that caused the body to be devoured, the price was transferred to Isis next door.

Let me ask, how could Dark Malik lose?

At this time, the aura emitted by the God Slime was extremely ominous.

This made Yami Yugi's hair stand on end, and his intuition told him that the ability of this monster, which looked like a sky dragon, was definitely not that simple.

Dark Malik took a look at the cards in his hand. He had nothing to do, because there was no magic card to attack quickly, and the fusion monster could not attack during the summoning turn.

Next, he can wait slowly

When you draw a resurrection card, you can continue to use Winged Dragon's phoenix state to kill You Miao instantly!

Hey hey hey, let's be roasted into a roast pig by the mighty flames again, You Miao.

What you did to me can never be forgiven.

Cover a card, my turn is over. Dark Malik said with a smile.

Draw a card! You Miao turned.

This time there was no divine draw, and You Miao only had two cards left in her hand.

If I remember correctly, the anime version of God-Slime inherits the unlimited and cost-free resurrection effect of Regenerative Clay.

As long as it is destroyed, the God-Slime will be resurrected immediately.

So even if you use Fantasy Magician to make Black Magician reach 4500 attack power, it will not help at all.

God-Slime also has the effect that one monster can be used as a sacrifice for three.

When God-Slime is on Dark Malik's field, You Miao's attack target can only be God-Slime itself.

Taunt + infinite resurrection + 3 sacrifices = god slime = absolute shield!

You Miao knows all too well about Dark Malik. This six-year-old's play style always revolves around the Winged Dragon.

He is waiting!

Wait for a card that can recycle or resurrect the Winged Dragon.

If it were recycled, a six-year-old could use god slime as a sacrifice.

It would be more convenient if he was resurrected. The six-year-old could directly use his quick attack ability to hit another wave of quick kills.

If we don't find a way to deal with the God Slime quickly, it will be over. You Miao said in a complicated tone.

Hahahahaha, You Miao, give up. Dark Malik stuck out his tongue, went to the next door and licked the god-slime hard!


Hee hee hee, kimoji~

After Dark Malik finished licking it, he felt refreshed and his thoughts became clear instantly.

You Miao felt disgusted after seeing it.

You Miao, there is only one way for you to win now.

That is the fusion monster card, the Red-Eyed Dragon Knight! !

Dark Malik has to admit that this real red-eyed dragon knight is very strong

Dark Malik had to guard against the terrifying destruction and blood-burning power.

I open the permanent trap card and merge the forbidden area.


A large net surrounded the site.

[Fusion prohibited areas: Players on both sides cannot fuse summons. 】

Wow, this guy is so despicable. He just Fusion Summoned last round, and now he sealed the Fusion Summon. Jonouchi felt that this style of play was very sinister.

Tactics, there is no such thing as this. Fangu, you are obsessed with it. Kaiba said in a somewhat serious tone.

Didn't Jonouchi also use the Dragon Sealing Pot to limit himself in the last duel?

In a duel, there is never such a thing as mean.

As long as you can win.

With the fusion summon blocked, You Miao couldn't summon the Red-Eyed Dragon Knight.

God-Slime's absolute defense has become more solid.

Fusion is banned.

You Miao really wanted to use Hong Daddy to break the situation, but Dark Malik blocked the fusion summon.

Daddy Hong can't come in.

Gamble! You Miao activated the magic card he just drew.

[Seven-Star Sword: Activate by excluding 1 7-star monster from the face-up monsters in your hand or on your field. Draw 2 cards from your deck. 】

Pandora's most loyal servant looked confused.


Under the power of the Seven-Star Sword, the black magician was eliminated.

The red father can't be melted out, and the black magician is useless. It's better to burn it for You Miao to make it glow.

The black magician was in tears!

Drawing two more cards, You Miao continued to check the cards: Angel's charity, draw three cards and discard two.

Brother Deng

Light beast.

These cards were useless, You Miao sent them to the grave.

I put Fantasy Apprentice Magician into a defensive state, cover a card, and end the turn. You Miao defended for the first time in a long time.

At this moment, the god-slime, who inherited the regeneration clay and was resurrected at no cost, has indeed become a strong shield for Dark Malik.

0 0 It's too late. Post it first and change it later.

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